Supreme Court Appears Skeptical Of Challenge To Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban

The Supreme Court heard oral argument in the challenge to President Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban. It didn’t appear to go well for the challengers.

The End Of The Credit Card Signature

The next time you sign a credit card receipt could be the last.

Will Mexico Pay for the Wall?

The answer is, of course, no. Really, this is a post about the wall as policy.

Central American Migrant Caravan Headed This Way

More than 1200 refugees, mostly from Honduras, are trying to come to the United States. What should we do about it?

Ranting On Twitter, Trump Says “No More DACA Deal”

In a bizarre Twitter rant, President Trump declared a DACA deal “dead,” blaming Democrats when it’s clear that it’s largely his fault.

Proposal to Tie Some Visas to Social Media Checks

Under the proposal certain visa-seekers (such as China and India) would have to have their social media presence scrutinized.

Supreme Court Rebuffs Trump Administration On DACA

The Supreme Court has declined an invitation to intervene early in the legal arguments surrounding DACA.

Republicans Risk Getting The Blame If DACA Fix Fails

A new poll suggests that Republicans would get the blame if Congress fails to pass a bill to protect DACA beneficiaries.

With Congress On Recess, The Fate Of DACA Looks Grim

The prospects for extending legal protections for DACA beneficiaries are getting grimmer by the day.

Why Aren’t Nonprofits More Regulated?

A series of scandals at Oxfam and other charitable organizations raise troubling questions.

Senate Rejects Four Different Proposals To Extend DACA Benefits

The prospect for a fix to help DACA beneficiaries is looking gloomier than ever.

Bipartisan Group Of Senators Proposes A DACA Fix, But Its Fate Is Unclear

A bipartisan group of Senators has proposed a largely reasonable fix to the DACA problem, but its fate remains unclear.

DACA Debate Going Slowly In The Senate

With time seemingly running out, the Senate debate over extending DACA is moving slowly.

Yes, DACA Beneficiaries And Other Illegal Immigrants Should Be Able To Become Citizens

One of the main objections that many on the right seem to have to proposals to legalize DACA beneficiaries and other illegal immigrants is the idea that they could eventually become citizens. There’s no good reason they shouldn’t be able to do so.

Most Americans Want Congress To Reach A DACA Deal, But Oppose Linking It To The Budget

A new poll indicates that most Americans support a DACA deal, but don’t think it should be linked to measures to avoid a government shutdown.

Prospects For A DACA Deal Still Not Looking Good

Congress seems no closer to a DACA deal than they were in January.

After A Year Of Unparalleled Divisiveness, Trump Tries To Sell Unity At State Of The Union

The President talked about national unity last night, but given his own rhetoric as a candidate and as a President, it’s a call that seems to be hypocritical.

Prospects For A DACA Deal Looking Grim

The prospects for a deal in Congress on DACA are starting to look grim.

The Path To A DACA Deal Won’t Be An Easy One

Getting to a DACA deal isn’t going to be easy.

Trump Derides Immigration From ‘Shithole’ Countries

Once again, President Trump opens his mouth and proceeds to insult a good part of the world while embarrassing the country.

Knicks Center Enes Katner To Be Tried In Abstentia For Criticizing President Of Turkey

New York Knicks Center Enes Katner is at the center of an international legal dispute for speaking out against the President of Turkey.

Supreme Court Lifts Injunctions Against Trump Administration’s Muslim Travel Ban Version 3.0

The Supreme Court is allowing the latest version of Donald Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban to go into effect.

Eight Killed and Nearly A Dozen Injured In New York City Terror Attack

A month that was highlighted by the capture of the ISIS capital city of Raqqa ends with an apparent lone wolf ISIS-inspired attack in New York City

Trump Administration Suffers Another Court Defeat On Travel Ban

The Trump Administration has suffered another Court defeat related to the President’s Muslim Travel Ban.

