The Debt Ceiling Will Be Raised — Get Used To It

Demanding that the new GOP House hold the line at the current number is satisfying rhetorically, but all-but-impossible politically.

Midterm Grades: Barack Obama

Time for midterms.

NYT Explains False Giffords Death Report

NYT public editor Arthur Brisbane explains how it came to pass that his paper reported as fact the erroneous news that Gabrielle Giffords had been killed.

2010 Warmest Year on Record

Despite anecdotal evidence debunking global warming, 2010 was another record year for warm temperatures.

Rudy Giuliani Thinking About A 2012 Run? Why?

Rumors are floating that Rudy Giuliani is thinking about running for President again. All of America asks, Why?

Why America’s Best Officers Are Leaving

The American military personnel system works against keeping the best and brightest officers in the service.

Hillary, Hugo, and that Diplomacy Thing

Diplomacy means having to be nice.

Time To Put Defense Cuts On The Table

With just over a week to go before the 112th Congress convenes, battle lines are already being drawn in battle over the defense budget.

EPA Acts Unilaterally on Climate Change

Frustrated that it couldn’t achieve desired environmental legislation despite huge majorities in both Houses of Congress, the Obama administration has decided to govern by executive fiat.

Email Use Falling Among Younger Internet Users

Younger users are moving away from email as a way to communicate with others, and toward more instant forms of communication like text messaging and Twitter.

FCC Adopts Net Neutrality Rules, Neither Side Happy

The Federal Communications Commission is using a statute from the 1930s to try to regulate the technology of the 21st Century. It’s a mistake.

Haley Barbour Stupidly Reopens An Old Wound

Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour, who may end up running for President in 2012, has reopened wounds that finally seemed like they were closed.

Mom Files Lawsuit To Stop Child From Forcing Her To Buy Happy Meals

A woman in California has filed a lawsuit against McDonald’s because she is apparently unable to resist her child’s incessant demands for a Happy Meal.

Why The Supreme Court Is Likely To Uphold ObamaCare’s Individual Mandate

Despite yesterday’s victory for opponents of the Affordable Care Act, the prospects in the Supreme Court are not good.

Student Evaluations and Teacher Performance

A new study seems to show that student evaluations of teachers are something other than a popularity contest.

Michael Bloomberg Says He Isn’t Running For President

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg says he isn’t running for President, but he’s sure acting like a guy who’s at least thinking about it.

The 17th Amendment, Federalism, And Reversing History

Would returning to indirect election of Senators really have a significant impact on the growth of the Federal Government? Probably not.

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A Right Wing Fever Swamp Feeding on the Delusions of a Lefty

Let’s keep our eye on the ball, people.

3 of 4 Service Chiefs Oppose DADT Repeal

The commander-in-chief, secretary of defense, and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff all support removing the ban on gays in the military without further delay. A long-awaited Pentagon study showed no reason not to do so. But three of four Service chiefs disagree.

Broder Misdiagnoses 2010 Election

David Broder, three weeks after the election, explains “What Murkowski’s write-in win says about the electorate.”

Professor Gets 200 Confessions to Cheating

Richard Quinn, a business professor at the University of Central Florida, got suspicious after a historically high grade distribution on the midterm for his capstone course and decided to scare his students.

What Do Voluntary Mean?

TSA boss John Pistole has offered to give Senators a pat-down search so that they understand the controversial new procedures.

Partisanship, Segmentation and the Mass Media

Is the current media environment a problem for proper political discourse?

US News Goes Web Only, Except College Guides

US News & World Report is going to stop printing magazines, except for a handful of niche issues like the annual college and graduate school ranking guides.

2010: The Maturity Election?

Peggy Noonan argues that Tuesday’s elections shows that Americans want to be led by accomplished grown-ups and will reject people who seem empty or crazy.

Obama Backlash in Context

If the polling is anywhere close to accurate, a Republican wave will come crashing down today, repudiating the first two years of the Obama administration. What does it mean?

Stewart And Colbert Rally For Sanity And/Or Fear, And Take A Jab At The Media

The Rally To Restore Sanity And/Or Fear ended up having a point after all, but it’s not one that anyone is likely to take to heart.

NATO in an Age of Austerity

World Politics Review has published a special issue on “NATO’s Identity Crisis” ahead of next month’s Lisbon summit and the unveiling of a new Strategic Concept. I contributed the lead essay, “NATO in an Age of Austerity.”

The Profound Importance of Juan Williams

Apparently Juan Williams is really, really, really important.

Hungary’s Environmental Disaster

The disaster that began last Monday in Hungary continues to unfold.

Obama Charges Foreign Influence Supporting Republicans

President Obama and the Democrats are charging the Chamber of Commerce of funneling foreign money into ads for Republicans. It’s a desperate move unlikely to work.

Instapaper’s Business Model: Theft?

InstaPaper’s business model is stealing content created by others, stripping it of the ads that pay the creators, and running their own advertising on it.

O’Donnell Uses Palin Playbook

Like Sarah Palin, Christine O’Donnell is no fan of the press.

Chris Christie Kills Hudson Rail Project

New Jersey’s governor has killed a vital infrastructure project because of huge cost overruns. It’s penny wise and pound foolish.

Soldiers: Not Poor, Stupid Hicks

Yet another study shows what any of us who’ve ever spent any time around soldiers already knew: Our Army is not comprised of stupid people who couldn’t find a decent job.

Harnessing The Tea Party

Support for the Tea Party is at record levels but that movement does not have a coherent policy platform. Can the energy be harnessed to good use?

The Fox News Primary

More than ever before in the past, Fox News Channel will be the exclusive medium through which many of the candidates for the 2012 Republican nomination communicate with the public. And that’s a problem.

Taxes, Individual Effort, and the Social Contract.

Do those who succeed in our economy benefit unequally from the benefits of government?

Wealthiest Woman In Britain Tries To Get Poverty Funds

Apparently, riding in a gilded carriage with footmen does not preclude one from seeking welfare funds in the United Kingdom.

Howard Fineman to HuffPo

In yet another sign of how rapidly the media landscape is changing, longtime Newsweek stalwart is leaving for the Huffington Post.