Blaming Dallas For Kennedy’s Assassination

Don’t blame Dallas, or 60s era Texas conservatism, for what happened in Dallas 50 years ago,

Media Coverage Of Ted Cruz v. Media Coverage Of Wendy Davis

Can differences in media coverage of two unrelated filibusters be explained solely by media bias?

Hillary Clinton Being Courted By Academia

Hillary Clinton is getting offers from universities to add her name and presence.

Bradley Manning Acquitted Of ‘Aiding The Enemy,’ Could Still Face Up To 136 Years In Prison

Bradley Manning was acquitted of the most serious charge against him, but is still likely to spend most of his life in prison.

Coffee Reduces Suicide Risk

People who drink more coffee are less likely to kill themselves.

If This Samantha Power Video Is The Next “Big Controversy”, Will It Be The Right Controversy?

Some thoughts on a decade old video in which Samantha Power speculates on actions to take against an unfolding genocide.

Obama Words on Military Sexual Assault Backfire

President Obama is rightly outraged by a wave of sexual assaults in the military. He unwittingly made them harder to prosecute.

More Trouble For Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell

The drip, drip, drip in Richmond is turning into a flood.

A New Conspiracy Theory: IRS Tea Party Targeting Helped Win The Election For Obama

A new theory circulating on the right asserts that IRS targeting of Tea Party groups had an impact on the 2012 elections by diminish the Tea Party’s effectiveness. It’s mostly nonsense.

Organ Transplants, Medical Ethics, And Children

Getting the courts involved in the organ transplant issue could end up being a huge mistake.

Rich Kids Go to Elite Colleges, Becoming Rich Adults

The economics of higher education is increasing the gap between rich and poor.

Al Neuharth, Founder of USA Today, Dies At 89

The man who changed the way Americans viewed newspapers, just before newspapers themselves began getting pushed aside by technology, has died at the age of 89.

DOMA Under Fire At The Supreme Court

The Defense Of Marriage Act didn’t fare very well during today’s Supreme Court oral arguments.

Naps, Breaks, and Vacations Key to Productive Workforce

Tony Schwartz says, “Relax! You’ll Be More Productive.”

Does All-Volunteer Military Break the Social Compact?

Andrew Bacevich bemoans the social impact of the all-volunteer force.

Has Social Media Taken The Sting Out Of Political Scandal?

Does the public still care about the personal transgressions of politicians? The evidence seems to suggest they don’t.

Social Class and Higher Education

A rich child is 45 percent more likely to earn a four-year college degree than a poor one.

Global Trends 2030

The National Intelligence Council has released its quadrennial strategic forecast, Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds.

Prestige Schools Dominate Academic Placement

Want to teach political science for a living? Go to one of a handful of top schools or don’t bother.

Man Bemoans Selfish Women Not Having Enough Kids

Ross Douthat says American women should stop being decadent and have more babies, explaining that raising children is easier than it used to be, so there’s really no excuse for women to be so selfish.

Harvey Mansfield Sees Crisis of American Self-Government

Harvard’s pet conservative offers a critique of the Democratic Party that reads like something from the OTB comments section.

College and Path Determination in American Economic Life

The best single means of becoming such an economic winner is to gain admission to a top university

The GOP Is Nearly Dead In California

Republicans used to dominate California. Now, they’re barely a factor in the state’s politics.

Republicans And Young Voters

Turning young voters into Young Republicans isn’t going to be an easy thing for the GOP to pull off.

Barack Obama’s College Transcripts

Donald Trump has yet again duped the media into giving him attention by hyping a “bombshell” that turned out to be a nothing-burger.

Foreign Policy Debate Substantive Analysis: Middle East

First in a series of posts looking at the substance of the final presidential debate, ostensibly about foreign policy.

Young Voters Far Less Enthusiastic For Obama This Time Around

Younger voters are starting to become as cynical as the rest of us.

Obama Attended VP Debate Moderator’s Wedding

Barack Obama attended Martha Raddatz’ wedding. Now, she’s moderating the VP debate. Conspiracy!

Legitimate Reasons To Question September’s BLS Household Survey

While the conspiracy theory is nuts, there are legitimate reasons to be skeptical of some elements of September’s Jobs Report.