Trump’s Second Term

The NYT is going all-in painting it as “far more radical, vindictive and unchecked” than the first.

Biden ‘An Elderly Man with a Poor Memory’

A special counsel has declined to prosecute the President but his rationale was painful.

FAIR Act Progress

Asset forfeiture may finally get reined in.

No Congressmen in Biden Cabinet?

Competing priorities.

He Got his Man

The AG is not supposed to be the President’s personal attorney.

The Corruption of Justice

The AG is Trump’s lawyer, not ours.

Tuberville Beats Sessions for AL GOP Senate Nomination

Tommy Tuberville is likely the next Senator from the state of Alabama.

Supreme Court Blocks Judge-Imposed Drive-up Voting in Alabama Runoff

Those who wish to vote for Tommy Tuberville or Jeff Sessions will have to walk to the mailbox.

SCOTUS Hands Trump DACA Defeat

Donald Trump would be a more effective and dangerous President if he and his team were more competent.

Tuberville and Sharia Law

Speaking of xenophobia.

William Barr Is Exactly The Kind Of Attorney General Trump Always Wanted

Late last week, Attorney General William Barr demonstrated quite aptly the extent to which he has become just another Trump loyalist.

Jeff Sessions Airs Obsequious Pro-Trump Ad

Jeff Sessions demonstrates just how obsequious he’s willing to be to get his Senate seat back.

Supreme Court Set To Hear DACA Challenge

Tomorrow, the Supreme Court will hear argument in a case likely to decide the fate of former President Obama’s DACA program.

Jeff Sessions Enters Alabama Senate Race With Obsequious Trump Praise

Jeff Sessions entered the race for the GOP nomination for Senate in Alabama by heaping obsequious and pathetic praise on a man who had spent two years insulting him publicly and privately

Jeff Sessions Running For His Old Senate Seat

Jeff Sessions is running to win back his old Senate seat, putting into play the possibility of a clash with President Trump.

Jeff Sessions For Senate Again?

Former Senator and Attorney General Jeff Sessions is reportedly considering running for his old Senate seat.

Roy Moore’s Senate Bid Not Going So Well

Roy Moore’s second bid for the Senate isn’t going so well.

AOC’s Outrageous Haircut


Congress And The Country Prepare For Mueller Time

On Wednesday, much of official Washington, and likely a good part of the country itself, will pause to watch what are likely to biggest hearings since the late 1980s.

Is Wilbur Ross Trump’s Next Target?

After the census debacle, some reports indicate that Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross may be next on President Trump’s chopping block.

House Judiciary Committee To Subpoena A Dozen People Close To Trump

The House Judiciary Committee has upped the ante in the showdown between the Trump Administration and Congress.

Roy Moore Trails In First Post-Announcement Poll

In the first poll since he entered the race, Roy Moore finds himself in third place in the race for the 2020 Republican Nomination for Senate in Alabama.

Six Months Without a SECDEF

The Pentagon has been headed by Acting Secretaries for an unprecedented period. Does it really matter?

Trump Falsely Blames Obama For Appalling Treatment Of Migrant Children

There are children being held in what amount to internment camps on the southern border under appallingly bad conditions and the President is more concerned with falsely blaming his predecessor for the problem.

Roy Moore Is Running For Senate Again

Much to the chagrin of Republicans hoping to win back a Senate seat they never should have lost, Roy Moore is running for Senate again in Alabama.

Former Trump Aide Hope Hicks To Testify Before Congress

Hope Hicks, a former top aide to Donald Trump during the campaign and in the White House, will testify before the House Judiciary Committee.

House Passes DACA Protection Bill, But Senate Republicans Will Kill It

The House of Representatives passed a bill that would extend protection to DACA beneficiaries and other Dreamers, but it’s likely to die in the Senate.

Illinois Set To Become 11th State To Legalize Marijuana

Further progress for advocates of marijuana legalization from the Land of Lincoln.

Roy Moore Expected To Run For Senate Again

Some reports are saying that Roy Moore will run for the GOP nomination for Senate again in 2020.

House Passes Equality Act, Extending Civil Rights Law To LGBT Americans

The House has passed legislation that would extend the protections of the Civil Rights Act to LGBT Americans, but it is probably doomed in the Senate.

A Strong Defense of Barr

Jack Goldsmith pushed back on “over the top” reaction to the AG’s handling of the Mueller report.

Yes, Barr Misled the Public

The attorney general hasn’t said a single thing that wasn’t technically true about the Mueller report. But he was dishonest.

Wittes: The President Committed Crimes

A cautious analyst makes a strong claim.

Barr v. Mueller

It seems as if Donald Trump finally has the AG he has always wanted.

Colbert on Trump’s Family Separation Policy

A classic demonstration of the old maxim, “the medium is the message.”

Alabama Showed ‘Flagrant Disregard’ for Cruel Prison Conditions

The Justice Department has issued a damning report.

Trump Administration Says ObamaCare Unconstitutional

The Justice Department has reversed course and will not fight a December ruling overturning the Affordable Care Act.

Roy Moore “Seriously Considering” Running For Senate Again

Disgraced former Chief Justice of Alabama Roy Moore is apparently “seriously considering” running for Senate in 2020.

Marijuana Legalization Becoming Consensus Issue Among 2020 Democratic Candidates

Democratic candidates for President are quickly voicing support for marijuana legalization.

Senate Appears Poised To Block Trump’s National Emergency

There appear to be enough votes in the Senate to pass the resolution disapproving President Trump’s border wall “emergency,” but there’s not enough Republican support to override an expected veto.

Roy Moore Not Ruling Out Another Senate Run

Roy Moore, who lost a Special Election to replace Jeff Sessions in 2017 after being hit with allegations of sexual harassment and sexual assault, isn’t ruling another bid for the same seat.

Trump’s CPAC Speech May Have Guaranteed His Re-Election

Reason’s Nick Gillespie makes an interesting case but I don’t buy it.

Trump Delivers Bizarre, Incoherent, Red Meat Speech At CPAC

In a two-hour rant before an adoring crowd of CPAC sycophants. President Trump displayed everything wrong with him and his Presidency.

William Barr Confirmed As 85th U.S. Attorney General

William Barr was easily confirmed as Attorney General in a 54-45 votes that included three Democrats crossing over to support him.

William Barr Appears To Sail Through Confirmation Hearing

The confirmation hearing for President Trump’s nominee for Attorney General appeared to go very well, making confirmation essentially a certainty.

Before Taking Office, Mitt Romney Takes On Trump

Before even taking office, Mitt Romney is taking on the President. It’s a good sign, but we’ll see what it leads to.

Steve Mnuchin Becomes Trump’s Latest Target

With the economy appearing to sour, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin is quickly becoming the President’s latest target of criticism.

Trump Takes Aim At The Federal Reserve Board

President Trump is now apparently on the warpath against the Federal Reserve Board Chairman he appointed only a year ago.

Ryan Zinke Out At Interior Department

The scandal-plagued Secretary of the Interior is leaving office at the end of the year.

John Kelly To Leave White House By The End Of The Year

This time, the rumors about John Kelly leaving appear to be true.