Trump And Bolton Will Alienate Allies, Embolden Enemies, & Endanger Americans

In selecting John Bolton as his National Security Adviser, Donald Trump has signaled to the world that he’s likely to take action that will only serve to make the world a more dangerous place.

U.S. Expels 60 Russian Diplomats, Closes Seattle Consulate, In Retaliation For Skripal Poisoning

The United States has joined Great Britain and much of Europe in retaliating against Russia for the attempted murder of a former Russian spy on British soil.

Trump’s New Transgender Troop Ban Is As Unconstitutional As The First One

The President’s new attempt to ban transgender Americans from serving in the military is as legally defective as the original ban was.

Mueller Investigating Gulf State Influence, Too

Americans actings as agents for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have been working hard to manipulate the President.

Trump Congratulates Putin On ‘Election’ ‘Win’ Against Advice Of National Security Advisers

President Trump continues to obsequiously praise Russian President Vladimir Putin

Member Of D.C. City Council Blames Recent Snowstorms On Jewish Bankers

A D.C. lawmaker latches on to an insane conspiracy theory.

Mike Pompeo, Donald Trump, And The Iran Nuclear Deal

The selection of Mike Pompeo as the next Secretary of State makes it more likely that President Trump will take the foolish and dangerous step of withdrawing the United States from the nuclear deal with Iran.

Donald Trump Has Already Undermined Any Talks With North Korea

By threatening to withdraw from the nuclear deal with Iran, Donald Trump is making it far less likely that any upcoming talks with North Korea will succeed.

Late Night OTB – Even the Losers

Several versions of a classic from the year I became a fan of rock and roll.

Angela Merkel Reaches Coalition Agreement With S.P.D.

After six months, Angela Merkel has apparently succeeded in forming a coalition government.

The Italian Elections

The latest, and most grave, example of the current tide of right-wing populism can be found in Italy.

Economic Illiteracy from POTUS

The President provided a contender for most ignorant tweet this morning, as he makes a proposal that would disrupt the global economy.

Google Not Required to Vet Websites for Defamatory Content

A German court has ruled that the EU’s “right to be forgotten” does not require search engines to verify sites are free from malicious content before listing them.

Defense Secretary Mattis Leaning Toward Allowing Transgender Troops To Remain In The Military

The Defense Department will reportedly recommend to President Trump that transgender members of the service currently serving in the military be allowed to continue serving.

Trump Announces New Sanctions Against North Korea, But They’re Unlikely To Accomplish Much

President Trump has announced a new round of sanctions against North Korea, but they are unlikely to work given the unrealistic nature of the Administration’s current policy toward North Korea.

Donald Trump’s Dereliction Of Presidential Duty Is Self-Evident

Donald Trump’s dereliction of duty in response to clear evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 election is a staggering and flagrant dereliction of the duties he agreed to take on when he took the Oath Of Office more than a year ago.

Donald Trump’s Own Appointees Are Telling World Leaders To Ignore His Tweets

President Trump’s tweets, other public statements, and actions are causing world leaders to doubt the reliability of the United States on the world stage.

German Air Force Wants F-35; German Government Doesn’t

Pork barrel politics is complicating Germany’s replacement of its 1970s fighter jet.

Polish Senator Says Holocaust Law Also Applies To Holocaust Survivors

Poland’s new Holocaust legislation just keeps sounding worse and worse.

Israeli Police Recommend Charges Against Benjamin Netanyahu

Israeli police have recommended that charges be brought against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Whether that damages him politically remains to be seen.

A Second Brexit Vote? Some Britons Are Asking For One

As Brexit negotiations go on and the consequences of Britain leaving the European Union become clearer, some Britons are starting to ask for a chance at a second referendum.

Of Course Donald Trump Wants A Military Parade

Of course Donald Trump wants a military parade, it would be consistent with his delusions of grandeur.

Polish President Signs Controversial Holocaust Bill Into Law

Poland’s President has signed a controversial bill that purports to criminalize any effort to tie Poland to the Holocaust.

