Time To Eliminate The “Natural Born Citizen” Requirement

With all the birther talk these days, it’s probably time to question whether we even need the “natural born citizen” rule anymore.

Political Derangement Syndrome

Whenever I despair at the current state of the Republican Party, I remind myself that things aren’t much better across the aisle.

Paul Ryan Unveils Plan To Cut Federal Spending By $6 Trillion Over Ten Years

Paul Ryan unveiled an ambitious plan to cut the deficit today. The question is whether it will be the beginning of a debate, or an opportunity for Democratic demagoguery

Is Dissent Permissible During Wartime?

When America’s leaders make the decision to engage in military action abroad, has the time for debate ended, or is it more important than ever that those with doubts about the policy speak out?

The Profound Query of Sarah Palin? (And the Politics of Apologies)

Palin thinks Israel apologizes too much and it would seem that some find this to be a profound statement.

The Last Chapter Problem

The last chapter of nonfiction books is almost always lousy. Here’s why.

Is It Proper For President Obama To Decline To Appeal The DOMA Cases?

President Obama’s decision to decline to defend Section Three of the Defense Of Marriage Act on appeal was a proper and appropriate exercise of his authority as President Of The United States.

Wisconsin Protesters Bizarro Tea Party?

Is Jon Stewart a useful idiot?

Wisconsin Teacher Showdown

Neither side is covering themselves in glory in the battle over the Badger State budget.

Abortion Funding ≠ Abortion Rights

Critics of the GOP’s efforts to restrict Federal funding of abortion and related services confuse the concept of the right to have an abortion with the idea that someone has a claim on taxpayer dollars.

Rick Santorum’s Google Problem = Google’s Rick Santorum Problem

Rick Santorum is upset that a Google search for his name produces a string of unflattering material. You should be, too.

President Obama Drops The Ball On Deficit Reduction

President Obama’s new budget involves nothing less than a thumb in the eye of anyone who hoped he would seriously address federal spending in his first term.

On CPAC, Social Conservatives, And GOProud

On the eve of this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, another shot has been fired by those boycotting the meeting due to the presence of a gay conservative group.

Academia’s Liberal Bias

Yet another study finds conservatives wildly underrepresented in higher education.

Blogging Liberty and Tyranny, Chapter Four

Examining Levin’s examination of the Constitution, jurisprudence, and property rights.

Cocktail Party Fallacy

Is the only possible motivation conservatives could possibly have for calling out the lunatic fringe a desire for the acceptance of liberals?

SOTU Reaction: Both Parties Ignore The Debt Monster

If you watched last night’s State Of The Union Address, you wouldn’t have had any idea just how serious a problem we’re facing.

Blogging Liberty and Tyranny, Chapter Two

The blogging of Mark Levin’s magnum opus continues.

Blogging Liberty and Tyranny, Chapter One, Part Two

Part two of the ongoing series blogging Mark Levin’s Liberty and Tyranny.

American Voters Continue Their Perpetual Fiscal Immaturity

We won’t be able to solve our fiscal problems until the American people grow up. So far, there are no signs of that happening.

Can We Please Stop Comparing Everyone We Disagree With To The Nazis?

Inevitably, the Nazis made an appearance during yesterday’s debate over health care reform in the House. It’s time for it to stop, or at least time for the rest of us to stop taking seriously anyone who resorts to such arguments.

Democrats Seeking White Males

As noted recently, whites are leaving the Democratic Party in droves. Some black Democrats think it’s time to take affirmative action.

The Health Care Debate Underscore the Fundamental Problem with the GOP

The current approach of the GOP to health care is not dissimilar to its approach to fiscal policy: not a lot of substance.

American Political Violence Rare

While our politics are seldom violent, our violence is often politicized.

Daley Pick As Chief Of Staff A Sign Of A New White House?

President Obama’s selection of Bill Daley as Chief of Staff is being seen as a sign that the White House is moving to the center and gearing up for 2012.

Compromise, 2011 Style

Compromise in politics involves more than compromising one’s principles.

Perversion Inversion

Mr. Yglesias has it exactly backwards.

No, Net Neutrality Is Not A Government Takeover Of The Internet

Contrary to current conservative talking points, Net Neutrality is not a nefarious government scheme to takeover the Internet, but is aimed to address a real problem. Like most ideas that involve the government, though, it doesn’t really address the real source of the problem; not enough freedom

Feds Force Bank to Remove ‘Merry Christmas’ Sign

Fed examiners made a bank take down a “Merry Christmas, God With Us” sign. Then the “system” kicked in.

Mr. Sanders Goes To Washington

Bernie Sanders took to the floor of the Senate yesterday to rail against President Obama’s tax cut deal. It was history in the making, but it’s not clear that it actually accomplished anything.

Democrats and the Wealthy Rich

Don Surber imagines this edition of “Hardball.”

A Primary Challenge For Obama?

Even though it will likely be unsuccessful, a primary challenge against President Obama could end up harming him enough to hand Republicans the White House in 2012.

Obama Defends Tax Cut Deal As Democrats Signal Opposition

Amid signs that Democrats in Congress might rebel against the tax cut deal he struck with Republicans, President Obama took to the airwaves today to defend it at the same time that his base is rebelling against it.

Obama’s Tax Cut Compromise: Masterful Politics, Or A Fatal Cave-In?

President Obama is already taking heat from the left for his compromise on tax cut extensions, but will it actually hurt him in the end?