952 Days Since Congress Passed Major Law

t’s been more than two-and-a half years since the United States passed major legislation.

Republicans Blocking Hagel Nomination, For Now

For the moment, Republicans appear to be blocking Chuck Hagel’s nomination to be Secretary of Defense but they don’t seem to know why they’re doing it.

The Hagel Fishing Expedition

The smear campaign against defense secretary nominee Chuck Hagel has taken a bizarre turn.

Hagel Will Be Confirmed, But The Hagel Battle Tells Us Much About The GOP

Chuck Hagel will be confirmed, but the campaign against him tells us much about the current state of Republican foreign policy

McConnell And Reid Reach Filibuster Deal

Once again, the filibuster survives. Nobody should be surprised.

No “Nuclear Option” On Filibuster Reform

Once again, Harry Reid is pursuing a far less ambitious filibuster reform package than originally threatened.

The Disappearing Presidential Honeymoon

Presidential honeymoons aren’t what they used to be, and President Obama’s second term honeymoon isn’t likely to last very long.

The Art Of Compromise

You can’t always get what you want.

Institutions Matter: Just Look at the Congress

Representative democracy is a process of delegation of power to agents who act on behalf of citizens. The process of delegation matters.

Federal Court Dismisses Lawsuit Challenging Filibuster

An attempt to declare the filibuster unconstitutional has ended in failure.

With Five Days Left, No Fiscal Cliff Deal In Sight

With less than a week left, the odds of a deal to avert the “Fiscal Cliff” seem longer than ever.

A Couple of Quick Comments on Rice

Well. medium length anyway.

Democrats May Be Short On Votes For Filibuster Reform

Harry Reid appears to be short of the votes he needs to enact filibuster reform.

McConnell Not Willing to Raise Taxes to Avoid Fiscal Cliff

Obama thinks he has a mandate to raise taxes on high earners. Republicans think they have a mandate to stop him.

Filibuster Reform On The Agenda In 2013?

Once again, Senate Democrats are talking about filibuster reform, but will they actually follow through?

Why Romney?

Why I supported Mitt Romney despite his constant flip-flopping, fibbing, and fecklessness.

Obama Meets With Liberal Journalists!

President Obama had some prominent liberal journalists over for coffee.

The West Wing And American Politics

Not surprisingly, television and reality don’t really coincide.

Prospects For GOP Senate Takeover Appear To Be Slipping Away

It’s looking less likely that the GOP will be able to gain control of the Senate.

The State of the GOP

There is much to critique in Washington, but the nexus of the governance problem at the moment is the GOP.

Yes, The GOP Can, And Likely Will, Repeal ObamaCare in 2013 If They Win In November

If the GOP wins in November, there will be very few actual barriers in the way if they really want to repeal the PPACA.

Repeal and the Mechanisms of American Government

Electing Romney hardly means repeal of the PPACA, even if he will make it sound that way.

Is The Supreme Court A “Threat” To Democracy? Of Course Not

In advance of tomorrow’s ruling, some pundits on the left are displaying some very odd views on the role of the law in American politics.

Congress and Insider Trading

Congressmen are investing hundreds of millions of dollars in stock in companies over which they have oversight. And it’s perfectly legal.

The DREAM Act and the 60-vote Senate

The history of the DREAM Act underscores the significance of the 60-vote Senate.

Signs Our Government Is Broken: The Judicial Vacancy Problem

As of today, there are 75 vacant Federal Judgeships, including one that has been open for seven years.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Diplomacy By Other Means Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Romney Trailing Obama Among Hispanics By Wide Margin

The GOP has a serious problem with the Latino vote, and it may too late to fix it.

Democratic Senators Unleash Tax Vendetta Against Eduardo Saverin

Eduardo Saverin has become a political whipping boy.

Common Cause Files Ridiculous Lawsuit Against The Filibuster

Common Cause has filed a specious lawsuit alleging that the filibuster is unconstitutional.

Get Rid Of Recall Elections

Recall elections in a hyper-partisan atmosphere are not a good thing.

Harry Reid Calls For Filibuster Reform, 15 Months Too Late

Harry Reid is apparently regretting not going forward with filibuster reform in January 2011.

President Obama Much Bigger Fan of Executive Power Than Senator Obama

Charlie Savage documents a major shift in Barack Obama’s philosophy of presidential authority.

Institutional Parameters Matter

The Senate didn’t have a productive 2011. Is this just a case of laziness?