McCain Says Republicans ‘Doing Putin’s Job for Him’

The 2008 Republican nominee for president condemned his party and its president for the release of a controversial memo attacking the FBI.

Many South Koreans Not So Thrilled With The Idea Of A Unified Korea

The recent cooling of relations between North and South Korea has led to some talk of eventual reunification, but for many South Koreans that idea is a non-starter.

Polish Government Sending History Of Polish Collaboration With Nazis Down The Memory Hole

The Polish Government appears ready to approve a law that seeks to whitewash the truth about the role that many Poles played in the Holocaust.

European Allies Rebuffing American Efforts To Renegotiate Iran Nuclear Deal

America’s closest European allies are rebuffing the Trump Administration’s efforts to renegotiate the nuclear deal with Iran. They’re right to do so.

A Strong, But Not Spectacular, Report On Economic Growth

The economy grew in the final quarter of 2017, but at a slower pace than earlier in the year and far slower than what the President has promised.

As Trump Withdraws Into Fortress America, The World Moves On

President Trump has alienated America’s allies and friends, and they are acting accordingly.

Trump Preparing For A Forever War In Syria

While everyone is paying attention to the government shutdown, the Trump Administration is preparing for a never-ending, unwise, and unauthorized military commitment in Syria.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Global Opinion About The United States Dropped Precipitously In Trump’s First Year

Thanks to Donald Trump, public opinion around the world about the United States is at its lowest level in ten years.

Two Republican Senators Rebuke Trump For His Attacks On The Press

Two Republicans spoke out today against the President’s war on the news media, but don’t expect their colleagues to follow suit.

European Allies Signal Trump On Iranian Nuclear Deal: We Don’t Support You

America’s closest allies sent a strong signal that they do not agree with President Trump on the nuclear deal with Iran.

Kim Jong-Un Extends Olive Branch To The South

North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un is extending an olive branch of sorts to South Korea while simultaneously claiming success in achieving a nuclear deterrent.

Happy New Year From Outside The Beltway!

2017 was quite a year. 2018 promises to be just as interesting.

Trump Considered Dumping Gorsuch Over Perceived Disloyalty

Report that President Trump considered withdrawing the Gorsuch nomination are another sign of his unhealthy obsession with pledges of loyalty from people who have no business giving it to him.

Donald Trump’s Foreign Policy Has Been Aimless And Ill-Informed

Donald Trump’s foreign policy has been erratic, illogical, and demonstrated a clear disdain for diplomacy.

Pursuant To Court Order, Defense Department Will Allow Transgender Americans To Enlist

Transgender Americans will be able to enlist in the military beginning January 1st thanks to a ruling from a Federal District Court Judge.

Remember Pearl Harbor?

Yesterday was the seventy-sixth anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. For most Americans, though, it was just another day. That’s only natural.

Russia Barred From 2018 Olympics

Russia has been barred from participating in the 2018 Winter Olympics after an investigation uncovered extensive evidence of cheating.

On German Democracy

Negotiations over government formation is not a crisis.

Trump’s Asian Trip Leaves Allies Wondering And Doubting

President Trump returns home from an Asian trip that wasn’t exactly impressive.

Democratic Candidate Phil Murphy Easily Defeats Kim Guadagno In New Jersey

To nobody’s surprise, a blue state returns to its roots.

Losing Our Religion

Americans as a whole are becoming less religious and some people are panicking about it.

America’s Forgotten, And Forever, Wars

America has become involved in conflicts around the world, largely without the knowledge of the American people or the consent of their representatives, and it doesn’t appear that’s going to end anytime soon.

Obama Blasts Trump’s ‘Politics Of Division’

President Obama spoke out yesterday against his successor and the America he has created.

Trump Decertifies Iranian Compliance With Nuclear Weapons Agreement

Despite the fact that everyone seems to agree that Iran is complying with the nuclear weapons deal, President Trump took steps that will undermine that agreement and do serious damage to American credibility around the world.

Decertifying The Iran Nuclear Deal Would Be A Foolish, Potentially Dangerous, Error

Reports are indicating that President Trump will decertify the nuclear weapons deal with Iran. This would be a foolish and potentially dangerous mistake.