Trump Endorses Plan To Cut Legal Immigration By Half

The President has endorsed a bill that would cut legal immigration in half.

Ninth Circuit Upholds Stay On Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban

The Trump Administration’s Muslim Travel Ban suffers another defeat at the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Donald Trump Undermines Defense Of His Muslim Ban In Morning Tweetstorm

President Trump took to Twitter again this morning and promptly shot himself in the foot.

Ninth Circuit Hears Argument In Muslim Travel Ban Case

Another day in Court for President Trump’s Muslim ban.

Trump’s Revised Muslim Travel Ban Blocked By Two Federal Judges

Two more losses for the Trump Administration.

Hawaii Sues Trump Administration Over Renewed Muslim Ban Executive Order

Hawaii is the first state to challenge the Trump Administration’s revised Muslim travel ban.

Trump Administration Issues Revised Muslim Travel Ban

President Trump has issued a revised ban on travel from six predominantly Muslim nations.

Trump Administration Delays New Muslim Immigration Ban Order

The announcement of a new Muslim travel ban Executive Order has been delayed once again.

Older Brother Of Kim Jong-Un Murdered In Kuala Lumpur

North Korean Intrigue…….

Walls are not Unidirectional

All the effects of a wall, given its cost, needs to be taken into consideration.

Republicans Against Legal Immigration

Two Republican Senators are introducing legislation that would result in drastic reductions in the number of people allowed into the country legally.

Appeals Court Denies Federal Government’s Request For Stay Of Travel Ban Order

An initial setback for the Federal Government in its appeal of the ruling putting President Trump’s Muslim travel ban on hold.

Federal Judge Halts Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban

A legal victory, at least for now, for opponents of Donald Trump’s ban on immigration from seven majority Muslim nations.

Trump Names Judge Neil Gorsuch To Supreme Court

With a relatively smooth announcement, Donald Trump has named a solid and qualified conservative who will likely be confirmed to the nation’s highest court.

More on Megaprojects

Megaprojects are not a partisan thing. Megaprojects are large projects typically costing more than $1 billion and often tens of billions of dollars and impacting the lives of tens of thousands of people if not millions.

Trump Imposes Ban On Travel From Several Muslim Countries, Halts Refugee Program

As expected, Donald Trump yesterday signed Executive Orders targeting Muslims and refugees.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Donald Trump To Take First Weekend As POTUS Off

Donald Trump will take some time off after taking the Oath of Office.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Donald Trump Asks Congress, Not Mexico, To Pay For His Border Wall

Once again, Donald Trump has played his supporters for suckers.

Clinton Foundation Donors Got Access to Secretary of State Clinton

A majority of her non-government visitors coincidentally donated to her nonprofit.

Turkey Apologizes To Russia For Downing Jet

Turkey has issued a formal apology to Russia over the November 2015 downing of a Russian jet that had briefly strayed into Turkish airspace.

Fewer Insults, At Least Some Substance, At Twelfth Republican Debate

Given the stakes headed into the latest version of ‘Super Tuesday,’ last night’s Republican debate was surprisingly subdued.

Trump, Cruz, and Rubio Continue to Exchange Attacks In Eleventh Republican Debate

With time running out, the top three candidates for the Republican nomination picked up right where they left off last week.

Donald Trump Suggests Marco Rubio May Not Be Eligible To Be President

Donald Trump is trolling the depths of the Internet’s conspiracy dungeons once again. This time to raise the largely absurd argument that Marco Rubio may not be eligible to serve as President.

Final Spending Bill Sails Through Congress, Giving Speaker Ryan Another Legislative Win

The final spending bill for the 2016 Fiscal Year sailed through Congress today, marking the end of a very successful first two months in office for Speaker Paul Ryan

FBI: San Bernardino Shooters Tashfeen Malik And Syed Farook Radicalized Years Before Marriage

The Director of the F.B.i. told Congress today that the San Bernardino shooters were apparently radicalized much earlier than previously believed.