Basketball With Obama

Michael Lewis has a long feature in Vanity Fair titled “Obama’s Way,” based on six months with the president.

Ahead Of Convention, Plenty Of Pitfalls For Democrats

Obama heads into his convention in a good position, but with several potential pitfalls in his path.

Harvard Students Accused Of Cheating Respond To Allegations

Some of the Harvard students accused of cheating are speaking out, and making allegations of their own.

Paul Ryan’s Marathon Fish Story

In a radio interview last week, Paul Ryan claimed to have run a sub-3 hour marathon. He did no such thing.

Harvard Says 125 Students May Have Cheated In ‘Introduction To Congress’ Class

Harvard has announced the discovery of what one official calls an “unprecedented” cheating scandal.

Romney’s Bain Lie

The real story of Bain Capital is impressive. Mitt Romney chose instead to present an origin story that’s utter horseshit.

MRIs As Lie Detectors?

Will an MRI of your brain someday be able to tell if you’re lying? And, if it can, should it be admissible in Court?

‘Democrat’ Artur Davis Speaking at Republican Convention

A black ‘Democrat’ who seconded Obama’s nomination in 2008 is endorsing Romney in 2012. It’s not a big deal.

Blood Types Linked to Heart Disease in Unscientific Science Study

People from blood groups A, B, and AB are at greater risk of heart disease than those with type O, a new study finds. Or does it?

Fareed Zakaria Reads (And Copies From) The New Yorker So You Don’t Have To

CNN’s Fareed Zakaria looks to be caught in a bit of a plagiarism scandal.

Another Ridiculous Demand For Obama’s College Transcripts

Once again, people are demanding to see Barack Obama’s college transcripts for no good reason.

Yale’s Second Rate Business School

While you might think of Yale as an elite school, it’s business school is ranked 21st–below Michigan State’s.

Harry Reid, The Huffington Post, The Washington Post, And The Death Of Journalistic Integrity

Publishing unsubstantiated rumor is not journalism.

Is Algebra Hurting America?

Andrew Hacker argues that, while quantitative skills are “critical for informed citizenship and personal finance,” making kids master algebra to graduate high school has disastrous consequences.

Aurora Massacre Laws That Wouldn’t Have Prevented Aurora Massacre

Nicholas Kristoff figures that, if we can’t ban guns, we can at least make them safer.

Obama: Stop Watching ‘Real Housewives’ and Playing Video Games

Kids, the President of the United States has a message for you: stop hanging out and get to work.

Romney Ad Uses Obama “I’m So In Love With You” Performance

Two liberal columnists say a recent Mitt Romney ad proves he’s out of touch—and implies that he’s running a racist stealth campaign.

Why Our Columnists Stink

David Brooks is wistful for the noblesse oblige of the elites of yore.

The Supreme Court’s New Limits On The Commerce Power

While it upheld the Affordable Care Act today, the Supreme Court also placed some clear limits on Congressional power. That’s a good thing.

The 2012 Election And The Future Of The Supreme Court

Regardless of how the Court rules on the Affordable Care Act, the upcoming election has the potential to reshape the Court for decades to come.

Is It Worth Paying For a Yale Education?

Men who graduate elite universities earn an additional $107,000 lifetime. It costs $234,440 to get a Yale degree.

Congress and Insider Trading

Congressmen are investing hundreds of millions of dollars in stock in companies over which they have oversight. And it’s perfectly legal.

Bill Clinton’s Bizarre Walk Back On Tax Cut Extensions

Bill Clinton walks back his comments about extending the Bush Tax Cuts in the most unbelievable manner possible.

Yes, Barack Obama Inhaled. So What?

A new book about the President details his marijuana use in High School and at Occidental College.

The Breitbart Vetting and Shoddy Reasoning

Another reason to give everyone adiditional pause (as there already ought to be some) for anyone looking to Breitbart’s empire for good information.

It’s Too Early To Talk About Dropping The Charges Against George Zimmerman

Alan Dershowitz thinls the charges against George Zimmerman should be dropped. With due apologies to the good Professor, he’s wrong.

Are For-Profit Colleges Worse than Public Colleges?

Private college degree mills have come under intense scrutiny. But many public institutions have similar statistics.

Eduardo Saverin Denies Tax Dodger Charge

Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin denies that his motivation for renouncing his US citizenship was tax avoidance.

Common Cause Files Ridiculous Lawsuit Against The Filibuster

Common Cause has filed a specious lawsuit alleging that the filibuster is unconstitutional.

Was The Romney “Bullying” Story Good Journalism?

There’s much to question about The Washington Post’s decision to run a 47 year old story about Mitt Romney.

No, We Don’t Need To See The President’s College Transcripts (Or Romney’s Either)

Some blogger wants to pay someone to get Barack Obama’s college transcripts. It’s time for this silliness to end.

Romney Accused of Vicious Hair-Cutting

The day after President Obama expressed his personal support for gay marriage, a report has surfaced of his presumptive general election opponent engaging in a mean, anti-gay “prank” back in 1965.

Naomi Schaefer Riley and Mob Rule

A blog post lampooning black studies dissertations got a writer fired, setting off a controversy over the limits of free speech.

Teaching the Federalist Papers

If we taught the Federalist Papers more rigorously would that lead to a shared view of the constitution?

Massachusetts Democrats Worried About Warren

Elizabeth Warren’s Senate campaign stumbled badly this week.

Ron Paul: America’s Best Bet on Foreign Policy?

When Dan Drezner tweeted “I’m not going to read anything dumber than this today,” my inclination was to scoff. He actually undersold it.

Dershowitz: Zimmerman Arrest Affidavit ‘Irresponsible And Unethical’

Alan Dershowitz says the prosecutor who charged George Zimmerman with second degree murder of Trayvon Martin was “irresponsible and unethical” and politically motivated.

Do Americans Really Want A President Who “Feels Our Pain”?

We need a lot less fake empathy in politics.

Harvard Graduate Romney Says Obama Spent ‘Too Much Time At Harvard’

Mitt Romney, who has law and business degrees from Harvard, is criticizing President Obama for having a law degree from Harvard.

Newt, the Trayvon Martin Shooting, and Race

Solutions come from understanding, not denial or political posturing

Obama’s Odd Choice for World Bank President

Jim Yong Kim is an impressive man. But he’s got no background in banking, finance, or economics.

World’s Top Universities

Seven of the top ten and fifteen of the top twenty universities on the planet are American.

Shocking Obama Revelations from his Student Days! (Or Something)

It is a curious thing, sometimes, to look at how different people interpret events.