Barney Frank Revises History

Greg Mankiw notes a curious revisionism in Barney Frank’s pronouncements on Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac.

Google’s Self-Driving Car

Once the province of science fiction, a car that can drive itself is now a reality, thanks to Google and DARPA. The implications are mind boggling.

The Dumbest Generation: Does Technology Make Kids Dumb?

Has modern life robbed America’s youth of their ability to think? Or simply caused them to think in different ways about different things?

Political Stink Bugs

Christine O’Donnell Buys Ads on OTB

Christine O’Donnell is buying ads on posts arguing that the party screwed itself by voting for her in yesterday’s Republican primary.

Patent System Broken

Despite constantly hiring more examiners, the patent application backlog is 728,044 and it takes 6 years to get a decision.

Google Instant Searches Before You Type

Google will now display and adjust search results as you type. This should be a boon to searchers and a terror to website operators, who live at the mercy of Google.

Washington Post Columnist Falls For Twitter Fake Congressman Parody

The Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart is suffering a little New Media embarrassment after writing a blog post based on comments by a Congressman who doesn’t exist.

Sexing Up Headlines

It’s getting harder and harder to tell blogs from newspapers.

Overreaction to 9/11?

Fareed Zakaria argues that the fact al Qaeda has not launched a major attack on U.S. soil since 9/11 proves we overreacted to those attacks. I beg to differ.

China in the News

Four news items and articles about China that have caught my eye.

Firefox 4 Beta Incompatible with Gmail

Firefox 4 Beta doesn’t work well with Gmail, or at least Gmail as I have it configured with various Google Labs add-ons like “Send & Archive.”

Breaking: Twitter Doesn’t Matter

Technology guru Leo Laporte had been using Google Buzz to aggregate his social media presence for a few weeks and discovered that his feed had stopped going out and discovered that nobody gave a damn.

Web Is Dead – Long Live the Internet?

Wired proclaims, “The Web Is Dead. Long Live the Internet.” It’s great linkbait but completely wrongheaded.

Rubik’s Cube God’s Number: 20

A mere thirty years after the Rubik’s Cube craze died out, a team of math geeks has proven once and for all that the puzzle can be solved in 20 moves or less from any position.

When Government Hands You Lemons

According to health inspectors in Portland, Oregon, this little girl is potentially a threat to your health and safety.

Google Knows You Better Than You Think

Google has an inordinate amount of information about you and your circle of friends.

SiteMeter Bleg

My SiteMeter statistics have suddenly become much less useful. Any suggestions on how to fix this?

Google and Verizon Test Net Neutrality

Congress has been wrestling with the net neutrality issue for years. Two major players may force a decision soon.

Google Multiple Sign-In Finally Arrives

Google now lets you sign in to multiple accounts in a single browser.

Maureen Dowd: There Aren’t Enough Blacks In The Obama Administration

According to Maureen Dowd, Barack Obama’s biggest problem is that there are too many white people in this picture.

Newt Gingrich: America Should Be More Like Saudi Arabia

Newt Gingrich says that because there are no churches in Riyadh, we shouldn’t allow a mosque in New York.

Joe Biden Fined $219K for Campaign Violations

Biden got hammered by the FEC for violating campaign finance rules. A big fining deal?

Google Search Results Rigged?

Is Google manipulating its search results to keep competitors down? And does its market dominance mean the government should step in?

Pakistan has banned content on more than a dozen websites because of offensive and blasphemous material. The Muslim country, which has laws on dress codes, ranks as the top country to proportionally search for certain sex-related terms. Pakistan has banned content on more than a dozen websites because of offensive and blasphemous material. The Muslim country, which has laws on dress codes, ranks as the top country to proportionally search for certain sex-related terms.

Pakistan Porn Search Leader

Pakistan is the world-wide leader in internet porn searches. And they have some strange tastes over there.

Writing Without Interviewing

Why I didn’t talk to Dave Weigel before writing about him.

Top 100 Websites Illustrate Long Tail

The top 100 sites on the Internet get more than the next 900 combined.

‘Google Me’ New Facebook Competitor

Google is getting serious about launching a Facebook competitor. Is it too late?