Greedflation Politics

Democratic strategists are complaining that Biden is being too honest.

Weak Parties With Strong Partisanship

More on an ongoing saga.

Deutschland Unter Alles

Germany’s economy is among the worst in the OECD.

Tabs and Takes

Supreme Court Guts Clean Water Act

A 5-4 ruling overturns a unanimous decision from 1985.

Keystone XL Developer Abandons Project

The project that has been on-again, off-again since 2008 seems to be off for good.

Rush Limbaugh, 1951-2021

The talk radio megastar has died, aged 70.

In A Turn Away From Federalism, Trump Will Revoke California’s Clean Air Act Waiver

In a rebuke to traditional conservative views of Federalism, the Trump Administration intends to revoke California’s authority to set its own clean air standards,

Trump’s ‘National Emergency’ And The Law

President Trump’s impending decision to declare a national emergency to get funding for his border wall will quickly face serious legal challenges. It may be more vulnerable than the White House suspects.

Lyndon LaRouche, Conspiracy Kook And Perennial Presidential Candidate, Dies At 96

Lyndon LaRouche, an eight-time Presidential candidate who ran a cult-like organization that spread bizarre conspiracy theories, has died at 96.

Regrets, Brett Has A Few, But Then Again Too Few To Mention

Brett Kavanaugh is expressing some regrets over his performance last Thursday, but it’s largely far too little, far too late.

A Comment on the Pruitt Resignation

He had to go (and should have been gone some time ago).

House And Senate Republicans Pass Tax Cut Bill

Republicans passed their tax bill yesterday. What that means for the economy and the 2018 midterms is another question.

Withdrawal From The Paris Accords: Much Ado About Nothing?

President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accords was neither the big win his supporters claim nor the disaster his critics fear.

Trump’s Press Conference Performance Confirmed Everything Bad We Thought About Him

For seventy-seven minutes yesterday, President Trump held forth in a press conference that confirmed the most dire predictions about what he’d be like as President.

Rex Tillerson Confirmed As Secretary Of State

In a closer than normal vote for the position, Rex Tillerson has been confirmed as Secretary of State.

Trump Names Judge Neil Gorsuch To Supreme Court

With a relatively smooth announcement, Donald Trump has named a solid and qualified conservative who will likely be confirmed to the nation’s highest court.

Trump Reverses Obama’s Course On Keystone XL Pipeline And Other Projects

President Trump reverses a decision made by President Obama just over a year ago.

Obama Administration Rejects Keystone XL Pipeline

To no real surprise, the Obama Administration has rejected the application to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline. It is likely to remain an issue in the upcoming Presidential campaign, though.

TransCanada Asks For Delay In Keystone XL Pipeline Review

Another piece of news that all but guarantees the fate of the Keystone XL project will not be resolved before President Obama leaves office.

Pope Francis Writes On The Environment, And Many People Miss The Point

Pope Francis’s new encyclical isn’t exactly being received positively by American conservatives, because they seem to be missing the point.

House Vote, Nebraska Court Decision Push Keystone XL Forward But Obama Continues To Dither

President Obama’s decision on Keystone XL is apparently to delay things long enough so he doesn’t have to decide at all.

Obama And Congress Headed For First Confrontation Over Keystone XL Pipeline

Just one day into the new Congress, the first confrontation is already set.

Maine Yet Again Likely To Elect A Governor Who Most People Didn’t Vote For, And That’s Okay

For the ninth time since 1974, the next Governor of Maine will likely be elected with less than 50% of the vote.

Are Billionaires Replacing Political Parties?

Rich guys are backing organizations that are taking over traditional party functions. Is that a problem?

Obama Secretly Backing Warren Over Clinton, Declares Lying Hack

Ed Klein says he has “Democrat sources” who Obama wants Warren to continue his mission to “transform America into a European-style democratic-socialist state.”

America Bombs Great Barrier Reef

Marine Harriers dropped four unarmed bombs into the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park last week after missing another target.

Santorum and his Theology

Santorum and stewardship of the Earth.

Global Warming Holding Off The Next Ice Age?

Are carbon emissions saving us all from a cold, cold fate?

Ethanol Tax Credit Expires After Three Decades

Congress eliminates a bad subsidy, but it’s only because there’s a worse one on the books.

Obama Adminsitration Backtracking On Smog Rules Angers Environmentalists

Environmentalists are upset by President Obama’s decision to abandon stringent new smog regulations, but he made the right decision.

Texas Unconstitutionally Attempts To Nullify Federal Law On Incandescent Light Bulbs

How many Texas politicians does it take to screw in a non-communist light bulb?

Climate Change And Politics

As with most of the other issues facing us, our political conversation about climate change and what to do about it basically just involves yelling at each other.

There’s More Than One Kind of Anthropogenic Climate Change

Is China’s drought caused by human action?

The Political Consequences Of Japan’s Triple Disasters

Will one of the worst natural disasters to hit Japan in centuries change the relationship between the Japanese government and the people?

No More Plastic Bags!

War for Oil