Texas Man Held In Prison For Thirty-Three Years Despite Lack Of A Legal Sentence

The very definition of a miscarriage of justice.

Edward Snowden Did Not Commit Treason

Edward Snowden has likely violated many laws, but, absent additional facts, treason is not one of them.

Bradley Manning Trial Begins With Charges He Put U.S. Soldiers At Risk

Starting today, the fate of Pfc. Bradley Manning is on trial in a courtroom at Fort Meade, Maryland.

Dzhokhar Tsarneav Formally Charged

Less than a week after the bomb he planted at the Boston Marathon went off, Dzhokar Tsarnaev has been formally charged in Federal Court.

New York Man Released After 23 Years In Jail For Crime He Didn’t Commit

David Ranta spent 23 years in jail because of lying witnesses and corrupt police.

Purple Heart for Fort Hood Victims?

The Pentagon considers those killed by Nidal Hassan at Fort Hood three years ago victims of workplace violence, not terrorism.

Politics Is Impossible When Everyone Just Keeps Yelling At Each Other

American politics has been reduced to a charade where all people do is yell at each other.

Apparently,Originalism is More Subtle than it Sounds…

..because apparently we can apply a modern definition of “arms” to the constitution, but not modern understandings of the word “citizens.”

Penn State Plea Bargained to Avoid Death Penalty

Penn State was facing a four year suspension of its football program but worked out a less harsh punishment.

NCAA Hits Penn State With Crippling Penalties

The NCAA more than lived up to the hype of “unprecedented” sanctions.

Freeh Report Slams Joe Paterno, Other Penn State Officials, On Sandusky Scandal

The cover-up at Penn State was, if anything, worse than we thought,.

What is “Constitutional”?

What does the US Constitution actually provide in terms of guidance for governance?

Supreme Court: No Mandatory Life Without Parole For Juveniles

Today, the Supreme Court decided that mandatory life sentences for juveniles violate the 8th Amendment.

There’s No Evidence The Death Penalty Deters Crime

There is no evidence that the Capital Punishment works.

The American Taliban (at Least in Terms of Rhetoric)

The phrase “American Taliban” is usually off the mark. However, sometimes it is closer to the mark than we might like.

Study: At Least 2,000 People Wrongfully Convicted In 23 Years

Innocent people have gone to jail, and some of them are still sitting there.

Los Tocayos Carlos: Texas Killed The Wrong Carlos

A man named Carlos killed a woman named Wanda Lopez. Texas executed a different man named Carlos for the crime.

Speaking of “Coming Apart”

If one has views that one will not change even in the face of the best case scenario for new data against those views, then one cannot claim to be an analyst.

Supreme Court Overturns Murder Conviction Due To Improperly Withheld Evidence

Another death row inmate. Another case of prosecutorial misconduct from the office of Harry Connick, Sr.

About that Gingrich Marijuana Quote…

Usually if a quote is too good to be true, it is.

Blast from the Past: Newt and Drug War Logic

Back in the late 90s, Newt wanted to execute marjiuana traffickers.

American Government for Sale?

Is money the only thing that matters in post-Citizens United American politics?

The Incoherent Agenda Of Occupy Wall Street

Judging them by their own manifesto, the Occupy Wall Street protesters are pretty silly people.

Tribal Politics

Much of politics is visceral rather than intellectual.

Texas Abolishes ‘Last Meal’ Before Executions

Texas is ending the time-honored tradition of allowing condemned men to pick their last meal before being put to death.