The End Of The Draft

Koch Brothers Under the Microscope

A major backer of Republican and Libertarian causes is under fire.

Fact Checking Mitt Romney’s Claim That the President Has “Apologized For America”

During last night’s debate, Mitt Romney repeated a charge that has become part of the conservative zeitgeist. But is it true?

At U.N., Obama Says There Are No Shortcuts To Peace

President Obama explained his position on the Palestinian statehood resolution today, but one wonders if anyone listened.

Thoughts About The Constitution On Constitution Day

Where do we stand after 224 years?

Would America Be Better Off With A Parliamentary Government?

Is America’s political system to blame for our current problems?

Libya Exposes Transatlantic Contradictions

My first piece for CNN has been posted at Fareed Zakaria’s Global Public Square.

Libya Not Vindication for NATO, It’s a Wake-up Call

My latest for The National Interest is posted under the somewhat misleading headline “NATO Fails in Libya.”

Do Earthquakes Stimulate the Economy?

Either a bunch of bloggers or one of the world’s smartest economists doesn’t understand economics.

Panetta: At Least Some Non-Combat Troops Will Remain In Iraq After 2011

Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta gave the strongest signal ever that there will be some U.S. military presence in Iraq after December 31st.

US Competitive Balance

Not only is the US outspending all our allies and competitors combined in real dollars on defense, we’re doing so in terms of GDP as well.

Is 2011 Another 2008? Or Another 1931?

Dan Drezner believes those worrying that we’re seeing the global meltdown of 2008 repeat itself are kidding themselves.

Veto Players and Governance

A political science-y response to the question of whether the system is broken.

World Reacts To U.S. Debt Downgrade

Like the rest of us, financial analysts across the globe are trying to figure out what the U.S. debt downgrade means.

Syrian Crackdown Continues, International Options Limited

International options with respect to Syria are limited and likely to have little impact on the governments treatment of civilians.

Syrian Troops Continue Crackdown Amid International Pressure

The world is starting to denounce the crackdown in Syria, but the reaction seems unlikely to go much beyond strongly worded statements.

A Russian Looks at the War in Libya

A take on the conflict that’s probably different from the one you’ve been reading.

Supreme Court Asked To Decide If “Born In Jerusalem” Means “Born In Israel”

The Supreme Court is being asked to decided if Congress can overrule a foreign policy position the U.S. has held since 1948.

U. S. to Recognize Libyan Rebels

Move eases way to providing funding to the rebels.

America At 235

Some thoughts on the American experiment at 235 years and counting.

Dominque Strauss-Kahn and the American Justice System

While it’s always dangerous to extrapolate too much from high profile cases to the system as a whole, the strange case of Dominque Strauss-Kahn practically invites it.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn And “Innocent Until Proven Guilty”

Further thoughts on Dominique Strauss-Kahn and our justice system.

Strauss-Kahn Case Falling Apart Over Accuser Credibility

Remember Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the arrogant French aristocrat whose career was ended by a courageous chambermaid, shedding light on a corrupt social system? A funny thing happened on the way to the slammer.

The Beginning Of The End Of America’s Longest War

Last night, the President basically announced that America’s longest war had entered it’s end game.

Dutch to Outlaw Kosher and Halal Slaughter

The Netherlands is considering a new animal cruelty law that would effectively ban kosher and halal slaughter practices.

Is the U.S.-European Relationship Really in Decline?

My latest piece for The Atlantic, “Is the U.S.-European Relationship Really in Decline?” is posted.

Is Obama Bullying Israel on Peace Talks?

The United States is pressuring the Netanyahu government to move off its hard line.

Palin and History

Palin has some odd things to say about US history.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The French Connection Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Red Bull’s Billionaire Maniac

Business Week has a fascinating profile of Dietrich Mateschitz, whom they dub “Red Bull’s Billionaire Maniac.”

Don’t Blame Obama For The Death Of The War Powers Act

It has now been 60 days since American involvement in Libya commenced. Congress has failed to act, and that’s their fault.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Gets Bail

A judge granted Dominique Strauss-Kahn bail on Thursday, allowing the former managing director of the International Monetary Fund to be freed from Rikers Island to stay in a Manhattan apartment while his sexual assault case is pending.

DSK Resigns From IMF

Bowing to the inevitable, Dominique Strauss-Kahn resigned overnight as head of the IMF amidst high-level calls for his ouster in wake of a rape scandal.

Ben Stein’s Odd Response To The Arrest Of Dominique Strauss-Kahn

Ben Stein seems to have been out to lunch when he wrote his column about Dominique Strauss-Kahn

The Odd French Reaction To The Arrest Of Dominique Strauss-Kahn

Some French politicians and intellectuals seem offended that Dominique Strauss-Kahn is being treated like a common criminal.

Pakistan After Bin Laden: Frenemies Forever?

Changing our relationship status to Complicated.

Leading From Behind: To Where?

An aide’s compliment about the president “leading from behind” has generated controversy.

No Matter Where You Go, There Your iPhone Is

Why, yes, my iPhone has indeed been tracking me since last summer.