No, Net Neutrality Is Not A Government Takeover Of The Internet

Contrary to current conservative talking points, Net Neutrality is not a nefarious government scheme to takeover the Internet, but is aimed to address a real problem. Like most ideas that involve the government, though, it doesn’t really address the real source of the problem; not enough freedom

Feds Force Bank to Remove ‘Merry Christmas’ Sign

Fed examiners made a bank take down a “Merry Christmas, God With Us” sign. Then the “system” kicked in.

Mr. Sanders Goes To Washington

Bernie Sanders took to the floor of the Senate yesterday to rail against President Obama’s tax cut deal. It was history in the making, but it’s not clear that it actually accomplished anything.

Democrats and the Wealthy Rich

Don Surber imagines this edition of “Hardball.”

A Primary Challenge For Obama?

Even though it will likely be unsuccessful, a primary challenge against President Obama could end up harming him enough to hand Republicans the White House in 2012.

Obama Defends Tax Cut Deal As Democrats Signal Opposition

Amid signs that Democrats in Congress might rebel against the tax cut deal he struck with Republicans, President Obama took to the airwaves today to defend it at the same time that his base is rebelling against it.

Obama’s Tax Cut Compromise: Masterful Politics, Or A Fatal Cave-In?

President Obama is already taking heat from the left for his compromise on tax cut extensions, but will it actually hurt him in the end?

Cognitive Bias and the Pundit Class

Those of us who think we’re overreacting to terrorism should remember that we’re in a tiny minority.

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A Right Wing Fever Swamp Feeding on the Delusions of a Lefty

Let’s keep our eye on the ball, people.

Obama’s Federal Pay Freeze A Sign Of Clintonian Triangulation?

Is President Obama’s Federal pay freeze a sign that he’s moving to the right, or just pointless symbolism?

Alan Simpson Fights Back Against Deficit Commission Critics

Former Senator Alan Simpson is fighting back against the critics on the left and the right who are shooting down the Deficit Commission’s plan before it’s even been released.

Obama Seen As Biggest Impediment To Middle East Peace

Israelis and Palestinians don’t agree on much these days, but they do agree that Barack Obama hasn’t helped the peace process at all since coming to office.

NATO-Russia Missile Defense Cooperation

NATO-Russia cooperation on missile defense is a welcome step forward.

TV Shows Republicans (But Not Democrats) Watch

A new survey shows that political ideology leads to different television viewing habits. This shouldn’t be surprising.

The Vanishing Southern, White Democrat

The white, Southern Democrat is a dying breed.

Liberals, Tea Party Seem United In Ire For Debt Commission Proposal

The immediate reactions from left and right to the proposals from the Chairmen of the Debt Commission are about what you’d expect.

Whether They Like It Or Not, Democrats Seem Stuck With Nancy Pelosi

There are grumblings from within the Democratic caucus in the House that Nancy Pelosi may not be the best choice for Minority Leader. Unfortunately for Democrats, though, they don’t seem to have a viable alternative at the moment.

Debt Commission Draft Report Calls For Spending Cuts, And Tax Increases

The Chairmen of the National Debt Commission have released a draft report for consideration. It’s got some very good ideas, but it’s most likely Dead On Arrival.

Jim Webb: The Last Of The Reagan Democrats

Virginia Senator Jim Webb is the last of a dying breed of Democrats, but his party may need him if it wants to remain competitive anywhere outside of a Blue State.

The Tea Party And Foreign Policy

Will the incoming “Tea Party” caucus in the House and Senate force the GOP to reconsider its views on foreign policy? Don’t count on it.

Demographics: 2010 vs 2008

The 2010 electorate was whiter, older, and more conservative than that of 2008.

No Permanent Victories in American Politics

Pundits and partisans constantly overreact to the momentary mood expressed in a single election. The Republicans have already rebounded from 2008. The Democrats will recover from 2010.

67% Of Registered Voters Say Sarah Palin Unqualified To Be President

Another poll confirms that Sarah Palin continues to be viewed negatively by the majority of American voters, but that doesn’t seem to matter to supporters who seem have a degree of adulation usually reserved for celebrities than serious politicians.

What Juan Williams Has In Common With Shirley Sherrod

NPR says it fired Juan Williams for remarks that were “inconsistent” with its editorial standards. In reality, it appears that Williams was the victim of the same convenient editing that cost Shirley Sherrod her job earlier this year.

Taxing the Successful

High earners are going to have to pay more than our fair share of the costs of government to make things work. But how we frame the debate matters.

Obama Beats Hillary, Again

A new Gallup poll shows President Obama beating Hillary Clinton in a hypothetical 2012 Democratic nomination fight. Nobody should be surprised by that.

Gingrich Draws Fire For Remarks About Obama’s “Kenyan Worldview”

Newt Gingrich is drawing fire for his comments about that the President has a “Kenyan world view.” But, will Newt every pay the price for his inflammatory rhetoric ? Don’t count on it.

Democrats Losing Young Voters

President Obama was a rock star on college campuses during the 2008 campaign, but that popularity has not necessarily turned into loyalty to the Democratic Party.

American Taliban, Liberal Fascism, and Judging a Book By Its Title

Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas’ new book, AMERICAN TALIBAN: HOW WAR, SEX, SIN, AND POWER BIND JIHADISTS AND THE RADICAL RIGHT, continues a long tradition in political polemics.

Poisoning The Well on Israel

Bill Kristol and friends are trying to make it politically toxic to criticize Israel.

Robert Gibbs Still Under Fire: Congressman Calls Him “Bozo The Spokesman”

Democrats are currently engaged in a circular firing squad.

White House Unloads On “Professional Left”

The White House seems to be getting annoyed at the criticism coming it’s way from the left.

Greenspan on Extending the Bush Tax Cuts

Former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan shared his views on extending the Bush tax cuts today on MTP.

Is The Right Losing Its Mind ?

American Conservatism has changed significantly since the days of William F. Buckley Jr. One former National Review editor says that it’s changed for the worse.

National Popular Vote Initiative Passes in Mass.

Massachusetts becomes the latest state to join in the National Popular Vote initiative.

Massachussets Approves Electoral College Bypass

Massachusetts will become the latest state to join the National Popular Vote movement, a compact wherein states throw their Electoral College votes to the nationwide winner once enough states agree to ensure that outcome.

Epistemic Closure And JournoList

JournoList may not have been a conspiracy, but it was an example of what you might call an the closing of the journalistic mind.

JournoList: Conspiracy, Scandal, Or Locker Room Trash Talk ?

JournoList’s archives have been making headlines at The Daily Caller, but there doesn’t seem to be any substance to the allegations of scandal.

Does Harvard Discriminate Against Whites?

Rural whites are outperformed by Jews and Asians and passed over by blacks and Hispanics in the name of “diversity” by elite universities.

Why Paved Roads Are Being Converted to Gravel

Is the left to blame for unpaved roads?