It’s Time To Eliminate The “Debt Ceiling”

The “debt ceiling” is phony, contrived, and needs to be eliminated.

Happy Debt Limit Monday!

As of today, the United States is legally barred from borrowing money to finance its operations. Thanks for nothing, Congress.

GOP Aide: “No New Tax Increases” Pledge Is Intellectually Dishonest

Republicans are playing politics with the National Debt. Please don’t tell me you’re shocked.

Authorization For Libyan War Set To Expire Next Week, Don’t Expect Anyone To Do Anything About It

The 60 day deadline for Presidential discretion under the War Powers Act will expire next week. Congress won’t do anything about it.

Republicans Ready To Punt On Ryan Plan’s Medicare Changes?

Republicans seem to have realized that the Ryan Plan’s Medicare reforms aren’t going anywhere.

Is There Anything That Washington Can Do About Gas Prices? Not Really

Congress is coming back to Washington and gas prices continue to rise. Expect a lot of demagoguery, but very little in the way of solutions.

Are Republicans Facing A Backlash Over Ryan Plan And Medicare Changes?

There are signs that the Ryan Plan isn’t playing well with the public.

Everybody Hates Congress

Contempt for Congress is an old American tradition. Unfortunately.

Rand Paul: Both Sides Will Have To Compromise To Reach A Budget Deal

One of the Tea Party movement’s favorite Senators used the dreaded c-word.

Obama’s Signing Statement On Presidential Czars And The Constitution

President Obama’s signing statement on the allocation of funds to Presidential “czars” sets a potentially dangerous Constitutional precedent.

The Radicalness of Alleged Conservatives

In all honesty, much of what is coming out of the mouths of self-described conservatives is actually pretty darn radical.

The Ryan Plan’s Political Problem

Will the Ryan Plan ever be voted out of the House?

Obama’s Solution To Deficit: Spending Cuts, Tax Increases, Few Specifics, But A Clear Roadmap For 2012

President Obama’s budget speech was light on specifics, but that’s because it was really the opening salvo of the 2012 campaign.

Stupidly, House GOP Appears To Take Taxes Off The Table In Future Budget Talks

The GOP seems to be telling President Obama that revenue increases are off the table. That’s a huge mistake.

The Obama Administration Wants To Read Your Email (Without A Warrant)

The Obama Administration is resisting efforts to expand Fourth Amendment protections to services like Gmail. That’s unfortunate.

Are Social Conservatives The Budget Deal Losers?

Did the GOP toss social conservatives under the bus when it gave away the Planned Parenthood rider?

Budget Deal Postmortem: Who Won?, Who Lost?, Does It Matter?

What, if anything, does the budget deal mean for the future?

In The End, It Really Was All About That Planned Parenthood Rider

As yesterday’s budget negotiations began, the GOP had a choice – appease the base, or make a deal. They made the right choice.

A Brief History Of Federal Government Shutdowns

History tells us that if there is a shutdown tonight, it will most likely be a short one.