Putin Escalates War Abroad While Purging Enemies at Home

The Russian autocrat is emboldened.

President Joe Biden talks to reporters as he departs an event with attendees from the U.S. Conference of Mayors Winter Meeting, Friday, January 20, 2023, in the East Room of the White House. President Joe Biden talks to reporters as he departs an event with attendees from the U.S. Conference of Mayors Winter Meeting, Friday, January 20, 2023, in the East Room of the White House.

Stupid Index Tricks

The United States has less press freedom than 54 countries. Or does it?

Flag Ukraine Silhouette Ruins Soldier War Flag Ukraine Silhouette Ruins Soldier War

Ukraine Losing and Growing Demoralized

While the West dithers, Russia is doubling down.

A Bad Year For The West?

The BBC’s security correspondent thinks so.

Russia Sanctions Itself in Retaliation for Western Sanctions

Vladimir Putin is banning commodity exports.

Flag Ukraine Silhouette Ruins Soldier War Flag Ukraine Silhouette Ruins Soldier War

Putin’s Offramp?

It’s hard to see how this crisis ends.

Deterring The Deterrers

Deterring Russia is a matter of principle.

The Beginning of a Response to the Beginning of an Invasion

The first shoe has dropped.

Putin Invades Ukraine in Defiance of West

The much-anticipated escalation has happened. Now to see how the United States and its allies respond.

Israel Conducts Kinetic Strike against Hamas Cyber Operations Center

This could be a very big deal – unless it isn’t.

Trump Falsely Blames Democrats For Fact Ambassadors Haven’t Been Confirmed

The President is blaming Democrats for the fact that so many of his Ambassadors have not been confirmed. The truth, of course, is quite the opposite.

Eastern Orthodox Schism Grows Wider

The dispute over Ukraine between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Orthodox Patriarch is widening and nearing the point of a complete break.

Poland Wants To Build ‘Fort Trump,’ We Should Just Say No

Last week, the Polish President floated the idea of a permanent U.S. military base in Poland. It’s a bad idea no matter how you look at it.

The Case Against A Permanent U.S./NATO Base In Poland

The arguments in favor of a permanent U.S./NATO base in Poland are not very convincing.

Poland Offers $2 Billion For Permanent U.S. Base

Poland makes the U.S. and NATO an offer they might want to consider refusing.

Trump’s New Transgender Troop Ban Is As Unconstitutional As The First One

The President’s new attempt to ban transgender Americans from serving in the military is as legally defective as the original ban was.

Russians Behind Nerve Agent Attack on British Soil. Now What?

The British prime minister and outgoing US Secretary of State declared a red line crossed. There’s no reason to think this White House will follow through.

Defense Secretary Mattis Leaning Toward Allowing Transgender Troops To Remain In The Military

The Defense Department will reportedly recommend to President Trump that transgender members of the service currently serving in the military be allowed to continue serving.

Australia Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage

After a long wait, gays and lesbians in Australia have achieved marriage equality.

Trump Administration Set To Formalize Transgender Military Ban

The Trump Administration has reportedly finalized its order to the Defense Department regarding a ban on military service by transgender soldiers.

Transgender Troops Sue Trump Over Military Ban

Just about two weeks after being announced, the President’s proposed ban on military service by transgender troops is being challenged in Court.

Pence Endorses The Really Bad Idea Of Bringing Georgia Into NATO

Vice-President Pence is advocating the admission of Georgia into NATO. That would be a bad idea.

Trump Announces Ban On Transgender Military Service

A step backward on civil rights from a President who claimed he would be a friend to the LGBT community.

Mattis Right on NATO

My latest is out at RealClearDefense.

Retired General Michael Flynn Tapped For Trump’s National Security Adviser

A controversial retired General has been tapped to be President-Elect Trump’s top White House foreign policy voice.

The Paris Attacks Have Made The Syrian Refugee Crisis Much More Complicated

The news that at least some of the men who were involved in the terrorist attacks in Paris were among the refugees who have arrived in Europe since the summer is likely to complicate an already complicated situation.

U.S. Poised To Store Military Equipment In Eastern Europe, Baltics

In what seems to be a clear signal to Russia, the U.S. is considering pre-positioning military equipment in nation’s very close to Russian borders.

Jeb Bush To Enter Presidential Race June 15th

After months of “not running,” Jeb Bush will formally enter the Presidential race on June 15th.

Ben Carson Flunks Foreign Policy, History

Ben Carson doesn’t seem to know much about foreign policy or history. And he doesn’t belong on anyone’s list of serious Presidential candidates.

Putin Makes Waves At G-20 Summit Over Ukraine, Reportedly Leaving Early

Vladimir Putin’s reception at the G-20 Summit in Australia has been less than warm thanks to recent events in Ukraine.

Oil Prices Have Been Falling For Months, And That’s Likely To Have Wide Repercussions

Quietly, oil prices have been falling for months now. That’s potentially a very big deal.

Is The Next Crimea In Northern Kazakhstan?

While the world watches Ukraine, Central Asia could also be an area where Russia may seek to expand its territory.

Is “Finlandization” an Option?

Is “Finlandization” a viable option for Ukraine?

Biden: U.S. Will Never Recognize Russian Annexation Of Crimea

Provocative words from Vice-President Biden. But, are they realistic?

NATO Plans New Deployments In Response To Russia

NATO seems intent on sending a signal to Vladmir Putin that there are limits to his patience.

NATO Commander Warns Alliance May Send Troops To Eastern Europe

NATO may be preparing to send Russia a message.

Crimeans Endorse Secession, Union With Russia. What’s Next?

As everyone anticipated, the Crimean referendum came out in favor of secession from Ukraine and union with Russia. What happens next is another question entirely.

Women Were Nazis, Too

Wendy Lower documents the half-million women who helped Hitler carry out the Holocaust.

2008’s Obama Derangement Syndrome Looks Ridiculous In Hindsight

Let’s take a trip back in time to see what some conservatives thought 2012 would look like if Barack Obama were elected President.

America the Violent

What is wrong with us?

Mikhail Gorbachev: The World Would Be Better If The USSR Was Still Around

Not surprisingly, the last man to lead the Soviet Union believes we’d be better off if it still existed.

Unemployment Duration

Most research shows that unemployment benefits/insurance increases the duration of unemployment.