San Bernardino Leaves Anti-Terror Policy In Disarray As Obama Prepares To Address Nation

The attack in San Bernardino has seemingly left the Administration’s anti-terror strategy in disarray, so the President is addressing the nation tonight to say, well, something I guess.

San Bernardino Shooter Reportedly ‘Radicalized,’ Wife Pledged Support To ISIS, Before Attack

The probability that the shootings in San Bernardino were at least inspired by ISIS and/or other Jihadist terror networks is increasing.

New Report Finds Widespread Failures At The Secret Service

A new report finds that the problems at the Secret Service are far deeper than previously known.

House Passes Bill To Limit Syrian Refugee Program, But Its Fate Remains Uncertain

With little actual debate and despite Paul Ryan’s promise of a return to ‘regular order,’ the House has passed a hastily drafted bill in response to the largely fear-based response to Syrian refugees in the wake of the Paris attacks.

Scott Walker And Chris Christie Pander To Donald Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Base

Scott Walker and Chris Christie apparently think that the key to turning around their dying campaigns is to pander to the people supporting Donald Trump’s anti-immigration platform.

The “Anchor Baby” Myth

There are no “anchor babies,” there are only Americans.

Donald Trump’s Immigration Plan As Bad As You’d Expect

Donald Trump’s immigration plan is would create a police state, violate people’s rights, and hurt America’s economy. And his supporters will most likely love it.

What Gun Laws Would Help?

David Frum calls for several measures to reduce gun violence.

More Immigrants To The U.S. Come From China And India Than Mexico

The sources of new immigrants to the United States are changing, but it’s unclear if that will have any impact on the political debate over immigration reform.

Republicans Are Talking About Eliminating Birthright Citizenship Again

Republicans on Capitol Hill are talking about fundamentally changing what it means to be an American, and it’s a bad idea.

Yes, Ted Cruz Is A “Natural Born Citizen”

Just in case there’s any question, yes, Ted Cruz is Constitutionally eligible to serve as President.

Black Friday Hits Britain And Other Parts Of Europe

Black Friday chaos has crossed the pond.

Six Observations on Immigration Reform

Some points on the immigration debate that need constant (it seems) reinforcement.

Two Americans Released By North Korea After High Profile Visit

Good news for two released Americans, but no clue what’s motivating North Korea’s latest actions.

Apple Announces iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iWatch, iOS8, and Apple Pay

Apple announced a stunning array of upgraded and new products yesterday.

Rand Paul, Rick Perry Spar Over Foreign Policy

Rick Perry and Rand Paul are highlighting what looks to be a coming battle inside the GOP over foreign policy.

Jose Antonio Vargas Is A Symbol For Immigration Reform, Not A Candidate For Deportation

Jose Antonio Vargas was brought to the U.S. at the age of 12 and never left. Now, some are suggesting he should be deported as soon as possible.

Ingraham’s Immigration Policy Prescriptions

Discussions about immigration policy are, unfortunately, very much like Groundhog Day.

On Immigration, David Brat And The Tea Party Stray From Their Own Principles

There is no such thing as a consistent free market, limited government case in favor of restricting immigration, whether legal or illegal.

The House GOP’s Immigration Principles: A Good Start, But Can They Get Past The Tea Party?

The House GOP leadership’s principles are a good start, but it’s unclear if they can make it past the anti “amnesty” crowd that seems to dominate the GOP.

Child Of Illegal Immigrants Allowed To Become A Lawyer, May Not Be Allowed To Work

An excellent argument for immigration reform can be found in the case of one Californian named Sergio Garcia.

Pentagon Accused Of Moving Slow On Same-Sex Spouses Based Overseas

For some same-sex couples with a military spouse, living together on base is proving difficult to implement quickly.

“Border Security” And GOP Political Pandering

There are many fallacies contained within the GOP’s insistence that immigration reform must begin and end with “border security.”

Texas Voter ID Goes Into Effect, AG Cites Voting Rights Act Decision

Effective immediately, Texans will have to show photo identification to vote.

Glen Coffee, Former Alabama and 49er Football Star, Graduates Airborne School

When Glen Coffee abruptly retired from a promising NFL career, most wondered what he was up to. Now we know.

Border Security, Or Just Immigration Reform Obstructionism?

Opponents of immigration reform are using “border security” as a shield to hide their true desire to kill the very idea of immigration reform.

Obama Unloads Immigration Detention Centers Ahead of Sequester

Hundreds of illegal immigrants have been released from detention ahead of possible budget cuts.

Marco Rubio’s Common Sense Immigration Reform Ideas

Marco Rubio has some good immigration reform ideas. Will his fellow Republicans listen to him?

US Government Spying on Innocent Citizens, Just In Case

Remember when the Bush administration was spying on calls Americans made overseas without a warrant? Those were the good old days.

DOMA, Double Standards, and the Military

Couples of the same sex can marry at the West Point chapel, they’re treated much differently under the Defense of Marriage Act.

FBI Sting Operation Nabs Another Supposed Terrorist

A Bangladeshi man was arrested yesterday in New York for an apparent plot to bomb Federal Buildings. The entire plot was an FBI sting operation.

Fixing America’s Stupid Immigration Policy

Jon Huntsman calls for an end to “unforced errors in immigration policy.”

Why Today’s GDP Numbers Should Scare You

There are signs that the economy is slowing down so quickly that we may inevitably drift into recession.

London Olympics Censorship

Nick Cohen dubs this year’s London Games the “Censorship Olympics.” Had he called them the “London Censorship Olympics,” the “2012 Censorship Olympics,” or titled the piece “Censorship Takes London Gold” he might have faced civil or criminal penalties.

Chen Guangcheng Deal Struck, No Thanks to Chen Guangcheng

The blind Chinese activist who daring escape from house arrest set off a diplomatic brouhaha that grabbed the world’s attention is about to get his wish to come to America.

Republicans Trying To Mend Fences With Hispanic Voters, But It May Be Too Late

Republicans are finally starting to realize that they are in trouble with Hispanic voters.

GOP Hispanic Outreach is on Fire!

A new poll shows the current level of GOP support in the Hispanic community.