The Strange World of Shepard Smith

Having journalistic integrity at the Fair and Balanced network has never been more challenging.

Mike Pompeo, Donald Trump, And The Iran Nuclear Deal

The selection of Mike Pompeo as the next Secretary of State makes it more likely that President Trump will take the foolish and dangerous step of withdrawing the United States from the nuclear deal with Iran.

Trump White House ‘Most Toxic Working Environment on the Planet’

According to one insider, “There’s no leadership, no trust, no direction and this point there’s very little hope.”

The Pompeo And Haspel Nominations Could Be In Trouble In The Senate

The nominations of Mike Pompeo and Gina Haspel could be in trouble in the Senate.

Trump’s Pick For New C.I.A. Director Has a Troubling Record On Torture

By all accounts, Gina Haspel is exceedingly well qualified to be the next C.I.A. Director, but she has a troubling past that the Senate will need to at least force her to answer questions about.

Tillerson’s Ouster Was Hardly A Surprise

While the nature of Rex Tillerson’s firing as Secretary of State was shocking in its abruptness, taken in context with the rocky nature of his tenure it was hardly surprising.

Russians Behind Nerve Agent Attack on British Soil. Now What?

The British prime minister and outgoing US Secretary of State declared a red line crossed. There’s no reason to think this White House will follow through.

Who is Mike Pompeo?

Rex Tillerson was an awful Secretary of State who simply had to go, It’s quite possible his successor will be an even greater disaster.

Tillerson out at State

Next up: Pompeo

State Department Has Spent None of its $120 Million Budget to Protect Against Russian Interference

While Team Trump has gone out of its way to waylay the Russia investigation, this may not be is part of that effort.

More Turmoil Ahead for Trump White House

Staffers are fleeing the administration like rats from a sinking ship.

NSA Has Received No Orders To Act Against Russian Interference In 2018 Election

President Trump continues to deny the reality of Russian interference in the 2016 campaign, and he’s failing to act to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Mexican President Cancels Visit To U.S. After ‘Testy’ Phone Call With Trump About Border Wall

Mexico’s President canceled a visit to the United States for the second time since Donald Trump became President due to a continued disagreement over who will pay for Trump’s border wall.

National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster On His Way Out?

National Security Adviser H.L. McMaster is the latest person rumored to be considering moving on from the Trump Administration.

Donald Trump’s Own Appointees Are Telling World Leaders To Ignore His Tweets

President Trump’s tweets, other public statements, and actions are causing world leaders to doubt the reliability of the United States on the world stage.

Trump Still Doesn’t Believe Russia Interfered In The 2016 Election

Despite what his own intelligence chiefs are saying, President Trump still does not believe that Russia interfered in the 2016 election.

Intelligence Chiefs Warn Of Russian Plans To Interfere In Midterm Elections

Intelligence officials are warning that the Russians are set to seek to influence the 2018 elections just as they did in 2016. Despite this, the Trump Administration refuses to acknowledge this publicly while the President seeks to undermine the investigation into past Russian interference.

Trump Administration Admits 2018 Elections Are Vulnerable To More Russian Interference

Administration officials are admitting that it’s likely that Russia will try to interfere in the midterm elections just as it did in 2016, but they don’t seem inclined to do anything about it.

Congress Heads Toward Another Budget Deadline With No Apparent Deal In Sight

The current budget deal expires in six days and Congress doesn’t seem to know what it’s going to do about it.

Don’t Bother Searching For A ‘Trump Doctrine,” There Won’t Be One

When it comes to foreign policy, Donald Trump has no over-arching philosophy and little knowledge, so don’t expect anything approaching a coherent doctrine from his Administration.

European Allies Rebuffing American Efforts To Renegotiate Iran Nuclear Deal

America’s closest European allies are rebuffing the Trump Administration’s efforts to renegotiate the nuclear deal with Iran. They’re right to do so.

Trump Preparing For A Forever War In Syria

While everyone is paying attention to the government shutdown, the Trump Administration is preparing for a never-ending, unwise, and unauthorized military commitment in Syria.

European Allies Signal Trump On Iranian Nuclear Deal: We Don’t Support You

America’s closest allies sent a strong signal that they do not agree with President Trump on the nuclear deal with Iran.

