Calling Out Pundits And Politicians When They’re Wrong

Why do pundits who are consistently wrong keep getting invited to be on television?

Is Accuracy Racist?

Is quoting President Obama without fixing his grammar “racist”? Some say it is.

Why Congressional Staffers Lobby

Ezra Klein argues that there aren’t many jobs for which Hill experience is an asset.

Is Twitter Killing Political News?

The rapid spread of information on Twitter is challenging POLITICO’s business model.

Journalists Lean Left

America’s journalists are far more liberal than America.

What’s Wrong With Political Reporting?

Political journalists aren’t like you and me. Well, you, anyway.

Media Ignorance: Dog Bites Man

Political journalists are asking clumsy, ignorant, and intolerant questions. Film at 11.

Oslo Shooter Anti-Muslim Christian Extremist

The death toll in Norway’s deadliest day of terrorism is up to 91. The man behind it, 32-year-old Anders Behring Breivik, is a frequent poster of anti-Muslim screeds on Christian fundamentalist websites.

NewsCorp Strikes Back

WSJ has a blistering editorial seeking to put the NewsCorp hacking scandal in perspective.

News as a Public Good

Real news reporting has never paid for itself. But the days of it being subsidized by the local car dealer are rapidly ending.

Gene Weingarten: Branding is Ruining Journalism

Gene Weingarten is not a fan of journalists building a brand.

Bloggers Not Protected By Journalist Shield Law, New Jersey Court Rules

In a decision released yesterday. the New Jersey Supreme Court clarified the journalist/blogger distinction somewhat.

Newsweek Mitt Romney Mormons Cover

Another sad chapter in the slow death of a once proud magazine.

The Odd French Reaction To The Arrest Of Dominique Strauss-Kahn

Some French politicians and intellectuals seem offended that Dominique Strauss-Kahn is being treated like a common criminal.

Osama bin Laden’s Death News Broken on Twitter

Keith Urbahn, chief of staff of former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld, broke the news.

Obama Blames Media (And A Certain “Carnival Barker”) For Birther Nonsense

President Obama chided the media for paying too much attention to the birther issue, but his criticism was unwarranted.

Sexism Parody Demonstrates Lack of Sexism

A handful of young male bloggers have launched themselves to the head of the line, leapfrogging those who’ve spent years playing the game by the old rules.juice

Newspaper Job Ad Goes Viral

Matthew Doig of the Sarasota Herald-Tribune posted a want ad for an investigative reporter and it’s gone viral.

Radley Balko Joins HuffPo Collective

Radley Balko and his blogs are moving to Huffington Post.

Cable News Viewership Down Across The Board

Fewer Americans are watching cable news networks, and that’s not surprising.

Another Reason Never To Trust Edited Video From James O’Keefe

Glenn Beck’s own website discovers some interesting, and ethically disturbing, editing in the latest round of video’s from “ACORN Pimp”James O’Keefe.

New Media Sucks; So Did Old Media

While there are doubtless flaws with the journalistic values and culture of the New Media, we too often contrast today with a Golden Age of Media that never existed.

Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Prevent Abortions

PP’s intensive effort to recast itself as a preventer of abortions doesn’t bear scrutiny.

Andrew Sullivan Joins Daily Beast

While the prestige outlets of the halcyon days of the last millennium still hold some cachet for those of us old enough to remember that era, they mean next to nothing on the Web.

Churnalism Exposes News As PR

A new site will identify news articles based on press releases rather than journalism.

Jay Carney Paid $270,000 By TIME While Working For Biden

Politico (Jay Carney got $270K from Time magazine after leaving) has uncovered a major payola scandal. Or is hyping a complete non-story.

Obama’s Propaganda Machine

The White House Press Office produces a blog, YouTube channel, Flickr photo stream, Facebook and Twitter profiles, and daily video programming.

Shirley Sherrod Sues Andrew Breitbart

Shirley Sherrod’s lawsuit against Andrew Brietbart promises to be an interesting test of the boundaries of defamation law in the political blogosphere.

Sports Illustrated Ends Print-Only Subscriptions

Sports Illustrated is trying to force subscribers to pay for a bundle of web and print services. Bad idea.

You Can Never Please A Palin Supporter

The same people who were complaining a week ago that the media was obsessed with Sarah Paln are now complaining that a media figure has suggested she doesn’t deserve the coverage she gets.

Sarah Palin Responds To The Response Over Her Response To The Arizona Shootings

Sarah Palin was “interviewed” by Sean Hannity last night. I doubt she helped herself.

Too Many PhDs

We’re producing more PhDs and JDs than there are full time openings for professors and lawyers.

Wikileaks, The Pentagon Papers, And The First Amendment

The lawyer who argued The Pentagon Papers case points out how Julian Assange is not Daniel Ellsberg, and how prosecuting him could have disastrous results for press freedom in the United States.

Jon Stewart As Edward R. Murrow?

Is Jon Stewart the next Edward R. Murrow? No.

Afghanistan Still America’s Forgotten War

Unless you paid close attention, you probably missed most of the coverage of the war in Afghanistan in 2010.

WikiLeaks and Journalism’s Future

Has WikiLeaks changed journalism forever?

Investigative Journalism, RIP

The Washington Independent goes dark in December, failing to find profitability in three years.

Partisanship, Segmentation and the Mass Media

Is the current media environment a problem for proper political discourse?