Obama’s Rove

The front page of Sunday’s NYT profiled Valerie Jarrett, the power behind the throne at the Obama White House.

Obama Loves Eastwood

President Obama says he’s a huge Clint Eastwood fan and wasn’t offended by his performance at the RNC.

Obama Campaign Dodges Reagan’s Question

The Obama campaign clearly does not want Americans to consider whether they are better off now than they were four years ago.

The Question Mitt Romney Didn’t Answer Last Night

Mitt Romney left one crucial piece out of his speech last night.

Nobody On Team Romney Taking Credit, or Blame, For The Eastwood Fiasco

Not surprisingly, Romney campaigns staffers don’t seem to want to take responsibility for Clint Eastwood’s performance last night.

Obama Campaign Wins Lawsuit To Restore Early Voting For All Ohio Voters

A clear victory for the Obama campaign in an Ohio Court, but will it stand on appeal?

Acknowledging and Understanding Government

The GOP (and our politics in general) will not be healed until there is an honest assessment of what government is (and is not).

My Basic Take on Romney’s Speech

I give it a C+/B- (adequate, passing, nothing exceptional).

Romney’s Closing Speech Was Good, But Was It Good Enough?

Mitt Romney’s speech last night was the best he’s ever given, but it’s impact may have been undercut but several odd production decisions that preceded it.

Clint Eastwood Channels James Stockdale

After three days of buildup to a “mystery speaker,” the closing night of the Republican convention featured a rambling performance by Clint Eastwood and an empty chair.

Romney’s Bain Lie

The real story of Bain Capital is impressive. Mitt Romney chose instead to present an origin story that’s utter horseshit.

GOP Foreign Policy Positions Expose Their Claim To Be A Party Of Limited Government As A Lie

The GOP claims to be a party that favors limited government, but its foreign policy positions reveal this to be little more than a lie.

Two Words Missing From The Republican Convention: Tea Party

Over two days of speakers, not a single Republican has mentioned the Tea Party.

Federal Court Strikes Down Texas Voter ID Law

A legal setback for the Texas Voter ID law, but not much of a political setback for Voter ID laws in general.

Paul Ryan Gives An Acceptance Speech That Most People Will End Up Forgetting

Paul Ryan did what he needed to do last night, but in the long run his speech will be lost to history.

The Speech Of Mitt Romney’s Political Life

Tonight’s convention speech is the most important speech Mitt Romney has ever given.

Condoleeza Rice, New Political Star?

Condoleeza Rice’s first trip onto the political stage was very successful last night. Where will she go from here?

Running Out Of Angry White Guys

Lindsey Graham: “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”

Interest Rates and Hacky Political Analysis

Seniors face a variety of economy-based difficulties–but let’s criticizes the media!

Ohio, Ohio, Ohio

Once again, a Presidential election could be decided by the Buckeye State.

Paul Ryan’s GM Plant: Fact Checking the Fact Checks

Paul Ryan pointed to a shuttered GM plant in his hometown as proof of Obama’s failed policies. The truth will make your head hurt.

Would Romney Spend The Nation Into Debt To Increase Defense Spending? Yes, He Would

Left with a choice between their hawkish foreign policy and their supposed commitment to fiscal conservatives, Republicans will, without fail, spend the nation into debt.

Foolishly, Republicans Open Attack On Obama On Foreign Policy

Today’s convention activities will include the opening salvos of an attack on the President’s foreign policy. This strikes me as a mistake.

Jeb Bush To Republicans: Stop Being Stupid On Immigration

Jeb Bush continues to speak the truth on the GOP’s position on immigration issues. Sadly, his fellow Republicans aren’t listening.

Time Of Get Rid Of Political Conventions?

The political convention we know is a 19th Century relic. It’s time to modernize it and make it a lot shorter.

Political Conventions In The Era Of The National Security State

Security at the Republican Convention in Tampa looks more like a war zone than a political convention in a democratic republic.

Romney Mine Visit Cost Miners a Day of Pay

Mitt Romney visited an Ohio coal mine to promote jobs in the industry, unwittingly showing why a job in the industry sucks.

Lots of People do not Understand Parties, Conventions, or Presidentialism

Mark Levin provides the latest example.

Republicans Call For Crackdown On Porn

The Republican Party has apparently solved all of the nation’s real problems and decided it can waste time on nonsense.

Election Night Might Be Over Early

Brookings Institute scholar William Galston says election night might end early this year even if the race remains tight.