Blame The Afghan Rioters For Murder, But Condemn The Demagogues Too

The only people responsible for the murders in Afghanistan are the people who committed them, but the demagogues like Terry Jones deserve condemnation as well.

Terry Jones Not Responsible For Afghanistan Rampage

If we allow the possible reaction of the most dogmatic, evil people who might hear the message to govern our expression, we don’t have freedom at all.

Sometimes Humor is Just Humor (Malkin and NPR Edition)

Michelle Malkin is unhappy about being part of joke on Wait, Wait…Don’t Tell Me.

Weekend Meditation

Rick Santorum Is Appalled By The First Amendment

Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum is the latest Republican to reject the idea that America is a secular nation.

Weekend Meditation

Dalai Lama Stepping Down

The Dalai Lama will give up his political role in the Tibetan government-in-exile and shift that power to an elected representative.

Alabama Sharia Law Ban

An Alabama legislator wants to ban the use of Islamic law in the state’s courts — just in case Muslims take over.

Why I Like The ACLU

Virginia Families Sue Over Ten Commandments In Classrooms

A county in the far southwest corner of Virginia is the latest battle ground in the ongoing battle over the separation of church and state.

Jack LaLanne Dead at 96

Fitness guru Jack LaLanne has succumbed to the inevitable at the ripe old age of 96.

Alabama Governor Declares Christian Brotherhood

Alabama Governor Robert Bentley managed to alienate non-Christians within moments of taking office.

On Phelps and Westboro

CNN’s Erick Erickson: Obama’s Arizona Moment Of Silence Intended To “Accommodate Atheists”

Yet more ridiculous political commentary arising out of the tragic shootings in Arizona.

Democratic Congressman Says He Will Introduce Bill To Ban “Crosshairs” Maps

The debate over heated political rhetoric has now led one Pennsylvania Congressman to suggest that some speech should be banned. This must stop now.

Caption Contest Winners

The Pelosi Estates Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Onlookers gather around a damaged car after a bomb exploded in Alexandria Onlookers gather around a damaged car after a bomb exploded in Alexandria

Anti-Christian Terrorism: Blame Bush!?

Andrew Sullivan makes a rather bizarre charge offhandedly: “Who among the neocons would have thought that one of George W. Bush’s final legacies would be bringing pogroms, bombings and genocide to Christians in his new zone of freedom?”

Today In Religious Liberty: Jefferson Writes Of The “Wall Of Separation”

208 years ago today, Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter to The Danbury Baptist Association that has resonated through the years.

A Simple Example of Constitutional Interpretation

Constitutional interpretation is easy, right?

70% Of Americans See Religion’s Role In Life Declining

A new Gallup poll reflects the declining role of religion in American public, and private, life.