A Simple Question in re: Islam and US Politics

A major part of the problem with the seeming growing wave of anti-Muslim sentiment in some quarters of US politics is that it seems to equate Islam as “the enemy.” If that’s the case, then US foreign policy has some ‘splainin’ to do.

Is The GOP Anti-Islamic ? No, But They Are Playing With Fire

The GOP is playing a dangerous game with the anti-Islamic rhetoric that it seems to be courting these days.

Politics And The “Ground Zero Mosque”

President Obama’s decision to speak out on the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque” has turned what was a hot-button cable news item into a political issue that even his fellow Democrats don’t want to deal with.

Republicans Splitting On 14th Amendment “Reform”

There isn’t as much GOP unity over the idea of changing America’s citizenship rules as you might think.

Conservatives Suddenly Love Hillary Clinton

Conservatives seem very eager for Hillary Clinton to get back on the campaign trial, but it’s not going to happen.

Republicans Avoiding Gay Marriage Ruling

The Republican Party is keeping relatively quiet on the Proposition 8 ruling. That’s a good idea.

McConnell to Franken: This isn’t ‘SNL’

Mitch McConnell and Al Franken provide a lesson in Senate comity.

Senate Tables DISCLOSE Act, For Now

Thanks to a united Republican Caucus, the Senate failed to take up a deeply flawed campaign finance “reform” bill.

JournoList: Conspiracy, Scandal, Or Locker Room Trash Talk ?

JournoList’s archives have been making headlines at The Daily Caller, but there doesn’t seem to be any substance to the allegations of scandal.

Conservative Media Bias

Conservatives have long complained about liberal media bias. But conservative media seems to be much worse.

Andrew Sullivan Dives Right Back Into Trig Trutherism

Andrew Sullivan is back from vacation and back obsessing over the birth of a two-year old kid in Alaska.

DC Elites Different!

Affluent, educated people in the DC policy community hold different views than the larger American public.

Joe Biden Fined $219K for Campaign Violations

Biden got hammered by the FEC for violating campaign finance rules. A big fining deal?

Gloves Coming Off As Romney Aide Attacks Palin

The Palin and Romney camps have already started trading barbs in what could be a preview of the race for the GOP nomination in 2012.

The Capital Strike Of 2010

American businesses are sitting on a big pile of cash, and giving no indication that they have any intention of spending it any time soon.

A Contrarian View Of The New Black Panther Case

One conservative argues that the “scandal” over the New Black Panther Party’s alleged voter intimidation is a tempest in a teapot.

A Return to AZ Crime Levels

Let’s revisit the question of crime levels in Arizona.

Democrats Seeing Wall Street Backlash?

Two widely-hyped reports have Wall Street firms donating less money to Democrats as payback for financial reform efforts. But a closer look reveals no such thing.

Bogus Polling May Have Influenced Arkansas Senate Race

The Democratic Senate primary in Arkansas may have been influenced by questionable poll results from Research 2000.

Andrew Breitbart Offers $ 100,000 For JournoList Archives

If you know where the JournoList archive is, Andrew Breitbart has got some cash for you.

Robert Byrd, Emperor Palpatine of Pork

The late Senator Robert Byrd’s legacy as the master of pork barrel spending is secure.

As Kagan Hearings Begin, Republicans Struggle For Line Of Attack

As Elena Kagan’s confirmation hearings begin, Senate Republican’s seem to have very little to hold against her.

Robert Byrd Dead at 92

Senator Robert Byrd has died at 92, after years of poor health.

Did Rolling Stone Violate Journalistic Ethics In McChrystal Interview ?

Does it matter if the controversial McChrystal comments were “off the record” ? No, it doesn’t.

Dave Weigel Resigns

You know who would be a good replacement for him at the Right Now blog? David Petraeus.