FreedomWorks Shuts Down

MAGA has eaten the Tea Party.

Education Politics

Inane, effective, and part of a far broader ideological debate.

More Rogan (but not Just Rogan)

Musings about US politics and culture.

Religion and the Capitol Attack

What we know about those arrested for the 6 January insurrection.

Justin Amash Running for Libertarian Nomination

The erstwhile Tea Party Republican is making a run for President.

Joe Rogan, Bernie Sanders, and the Intellectual Dark Web

Politics makes strange bedfellows.

David Koch, Businessman, Political Activist, and Philanthropist, Dead At 79

David Koch, one-half of the Koch Brothers and the head of a wide-ranging business empire who also went on to have a huge impact on politics and cultural philanthropy, has died at the age of 79.

The Reaction To Justin Amash Reveals Just How Far Gone The GOP Is Today

Justin Amash’s call for impeachment of the President, and the Republican Party’s reaction to it, is telling us a lot about the current state of the GOP.

Where Have All the Commenters Gone?

The mysterious disappearance of long-time OTB commenters.

Anthony Kennedy’s Right to Retire

A thoughtful liberal argues the Justice has “altered and destroyed his legacy” by allowing Donald Trump to appoint his successor.

Alan Dershowitz Hasn’t Changed

While longtime supporters have turned on the legendary attorney over his support of Donald Trump, he’s been astonishingly consistent.

Don’t Expect Other Republicans To Speak Out Against Trump Like McCain, Corker, And Flake Have

Due mostly to cowardice and naked self-interest, you shouldn’t expect many other Republicans to speak out against Trump in the near future.

Anyone But Trump

Even if you’re not sure who you should vote for, it’s obvious who you shouldn’t vote for.

Libertarians Are to Blame for Donald Trump’s Racialized Rhetoric?

The idea that Donald Trump has gotten his racialized rhetoric from libertarians is simply errant nonsense. The libertarian view, broadly speaking, is not defined by Murray Rothbard, Llewellyn Rockwell, and Ron Paul and those who share their views. This is but a small and even fringe group of what could be called the libertarian community.

Rand Paul’s Campaign Seems To Be Fizzling

Rand Paul’s Presidential campaign isn’t going so well at the moment.

Getting Government Out Of Marriage Is A Fantasy, Not A Solution

The Supreme Court’s decision on marriage equality seems to have revived an idea that has been mentioned before, but as it has always been, the idea of “getting government out of marriage” is little more than a simplistic slogan.

Rand Paul, Marco Rubio Exchange Barbs Over Cuba Policy Changes

Two potential candidates for the Republican nomination in 2016 traded barbs this week over the President’s new policy toward Cuba.

Brian Schweitzer Hits Hillary Clinton Over Iraq War Vote

The beginnings of a populist challenge to Hillary Clinton in 2016?

Chris Christie’s Misguided Attack On Rand Paul And The GOP’s ‘Libertarian’ Wing

Chris Christie waded into the debate going on in the GOP over foreign policy. His comments were less than helpful to say the least.

Does Rand Paul Have A Future In The GOP?

Rand Paul’s filibuster has made him a darling among conservatives but it may not last.

How To Fix The Republican Party

Whether Mitt Romney wins or loses, the GOP needs to evolve or be doomed to minority party status.

Ron Paul 2012 Campaign Looking A Lot Like Ron Paul 2008 Campaign

Despite how it many have seemed in January, Ron Paul’s 2012 Presidential effort is ending just about the same way his 2008 effort did.

Cato Koch Fight

People are seeing irony where it doesn’t exist.

Makers and Takers?

US society cannot so easily be placed into a maker/taker divide

Last Night Was Ron Paul’s High Point

Last night was the high point of Ron Paul’s 2012 campaign for the Presidency.

Ron Paul Doesn’t Want To Talk About His Newsletters Anymore

Ron Paul doesn’t want to talk about his newsletters now, but he was pretty talkative 15 years ago.

Ron Paul Won’t Be The Nominee, Much Less President

Ron Paul is surging in Iowa. He’s in 3rd place in the national polls and has been for most of the race. He’s not Mitt Romney.

Republican Foreign Policy Debate: Winners and Losers

Huntsman will gain little if any traction and none of the frontrunners really helped or hurt themselves.

You Can Be Compassionate Without Supporting Big Government

Contrary to what Eugene Robinson and Paul Krugman argue today, compassion does not require one to support government social welfare programs.

A Libertarian Moment?

Recent polls seem to indicate a shift in public opinion in a more libertarian direction.

Understanding The Other Side

Paul Krugman thinks liberals understand conservatives but not vice versa. He’s half right.

Megan McArdle On Atlas Shrugged: An Incoherent Mess

Even libertarians aren’t all that impressed with the effort to bring Ayn Rand’s magnum opus to the big screen.

On CPAC, Social Conservatives, And GOProud

On the eve of this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, another shot has been fired by those boycotting the meeting due to the presence of a gay conservative group.

Blogging Liberty and Tyranny, Chapter Four

Examining Levin’s examination of the Constitution, jurisprudence, and property rights.

Why Are Libertarians So Danged Libertarian?

Wondering why CATO doesn’t rail against big business is like demanding to know why NARAL doesn’t spend more time advocating for the plight of stray cats or why PETA doesn’t seem to care about the homeless.

Perversion Inversion

Mr. Yglesias has it exactly backwards.

America’s Intellectual Crisis

The institutions charged with solving our Information Age social problems are stuck in the Industrial Age.

Public Service and Skin in the Game

Thomas Ricks laments that the combination of the all-volunteer military and lower top marginal rates mean that the wealthy have “checked out of America and moved into physical and mental gated communities.” To solve this problem, he proposed bringing back the draft.

I Fear the Government (When the Other Party Runs Things)

Republicans greatly fear the government — when Democrats are in power. And vice versa.

House Republicans Unveil Underwhelming “Pledge To America”

In 1994, it was the Contract With America. In 2010, it’s the Pledge To America. But does it really mean anything regardless of what it’s called ?

Ann Coulter Booted From World Net Daily Conference For Speaking To Gay Group

Ann Coulter has been dis-invited from a World Net Daily conference for her decision to speak at a convention sponsored by a gay conservative group.

The Politics Of The California Gay Marriage Decision

What impact will Judge Walker’s decision on Proposition 8 have on politics in 2010 and beyond ?