Yes, Ted Cruz is Eligible to Be President Even Though Canadian-Born

There’s simply no question that a person born abroad to a US citizen is a ‘natural-born Citizen.’

A DOMA Confrontation was Inevitable

DOMA’s trip to SCOTUS was practically baked into the legislation.

Rand Paul Wins Meaningless CPAC Straw Poll

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul won a completely meaningless straw poll.

Obama Administration Urges SCOTUS To Strike Down Proposition 8

The Obama Administration has weighed in on the Supreme Court’s other high profile same-sex marriage case.

Should Super Bowl Monday Be A National Holiday?

Does America deserve a day off today because we all stayed up late overindulging?

With Five Days Left, No Fiscal Cliff Deal In Sight

With less than a week left, the odds of a deal to avert the “Fiscal Cliff” seem longer than ever.

Dole Salutes Inouye

Bob Dole isn’t in the best of health but he nonetheless treked to the Capitol to pay his final respects to an old friend.

Boehner Puts Tax Rate Increases On The Table

The latest offer from John Boehner includes a significant concession.

Democrats May Be Short On Votes For Filibuster Reform

Harry Reid appears to be short of the votes he needs to enact filibuster reform.

Rasmussen’s 2012 Polling Has Had A Republican Bias All Year

As in 2010, Scott Rasmussen’s polling in 2012 has shown a distinct bias in favor of Republicans.

Romney and Obama Work for Every Vote, Especially in Small States (Oh, Wait…)

No, the electoral college does not encourage the candidates to pay special attention to the small states.

Basketball With Obama

Michael Lewis has a long feature in Vanity Fair titled “Obama’s Way,” based on six months with the president.

Politico: Obama Levels More Personal Attacks Than Romney

A POLITICO analysis finds that “Obama and his top campaign aides have engaged far more frequently in character attacks and personal insults than the Romney campaign.”

Republican SEALs Oppose Obama, Film at 11

Two groups of former special operations soldiers are opposing Obama. Their military bonafides are not their most interesting credentials.

Romney Campaign Adopts Risky “Take Off The Gloves” Strategy

The Romney campaign has apparently decided to be more aggressive in its attacks on the President, which poses serious risks for the campaign.

Rush Limbaugh: Batman Villain Created In 1993 Is Attack On Romney

Rush Limbaugh made perhaps one of the dumber comments I’ve seen from the right about the entire Bain Capital story, and managed to display an apparent inability to use Google to look things up.

Birtherism and the Electoral College

States actually have constitutional authority over the selection of electors, not of the president.

Whites Now Minority of American Births: So What?

White babies now constitute slightly less than half of American births.

Court Rules That Accessing OTB At Work Isn’t A Federal Crime

A Federal Court rejects an effort to significantly expand the application of a law designed to target computer hacking.