Newsweek’s Golden Age

Eleanor Clift reflects on her “final issue after 50 years at Newsweek.”

Ted Cruz and the Fight for the Soul of the Republican Party

With key conservatives pushing for sanity, the grown-ups have a chance to take back the GOP.

Proposed Media Shield Law Leads To Debate Over Who Is A “Journalist”

Who should qualify as a “journalist” for purposes of a “Shield Law?”

David Frost Dead at 74

The pioneering journalist David Frost has died, aged 74 years.

Washington Post To Be Sold To Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos

One of the nation’s papers of record is changing owners for the first time in 80 years.

Bradley Manning Acquitted Of ‘Aiding The Enemy,’ Could Still Face Up To 136 Years In Prison

Bradley Manning was acquitted of the most serious charge against him, but is still likely to spend most of his life in prison.

Groundswell: Conservatives’ Lame Answer to JournoList

Conservatives are doing what the criticized JournoList for doing—even though JournoList didn’t.

How The New York Times Lost Nate Silver

Apparently, there was a culture clash at the Grey Lady.

Federal Court Rules That NY Times Reporter Must Testify In Leak Investigation

Once again, a Federal Court rules that the First Amendment rules does not protect a reporter from being compelled to reveal sources or the results of an investigation.

Jay Rosen Retires From Criticizing CNN

The prominent media critic will no longer bother criticizing CNN for not living up to the standards of the profession.

David Gregory Asks If Glenn Greenwald Should Be Prosecuted

Does David Gregory consider Glenn Greenwald to be a reporter deserving of protection, or “just a blogger” who may be a potential criminal?

NSA PRISM Story Overhyped

Not only do we not know the whole story of the NSA data mining operation, key details of what thought we knew are wrong.

Douglas Shulman’s 157 Visits To The White House: Less Than Meets The Eye

Apparently, some people don’t want to let the facts get in the way of a good conspiracy theory.

Bloggers, Media Shield Laws, And The First Amendment

Should bloggers be treated the same as “journalists” for the purpose of the protections granted by media shield laws?

The Obama Administration’s Leak Investigations Threaten Press Freedom

The Obama Administration’s aggressive pursuit of leaks is threatening freedom of the press.

Diving Deeper into the TIGTA IRS Audit

Inside the Treasury Department’s Inspector General for Tax Administration investigation into the IRS scandal.

Bipartisan Justice Officials Back AP Investigation

Senior DOJ officials from the previous three administrations back the Obama DOJ’s controversial subpoenaing of AP conversations.

Fox Reporter Investigated Under Espionage Act

After many attempts to manufacture grand scandals out of very little, Republicans may finally have a legitimate outrage on their hands.

The New Normal Ain’t Normal

A generation of kids with massive student loans and no prospects is bad news for the status quo.

POLITICO to Charge More in Places Where It’s Less Popular

POLITICO is joining the stampede toward metered paywalls. In a twist, it will remain free in regions where it’s most popular.

Gun Crime Down, But Americans Think It’s Up

The reality of gun violence in the United States is far different from the story the media is telling us.

Tom Brokaw Disses Nerdprom

Tom Brokaw has some good criticisms of what the White House Correspondent’s Association Dinner has turned into.

Al Neuharth, Founder of USA Today, Dies At 89

The man who changed the way Americans viewed newspapers, just before newspapers themselves began getting pushed aside by technology, has died at the age of 89.

The Day CNN Melted Down In Boston

Yesterday was not a good day for the Cable “News” Network.

Fox News Reporter Faces Potential Jail Time For Refusing To Disclose Source

A Fox News reporter may go to jail for refusing to reveal a source. Should journalists have an absolute testimonial privilege?

News Industry In Crisis But News Reporting Better Than Ever

Matt Yglesias has a smart push-back against the lamentations of the decline of journalism.

Journalism Doesn’t Pay

There’s no money in wri

Bloomberg Businessweek’s Unintentionally Racist Cover Art

So, whoever approves cover art at Bloomberg BusinessWeek thought this was a good idea.

Conservative News Consumers Again Surprised By Obvious

The Hagel confirmation, like Obama’s election, was big news to some avid news consumers.

Ezra Klein’s Meteoric Rise

How he went from Juicebox Mafia member to the most important young journalist in DC.

Andrew Sullivan Gives The Boeing Back

The world’s most prolific blogger is leaving corporate media and opening the tip jar.

A 2013 Reading Guide: Challenge Yourself

For the New Year, how about challenging your ideas just a little bit?

D.C. Police Investigating NBC’s David Gregory On Violation Of Gun Laws

Did NBC’s David Gregory violate D.C. law on Sunday?

Pot Calls The Kettle Hack

Alex Pareene’s annual hack list omits an obvious candidate: Alex Pareene.

National Journal Fails As Politico Killer

There aren’t enough readers who want political reporting that’s “more substantive than POLITICO and much more sophisticated than C.Q.” and willing to pay for it.

Petraeus Hindsight Bias

As is often the case with sex scandals, pretty much everything ever written about General David Petraeus takes on an ironic double meaning in hindsight.

Has Nate Silver Ruined Politics?

Is the triumph of political forecasting good for our democracy?