Once Again, Romney Wins And Perry Falters In GOP Debate

Last night’s Republican debate is likely to raise more questions about Rick Perry in the minds of voters.

Rick Santorum Challenges Google

Rick Santorum is tired of “filth” atop Google searches for his name and wants the company to do something about it.

Supreme Court To Rule On Warrentless GPS Tracking

In its upcoming term, the Supreme Court will examine the question whether police can track people via GPS without first obtaining a warrant.

George Lucas To Continue Killing Star Wars In Blu-Ray Release

George Lucas is once again “enhancing” his epic films for the upcoming Blu-Ray release.

Journalists Lean Left

America’s journalists are far more liberal than America.

Would Not Running For POTUS Make Sarah Palin Irrelevant?

Her appeal is not her ideas, policies, or achievements but her personality and appeal to the red meat base.

Do Earthquakes Stimulate the Economy?

Either a bunch of bloggers or one of the world’s smartest economists doesn’t understand economics.

A Boy Named Stilgherrian

When one adopts a one-word pseudo-elfin name, one might expect a spot of trouble

Al Franken Distorts CDC Study to Claim Distortion of Study

Senator Al Franken called Focus on the Family’s Tom Minnery a liar in yesterday’s hearing on DOMA. Franken was the one being dishonest.

Evidence Of Prosecutorial Misconduct In Casey Anthony Trial

Even if Casey Anthony had been convicted, there’s a good chance she would have won on appeal.

The Final Flight Of Atlantis And The Future Of Space Travel

A space shuttle lifted off for the last time on Friday, and some people seem to think its the beginning of the end of America.

Patently Absurd: America’s Bizarre Intellectual Property Laws

Microsoft is making millions from Android phones, despite having nothing to do with designing, marketing, manufacturing, or distributing them.

Jungle Alien Loon Likes Pawlenty

A retiree with some rather strange views hosted a Tim Pawlenty event.

Understanding Michele Bachmann

Michele Bachmann is not Sarah Palin.

Class Times and Drinking Behavior

A new study shows that college students who take late classes drink more alcohol.

Pawlenty’s “Google Test”

Pawlenty proposes the “Google test.”

Paul Revere’s Ride: Don’t Know Much About History

If there’s anything all sides should be able to agree on after several days of back-and-forth is that most of us didn’t really know the story.

Republicans and Black Candidates

Do Republicans like Herman Cain because he’s black?

The Twitter Trap?

Has technology robbed us of more than it’s given in return?

Texas Cheerleader Who Refused to Cheer Rapist Loses in Court

A Texas high school student who was kicked off her high school’s cheerleading squad after refusing to cheer for her rapist had her lawsuit dismissed as frivolous and was ordered to pay $45,000 in legal fees.

Google Loses Belgian Copyright Case

Local newspapers in Belgium inexplicably don’t want to be linked by Google and are using copyright law rather than a robots.txt file to enforce their wishes.

Google’s Android Phones Also Collecting User Location Data

Apple isn’t the only company collecting data off their smartphones.

Andrew Bacevich: Three Harpies?

Andrew Bacevich refers to Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, and Samantha Power as “the Three Harpies.”

Presidential Shutdown Propaganda via OPM?

Agency heads are pleading President Obama’s case in advance of a shutdown.

YouTube as TV Alternative

Video entertainment is moving in two seemingly opposite directions simultaneously.

Explaining the NYT Paywall

Philip Greenspun wonders, “How did the New York Times manage to spend $40 million on its pay wall?”

The “Is Economics a Science” Debate, from a Darwinian Perspective

Evolution is falsifiable and biology is a science. Economics might be.

Information Overload Not New

While complaints that there’s too much information for intellectuals to sort through, much less read, are constant, they’re not new. Harvard historian Ann Blair argues in her new book Too Much to Know: Managing Scholarly Information Before the Modern Age that this stress goes back at least to Seneca’s time.

New York Times Announces Paywall Rates To Begin March 28th

In less than two weeks, much of the content of The New York Times will go behind a paywall.

Atlantis Found?

Archaeologists may have found the lost city of Atlantis. And, no, not the one in the Bahamas.

Facebook Underage Users

Facebook limits accounts to those who say that they are at least 13 years old. Shockingly, some kids lie to get on the popular social network.

Google Addresses SEO Gaming

Google erects some much-needed defenses in the optimization arms race.

Psyops Against Our Own?

Did a unit in Afghanistan engage in an IO operation against U. S. senators?

Scott Walker Didn’t Campaign On This

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker did not campaign on the union-busting package he’s proposing now.

Want A Job: Give Us Your Facebook Password

Should employers be allowed to ask for your Facebook login as a condition of employment?