SCOTUS: No Constitutional Right to Bring Noncitizen Spouse Into Country

A reasonable ruling with horrible consequences.

Biden Offers Amnesty for Illegals Married to Americans

A morally right but politically fraught move.

The ‘Convicted Felon’ Label

It’s a problematic concept.

Biden Orders Shutdown of Asylum Process

A desperate measure for a desperate problem.

Putin Escalates War Abroad While Purging Enemies at Home

The Russian autocrat is emboldened.

Fixing The Credit Card System

It’s great for the well-off but increasingly problematic for the larger economy.

Immigration Roiling Politics Globally

Those seeking to escape the global south are facing resistance from DC to London to Paris.

Tabs and Takes

A Spotify for News

Publishers and consumers want very different business models.

“Illegal” v. “Undocumented”

Wherein I take issue with a charactization made by Tom Nichols and discuss the politics of language.

Biden Wants to Waive Visa Requirements for Russian Scientists

A splendid idea but why stop there?

Djokovic Throwing it All Away

The Serbian superstar is sacrificing immortality to avoid vaccination.

Defense Blames State for Afghan Fiasco

Their case is less than persuasive.

Afghan Airlift Tradeoffs

Humanitarian instincts rightly trumped security concerns.

Porn Site OnlyFans Bans Porn

Making sense of a weird story.

The Afghan Evacuation Horror Show Continues

We’re not getting Afghans—or even American citizens trapped there—out fast enough.

Biden Feared Political Backlash Over Bringing Afghans to America

A humanitarian crisis made worse by shameful delays.

A U.S. Marine opens the door as President Joe Biden prepares to disembark Marine One, Saturday, July 3, 2021, at Antrim County Airport in Bellaire, Michigan. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz) A U.S. Marine opens the door as President Joe Biden prepares to disembark Marine One, Saturday, July 3, 2021, at Antrim County Airport in Bellaire, Michigan. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

Biden Blamed for Afghan Fiasco

The collapse is not his doing. But he’s accountable for the poor planning.

Vaccine Mandates are Popular and (Often) Legal

Despite a rising groundswell of support, the obvious solution to our crisis has not been implemented.

The Impending Fall of Afghanistan

For years, American troops fought a ‘forever war’ to delay the inevitable. It’s now coming.

Unanimous SCOTUS Keeps Immigration Catch-22 in Place

The law and justice are frequently not the same thing.

Evacuating the Afghans

President Biden has a second chance to do the right thing.

[Top Secret Clip Art] [Top Secret Clip Art]

UN Ambassador’s Chief of Staff Loses Clearance

A bizarre case of bureaucratic ineptitude.

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris participate in a virtual bilateral meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2021, in the Roosevelt Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz) President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris participate in a virtual bilateral meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2021, in the Roosevelt Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

Liberals Upset Biden Foreign Policy is Biden’s

Those expecting Bernie Sanders’ agenda are sorely disappointed.

Visas Will be Denied to Online-only Students as Colleges Go Online-only

Harvard joins a growing list of universities who will not offer in-person classes this year.

The Fall Of The Berlin Wall, Thirty Years Later

Thirty years ago today, history took off in a brand new direction.

Houston Businessman Ensared By Trump’s Irrational Immigration Policies

The case of Roland Gramajo is an excellent example of what’s wrong with the Trump Administration’s immigration policy.

minimum wage protest $15 minimum wage protest $15

$15 Minimum Wage Would Do More Harm Than Good

The Congressional Budget Office assesses several reform proposals.

Heather Nauert Withdraws As U.N. Ambassador Nominee

Two months after being named, Heather Nauert withdrew her name as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations due to a ‘Nannygate’ problem.

Trump Declares ‘National Emergency’ At Border, Admits “I Didn’t Need To Do This”

President Trump declared a national emergency at the southern border while at the same time undercutting his own case for doing so.

Trump To Sign Funding Bill, Declare ‘National Emergency’ At Border

The President will sign the bill to fund the government and avert another government shutdown, but in doing so he’ll also lay the groundwork for another showdown with Congress.

Donald Trump: The Biggest Loser

When it comes to the shutdown and border wall showdown that started back in December, Donald Trump is the biggest loser.

Supreme Court Upholds Injunction Against Trump’s Asylum Policy

The Supreme Court has rejected an attempt by the Trump Administration to have an injunction against its new asylum policy lifted.

The Trump Doctrine

It isn’t about foreign policy, it is about self-serving manipulation of the public.

Federal Judge Strikes Down Trump Administration’s Asylum Policy Changes

A Federal Judge has ruled that the Trump Administration’s efforts to limit the ability of migrants to claim asylum violates Federal law.

The Trump Administration and Legal Immigration

The target is not just on illegal immigrants.

Trump Again Threatening Government Shutdown Over Immigration, Border Wall

President Trump is suggesting he may force a government shutdown over his immigration policies just a month before the midterm elections.

Russian “Gun Rights Activist” Charged With Being Russian Agent

Mariia Butina, a Russian “gun rights activist, is accused of being an unregistered agent of the Russian government and attempting to influence Republican Party policies regarding Russia in an operation that pre-dates the Trump Presidential campaign.

Trump’s Shameful Betrayal of Immigrant Soldiers

America promised immigrants who volunteered to serve in our military a fast track to citizenship. Now, we’re throwing them out.

Enlightenment Ideals and the Immigration Crisis

Today is a great day to reflect on the Enlightenment ideals that fueled a Declaration.

Once Again, The House Fails On Immigration Reform

The House of Representatives has left town after once again failing to pass an immigration reform bill,, thus likely ensuring that nothing will be passed before the midterms.

Supreme Court Upholds Final Version Of Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban

In a ruling that largely relies on the authority granted by Congress to the President to regulate immigration on national security grounds, the Supreme Court has upheld the final version of the Administration’s travel ban.

Supreme Court Upholds Trump Travel Ban

In a 5-4 party-line vote, the High Court declared that the Constitution and Federal Law give the President broad authority over immigration.

Yes, The Border Patrol Can Probably Stop You and Ask for Papers

The 100-mile Constitution-free zone strikes again.

Trump Wants GOP To Make His Immigration Policies The Center Of The 2018 Campaign

Donald Trump wants Republicans to make his immigration policies the centerpiece of the midterm campaign. What could possibly go wrong?

Trump Using Children As Bargaining Chips In Immigration Battle

Children are not political bargaining chips, but that’s exactly what this President plans to turn them into.

No, Democrats Aren’t Responsible For Trump’s Family Separation Policy

President Trump and his supporters are blaming the policy of separating parents and children at the border on Democrats. This is, simply put, a lie.

House Republicans Put Forward DACA Proposal, Trump Immediately Rejects It

House Republicans put forward a plan to protect DACA beneficiaries, but President Trump appears to have doomed it already.

Republican Rebels Trying To Force House Vote On DACA Bill

A small group of Republican rebels in the House are attempting to push legislation protecting DACA beneficiaries to a floor vote. Unfortunately, they’re not likely to succeed.