Donald Trump: Working Hard, Or Hardly Working?

New reports indicate that the President is spending more and more time watching television and tweeting. That’s not what he was elected to do.

Trump Considered Dumping Gorsuch Over Perceived Disloyalty

Report that President Trump considered withdrawing the Gorsuch nomination are another sign of his unhealthy obsession with pledges of loyalty from people who have no business giving it to him.

Rex Tillerson Appears To Be On The Way Out

It appears that Rex Tillerson’s days at the State Department may be numbered, but his proposed replacement leaves a lot to be desired.

Presidential Authority To Order Nuclear Launches In The Trump Era

Is it time to reexamine Presidential authority to launch a nuclear strike?

Trump’s Asian Trip Leaves Allies Wondering And Doubting

President Trump returns home from an Asian trip that wasn’t exactly impressive.

There Are Two Options When It Comes To North Korea, And Only One Of Them Makes Sense

On North Korea, there are two options, deterrence and war. And only one of those options makes sense.

Don’t Expect Other Republicans To Speak Out Against Trump Like McCain, Corker, And Flake Have

Due mostly to cowardice and naked self-interest, you shouldn’t expect many other Republicans to speak out against Trump in the near future.

Trump Decertifies Iranian Compliance With Nuclear Weapons Agreement

Despite the fact that everyone seems to agree that Iran is complying with the nuclear weapons deal, President Trump took steps that will undermine that agreement and do serious damage to American credibility around the world.

Donald Trump’s Disturbing Obsession With, And Ignorance About, Nuclear Weapons

Donald Trump continues to be as astoundingly ignorant about the most powerful weapons the U.S. military possesses as he was as a candidate.

Report Says Tillerson Reportedly Called Trump A “Moron,” Considered Resigning

Tensions continue to rise between the White House and Foggy Bottom.

Trump Undermines His Own Secretary Of State’s Efforts On North Korea

Donald Trump is undermining his own Secretary of State’s efforts on North Korea, and he doesn’t seem to care.

U.S. Won’t Recognize Kurdish Independence Referendum

The U.S is joining the rest of the world in refusing to recognize the independence referendum conducted by Iraqi Kurds.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Most Americans See Trump As Divisive

A new poll shows, unsurprisingly, that the vast majority of Americans see Donald Trump as a divider rather than a uniter

North Korea Conducts Sixth Nuclear Test

More provocative action from North Korea, and another reminder that there are no easy answers to the problems represented by the Kim regime.

Defense Secretary Mattis Joins Tillerson In Rebuking Trump Over Charlottesville

Another Cabinet member rebukes the President for his comments about Charlottesville.

Rex TIllerson Throws Trump Under The Bus Over Charlottesville Response

Donald Trump’s Secretary of State is refusing to defend his response to the violence in Charlottesville.

What Would It Take For Republicans To Abandon Trump?

Donald Trump’s core supporters in the Republican Party remain intensely loyal, and that seems unlikely to change.

North Korea Passes Key Nuclear Threshold

Things are getting far more complicated on the Korean Peninsula. Diplomacy isn’t working, and a military option would most likely lead to disaster.

Rex Tillerson Clashing With White House Over Personnel And Other Issues

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is apparently chafing under a White House that isn’t letting him do his job.

Withdrawal From The Paris Accords: Much Ado About Nothing?

President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accords was neither the big win his supporters claim nor the disaster his critics fear.

Trump Reportedly Ready To Withdraw U.S. From Paris Climate Accord

Reports indicate that President Trump is preparing to fulfill a campaign promise and withdraw the U.S. from the accord on climate change reached in Paris in 2015.

Senior White House Official Is ‘Person Of Interest’ In Russia Investigation

The Russia investigation seems to be getting closer to the Oval Office.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Another Week, Another Demonstration Of President Trump’s Dangerous Incompetence

President Trump’s decision to share highly classified information with the Russians is yet another demonstration of his dangerous hubris and incompetence.

Evaluating Trump’s First 100 Days

After 100 days in office, President Trump has very little to show for his work except to show that there’s no reason to trust his judgment going forward.