Koch Brothers Under the Microscope

A major backer of Republican and Libertarian causes is under fire.

More on the Former Name of Perry’s Hunting Lodge

The story of Perry’s hunting lodge probably doesn’t tell us that much about Perry, but it is still telling.

Rick Perry Faces Criticism Over Hunting Lodge With Racially Tinged Name

Why does what was painted on a rock 30-odd years ago matter today?

Obama Administration Petitions Supreme Court To Review 11th Circuit Ruling On ObamaCare

The health care battle is formally joined in the Supreme Court.

Arizona’s War Against Unacceptable Accents

Should it matter if a teacher has an accent?

Texas Abolishes ‘Last Meal’ Before Executions

Texas is ending the time-honored tradition of allowing condemned men to pick their last meal before being put to death.

Thoughts About The Constitution On Constitution Day

Where do we stand after 224 years?

Political Fantasy World

It never ceases to amaze me how many smart people manage to believe, against all evidence to the contrary, that their political philosophy has massive support.

The Triumph Of Clarence Thomas

A new look at Clarence Thomas’s 20 years on the Supreme Court, from a critic, is surprisingly positive.

John Lewis’s Ridiculous Arguments Against Reasonable Voting Regulations

Ensuring the integrity of the voting process is a worthy goal, not evidence of discrimination.

Are The Good Times Really Over For Good?

Watching the news and reading the op-eds makes it clear: America is doomed.

State’s Rights Is Not The Answer To The Same-Sex Marriage Debate

Does the 10th Amendment contain the answer to the same-sex marriage debate? Not really.

Obama Punts On Same-Sex Marriage, Again

President Obama came close to endorsing same-sex marriage last night, but stopped short yet again

Herman Cain’s Silly Idea And The Silly “Read The Bill” Meme

Herman Cain says he wouldn’t sign any bill longer than three pages. It’s a line that will get him applause, but it’s totally impractical.

Ron Paul’s Election Problem: The Issues he Supports

No, Ron Paul is not a viable candidate for president.

Ron Paul Says He Would Have Voted Against The 1964 Civil Rights Act

Thanks to an appearance on Hardball we’ve got another story about a 47 year old law.

Texas Cheerleader Who Refused to Cheer Rapist Loses in Court

A Texas high school student who was kicked off her high school’s cheerleading squad after refusing to cheer for her rapist had her lawsuit dismissed as frivolous and was ordered to pay $45,000 in legal fees.

Demonstrators converge once again on the Capitol after the state Senate abruptly voted Wednesday night to eliminate collective bargaining provisions. The Assembly is expected to vote on the issue Thursday. Demonstrators converge once again on the Capitol after the state Senate abruptly voted Wednesday night to eliminate collective bargaining provisions. The Assembly is expected to vote on the issue Thursday.

Wisconsin Passes Anti-Collective Bargaining Bill

Wisconsin Republicans stripped state employees of collective bargaining rights without the Democratic senators who fled the state to prevent a quorum.

Academia’s Liberal Bias

Yet another study finds conservatives wildly underrepresented in higher education.

Blogging Liberty and Tyranny, Chapter Five

Taking a dive into Mark Levin’s view of Federalism.

Arizona Hates The Constitution, Loves Nullification

Arizona looks to be the latest state to try to revive the discredited doctrine of nullification.

Democrats Seeking White Males

As noted recently, whites are leaving the Democratic Party in droves. Some black Democrats think it’s time to take affirmative action.

History 101: Tariffs, Secession and the General Politico-Economics of Slavery

Those who argue that tariff increases, and not slavery, were the key reason for secession have some basic problems with the historical sequence.

The Problem that Barbour has Conjured

What the Haley Barbour situation illustrates is that we, as a country, have not fully accepted or dealt with our own past.

Haley Barbour Stupidly Reopens An Old Wound

Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour, who may end up running for President in 2012, has reopened wounds that finally seemed like they were closed.

The Individual Mandate And America’s Ongoing Debate Over The Role Of Government

The battle over the individual mandate is really just nothing more than the latest round in a batter that has been ongoing for 221 years.

Why Has ACLU Been Silent? Oh.

Complaints from Rush Limbaugh tthat the ACLU is ignoring the intrusions into America’s civil liberties by the TSA are completely unfounded.

Repeal Amendment’s Practical Application

If 33 states can muster support to kill a law, how would it have gotten enacted to begin with?

Further Thoughts On The Repeal Amendment

Further thoughts on a rather radical proposed Amendment to the Constitution, prompted by a link from Instapundit.

Majority Of Active Duty Military Don’t Oppose Gays In Military

One of the last arguments against allowing gay men and women to serve openly in the military — that active duty military would be unable to serve alongside them — appears to have no empirical support.

Race and Politics: An Inappropriate Response to a Metaphor

A poster at RedState demonstrates how not to approach the issue of race in politics.

The 112th Congress: A “Do Nothing Congress”?

Republicans are promising two years of gridlock and obstructionism if they take control of Congress, but is that really what the people who are likely to vote for them next week really want?

NPR Fires Juan Williams

NPR has fired Juan Williams over controversial comments about Muslims.