Humberto Leal Garcia Execution and International Law

The US Supreme Court declined to stay the execution of a child raping murderer over a technical violation of a treaty.

Secret CIA Interrogation Facility in Eastern Europe?

Danger Room’s Spencer Ackerman reports on an alleged secret CIA interrogation facility somewhere in the former Soviet Union.

Obama Is President, But Is He A Leader?

Barack Obama’s leadership style may be his undoing.

Opposing Dumb, Unnecessary Wars Is Not “Isolationism”

Contrary to what Senator McCain, seeking realism in military policy does not make one an isolationist.

Post-Debate, Romney Is Clear GOP Frontrunner, Bachmann Surging

The race for the GOP nomination is taking shape.

Ex-Spy Says Bush Administration Tried To Use CIA To Discredit Blogger

An ex-CIA agent says that someone in the Bush White House tried to use the agency to “discredit” Iraq War critic Juan Cole.

11th Circuit Judges Skeptical Of Constitutionality Of Affordable Care Act

It was a good day in Court for opponents of the Affordable Care Act.

Rand Paul’s Pointless Gimmick: The Gas Tax Holiday

Rand Paul has borrowed a bad idea from the 2008 Presidential campaign.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Laughed Off Waterboarding

Marc Thiessen claims Khalid Sheikh Mohammad mocked the CIA interrogators who waterboarded him.

John McCain: Neither Waterboarding Nor Any Other Form Of Torture Led To Bin Laden

John McCain thoroughly dismantles the argument that Osama bin Laden’s capture vindicates the use of so-called “enhanced interrogation techniques.”

Majority Of Republicans Support A Third Party

For the first time, a majority of Republicans support creation of a third political party. Does it really mean anything?

Torture Creep?

The defense of torture as an extreme measure for extraordinary circumstances has evolved.tortu

Missing The Point: It Doesn’t Matter If Torture “Works”

The debate over “enhanced interrogations” has been renewed by the bin Laden mission, but whether it “worked” or not isn’t the question.

Ranking The Pundits

A study shows that most national columnists and talking heads are about as accurate as a coin flip.

Rush Limbaugh: ‘Thank God for President Obama’

Rush Limbaugh heaps praise on President Obama for the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

Libya Mission: Creeping

One can almost hear the pitter-patter of American boots in the distance.

Candidate Obama vs. President Obama On Presidential Signing Statements

Once again, President Obama has ignored Candidate Obama’s promises to reign in the Presidential powers assumed by George W. Bush.

The Obama Administration Wants To Read Your Email (Without A Warrant)

The Obama Administration is resisting efforts to expand Fourth Amendment protections to services like Gmail. That’s unfortunate.

Obama Administration To Abandon Plans For Civilian Trials For 9/11 Plotters

The Obama Administration has given up on the idea of trying the September 11th suspects in a civilian court. Considering how much that trial would have perverted the justice system, that’s a good thing.

Was There Really An Imminent Humanitarian Crisis In Libya?

President Obama says he acted in Libya to avert an imminent genocide, but there’s no evidence that any such thing was about to occur.

Obama Libya Speech Post-Mortem

Ten days after sending American forces into kinetic military action in Libya, President Obama addressed the nation to explain “what we’ve done, what we plan to do, and why this matters to us.”

Where Did The Antiwar Movement Go?

The antiwar movement has been strangely silent despite the fact that U.S. foreign policy hasn’t really changed that much since Barack Obama became President.

An Irony About Libya

So much for not getting invaded…

The Triumph Of The Neocons, And The Death Of Fiscal Conservatism

With minor exceptions, all of the potential candidates for the GOP nomination in 2012 seem to have accepted the idea that defense spending, and the Bush-era interventionist foreign policy, are off the table when it comes time to talk spending cuts.

Andrew Sullivan Joins Daily Beast

While the prestige outlets of the halcyon days of the last millennium still hold some cachet for those of us old enough to remember that era, they mean next to nothing on the Web.

Time To Pull Out Of Afghanistan

Nine years into a war that seems to be without end, it’s time to declare victory and go home.

Does President Obama Apologize For America? The Facts Say No

It’s a Republican meme that President Obama has “apologized” for America repeatedly. The one problem with the meme is that there aren’t any facts to support it.

Wisconsin Protesters Bizarro Tea Party?

Is Jon Stewart a useful idiot?

Half A Billion People Escaped Poverty Between 2005 and 2010

Global poverty has plummeted in recent years.

Iraqi Defector Admits To Lying About Saddam’s WMD Program

It turns out the Iraq War was indeed based, in part at least, on a lie.

Obama: We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Warrants

The Obama Justice Department says it can look at phone records without warrants or judicial oversight.

Cheney and Rumsfeld Booed at CPAC

The media are wildly exaggerating the heckling at a gathering of conservatives.

Egypt and Obama’s Approval Numbers

President Obama’s approval numbers have dropped 9 points since the Egypt crisis broke out.

Egypt and the Limits of US Power

The US has limited influence over events in Egypt–something that recent history should underscore (although not everyone appears to understand this fact).

Supporting Democratic Aspirations of All People

The Obama administration’s slow and cautious response to Egypt’s protest was frustrating. And correct.

Will The GOP’s Love For Endless War Trump Fiscal Conservatism?

The GOP is facing a battle between its fiscal conservatism and i’s military adventurism.