Bill Gates: The Most Powerful Man in America?

How the richest man in the world quickly changed the education curriculum in 45 states.

The Absurdity Of The “Right To Be Forgotten”

The so-called “right to be forgotten” created by Europe’s highest court is unworkable, and ultimately absurd.

Fifty Senators Call On N.F.L. To Change Redskins Name

Once again, Washington politicians are pontificating about the Washington Redskins.

Federal Judge Strikes Down Wisconsin Voter ID Law

A legal setback for Voter ID laws in Wisconsin.

Republican Candidates Behind In Key Senate Races

It’s a bit too early for Republicans to be celebrating that Senate majority that so many people are predicting.

Republicans Hold Edge In Battle For Senate Control

Thanks to favorable polling numbers and candidate selection, winning the Senate may very well be in the GOP’s grasp.

Kansas Senator Doesn’t Live In Kansas?

Pat Roberts may be facing a Richard Lugar problem in Kansas.

2013: The Year Marriage Equality Won

The year that will soon ended will go down in history as the year that the same-sex marriage debate changed forever.

Appeals Court Refuses To Stay Judge’s Order In Utah Same-Sex Marriage Case

Same-sex marriage remains the law of the land in one of the most conservative states in the nation, at least unless the Supreme Court says otherwise.

The Death of Cursive Writing?

Johnny can’t write, either.

Tea Party Hits New Low In New Poll

The Tea Party hit another new polling low, but that really shouldn’t be much of a surprise.

What’s Wrong with this Picture?

We spend more per capita than any other country in the world and yet we are outperformed on a key metric, life expectancy, by a large number of countries

Governors Only For President?

A top House Republican suggested today that only Governor’s should be President. His argument has both practical and historical merit.

With Republican Help, ENDA Passes Senate

The Employment Non-Discrimination Act passed the Senate yesterday but it’s unlikely to go much further.

Pentagon to Fight 9 States Denying Same-Sex Guard ID Cards

Fifty years after the Stand in the Schoolhouse door, there’s another standoff with recalcitrant states on civil rights.

The Coming GOP Civil War

The shutdown debacle seems destined to lead to a battle between the Tea Party and the more business oriented elements of the GOP

Virginia Governor’s Race Now Looks Like A Democratic Win

Absent an unlikely major change, it looks like the Democrats will win the Governor’s race in Virginia

Sane Republican Minority Prevails

Nearly two-thirds of House Republicans voted for default. They lost.

Time For A GOP/Tea Party Divorce? No, Time To Re-Open The ‘Big Tent’

Much like the Tea Party, David Frum wants to make the GOP tent smaller.

Petty And Childish: Congressman Demands “Respect,” But Doesn’t Know What He Wants

A comment from one Congressman sums up the attitude of the small group of Congressman and Senators who have placed us in this situation.

Gerald Read, 58, Victim in Navy Yard Shootings

Cathy’s husband and Jess’ father, Jer, was killed in the shooting spree at the Navy Yard.

Instead Of Working Hard, Congress Is Hardly Working

Congress isn’t spending much time in Washington these days but that’s only one of the reasons it isn’t accomplishing very much.

Pentagon’s Broken Payroll System

The military’s finance and accounting system has been dysfunctional for decades and is getting worse.

Legal Fight Against Same-Sex Marriage Moves To The States

The marriage equality battle is entering its next phase.

Arizona Law Requiring Proof Of Citizenship To Register To Vote Struck Down By SCOTUS

Today’s decision by the Supreme Court was, on the surface, a victory for Federal Supremacy, but the issue itself is far from resolved.

“Happy Birthday To You” And What’s Wrong With Intellectual Property Law

A song written when Grover Cleveland was President is still protected by Copyright Law. That makes no sense at all.

Neil Armstrong’s Indecipherable Ohio Dialect

The latest theory about what Neil Armstrong said on the moon is based on his boyhood in northwestern Ohio.

John Dingell And The Problem With Long-Term Incumbency

As of today, John Dingell has been a Member of Congress for 20,997 days, a new record. That’s not something to celebrate.

Supreme Court Rejects Appeal Of Ruling Against Effort To Block Planned Parenthood Funding

The Supreme Court declined to accept an appeal of a case in which Indiana’s effort to defund Planned Parenthood had been blocked by a Federal Court.

The Boston Bombings And The Immigration Reform Debate

For better or worse, the attack in Boston is likely to have an impact on the immigration reform debate.

Law School Applications Nearing 30 Year Low

Applications to America’s Law Schools are down, because the nature of the legal profession is changing.

The GOP Civil War Continues Apace

Republicans continue to fight over their party’s future.

40 Years Later, Roe v. Wade Enjoys Majority Support

40 years after Roe v. Wade, support for the decision is still strong, but the effort to restrict it continues apace.

Speaker of the House Jon Huntsman?!

Norm Ornstein may have written the sillest op-ed of 2012.

About Those Secession Petitions

There’s been a bit of buzz of late about the fact that people in several states have filed petitions to secede from the Union. There shouldn’t be.

Anti-Tax Orthodoxy Of House Republicans Looks Like It’s Ready To Crack

As we approach the fiscal cliff, there are signs that House Republicans may not be as rigid as they were the past two years.