Airpods Airpods

Podcast Recommendation

“The Rise of ‘Middle-Finger Politics’”

An Example of Motivated Reasoning

Why we are where we are.

Alex Jones and Our Weird Bankruptcy Laws

The conspirator is living large while his victims go unpaid.

Why Trump Will Most Likely Be Convicted If Any Trial Moves Forward

tl;dr: Trump is a nightmare client & nightmare clients don’t do well in criminal courts

Making Alex Jones Pay

The huckster is exploiting bankruptcy laws and the financial regulations to circumvent court judgments.

Musk Acquires Twitter, Fires Executives

The social platform beloved of the intellectual class is about to undergo radical change.

Feelings Don’t Care About Facts

“America can survive the demagogues themselves, it’s their audience that will kill us.”

Friday Quick Hits

A few quick observations at the end of the week.

January 6 Committee Closing in On Trump

New evidence gets us a wee bit closer to a smoking gun.

Taking Notes on a Criminal Conspiracy

The Proud Boys, Trump family, and Alex Jones all filmed documentaries of their actions leading up to January 6.

More Rogan (but not Just Rogan)

Musings about US politics and culture.

Nobody Watches Cable News

A media critic argues we pay outsized attention to the goings-on at Fox, MSNBC, and CNN.

‘Stop the Steal’ Founder ‘in Hiding’

A one-time denizen of Blogger’s Row at CPAC has come a long way.

Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead

Trump’s Final Meltdown

The President of the United States is an existential threat to the Republic.

Violence after DC ‘Stop the Steal’ Rally

Peaceful protests were once again followed by nighttime clashes.

Million MAGA March Sparks Violence

The inevitable happened, as extremist organizations descended on DC.

Joe Rogan, Bernie Sanders, and the Intellectual Dark Web

Politics makes strange bedfellows.

Another Republican Helps Spread Putin’s Ukraine Conspiracy Theories

Ted Cruz is the latest Republican Senator to repeat discredited Kremlin-backed conspiracy theories about Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election.

The GOP Is Now The Party Of Putin

Much like the President they obsequiously defend, Republicans have become useful idiots in Russia’s war on Western liberal democracy.

While Republicans Push Debunked Ukraine Conspiracy Theory, Putin Takes A Victory Lap

As Republicans and their conservative cohorts spread a discredited conspiracy theory about the 2016 election, Vladimir Putin smiles at yet another victory.

Impeachment Witnesses Leave Republican Defenses Revealed As Absurdities

The final two witnesses in this week’s public hearings before the House Intelligence Committee reduced the Republican talking points in the President’s defense looking as absurd as they have always been.

Trump Not Pleased With Fox News Reaching Out To Democratic Candidates

President Trump isn’t pleased that a news network that has generally been his own personal propaganda network is reaching out to Democrats.

Republicans Resisting Democratic Efforts To Limit Exemptions From Vaccine Laws

As Democrats at the state level seek to limit the ability of parents to decline to vaccinate their children. they are facing resistance from Republican colleagues.

Authorities Arrest Coast Guard Officer Plotting To Kill Journalists, Democrats

A Coast Guard officer and aspiring domestic terrorist was arrested late yesterday for plotting to kill Democratic politicians and members of the media.

Lyndon LaRouche, Conspiracy Kook And Perennial Presidential Candidate, Dies At 96

Lyndon LaRouche, an eight-time Presidential candidate who ran a cult-like organization that spread bizarre conspiracy theories, has died at 96.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Let’s Face It, Donald Trump Is A Pathological Liar

Donald Trump has been in office just over 600 days, and he’s proven beyond any doubt that he doesn’t care if what he says is the truth or not.

Judge Denies Alex Jones Bid To Dismiss Defamation Lawsuit

Alex Jones lost a bid to dismiss a lawsuit filed by families of children killed in the Sandy Hook massacre.

Alex Jones Loses Access To Social Media

Facebook, Google, and several other companies have closed down accounts associated with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.

More Sandy Hook Families Sue Alex Jones

Alex Jones is finally being called on to answer for his irresponsible lying about events like the Sandy Hook shooting.

Donald Trump Continues His Unhinged War On The News Media

Instead of attending the White House Correspondents Association Dinner last night, Donald Trump took his show on the road where he continued his long-standing attacks on the press. Unfortunately, it’s a message that resonates with his supporters.

Sandy Hook Parents Sue Alex Jones For Defamation

The parents of two of the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre are suing Alex Jones for falsely accusing them of lying about the deaths of their children.

Parkland Shooting Survivors Speak Out On Gun Control, And Some On The Right See A Conspiracy

The students who survived last week’s mass shooting in Parkland, Florida are speaking out, and some on the right are responding by engaging in personal attacks and spreading conspiracy theories.

The Las Vegas Shooting Was Terrorizing, But It Wasn’t A Terrorist Act

Stephen Paddock’s crime was clearly terrorizing, and will impact the lives of survivors, families, first responders in many ways for a long time. Based on the currently available evidence, though, the Las Vegas shooting was not “terrorism.”

Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke Resigns, Will Reportedly Go Work For Trump

Controversial Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke has resigned and will reportedly go to work for Donald Trump.

There’s Only One Right Side In Trump’s Unjustified War On The News Media

There are two sides in this war between Trump and the media, but only one of them is the right side.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump’s Tweet on “Illegal Voting” Encapsulates Serious Problems

Those who voted for him thinking he would be guided or controlled by more sober individuals or that he would start acting presidential once elected: you were wrong.

Donald Trump Claims ‘Illegal Voting’ In Three States He Lost

Now Donald Trump is alleging that the 2016 Election was tainted by ‘illegal voting,’ even though he won!

Some Texas Republicans Are Freaking Out Over A Military Exercise Called ‘Jade Helm 15’

There must be something odd in the water in the Lone Star State, because a bizarre conspiracy theory seems to have taken root there.

The GOP And The Conspiratorial Mindset

The wacko fringe of the GOP is increasingly finding room in the mainstream of the party.

Al Neuharth, Founder of USA Today, Dies At 89

The man who changed the way Americans viewed newspapers, just before newspapers themselves began getting pushed aside by technology, has died at the age of 89.

Ron Paul: Yea I Wrote The Newsletters, But Not Those Icky Parts

Ron Paul has a new explanation for those newsletters of his.

Ron Paul Doesn’t Want To Talk About His Newsletters Anymore

Ron Paul doesn’t want to talk about his newsletters now, but he was pretty talkative 15 years ago.

Ron Paul’s Past Will Catch Up With Him

Ron Paul is rising in Iowa, which means he will soon face the scrutiny he’s avoided so far.

More on Paul and the Newsletters

How much should Paul’s newletter and his questionable associations matter?