No Mr. President, The NSA’s Programs Don’t Have Proper Oversight

Contrary to President Obama’s assertion today, the NSA’s operations don’t have proper legislative or judicial oversight.

It’s About More Than Cell Phone Records, It’s About Liberty

The NSA’s data mining project is about more than just subpoenas for cell phone records.

Obama Expands Bush Data Mining Program

Apparently, it’s not just reporters whose phone logs the Obama administration is tracking.

What Did Susan Rice Know and When Did She Know It?

I have for months taken it as a given that she went on five Sunday morning talk shows and lied about what happened there. Did she?

Susan Rice, Samantha Power, And Syria

How would the addition of Susan Rice and Samantha Power to the President’s foreign policy team affect policy toward Syria’s civil war?

Why NATO Isn’t Going to Fight in Syria

Syria isn’t Libya.

AP: Administration Officials Using Secret Email Addresses

Several top Administration officials have secret email addresses, the Associated Press reports.

Obama Waging Psychological Warfare on Americans, Says Crazy Doctor

Dr. Keith Ablow lays out the case that President Obama is conducting psychological warfare on us.

Bradley Manning Trial Begins With Charges He Put U.S. Soldiers At Risk

Starting today, the fate of Pfc. Bradley Manning is on trial in a courtroom at Fort Meade, Maryland.

GOP Problems With Young Voters: A Messaging Problem, And A Policy Problem

Republicans have problems with the younger generation that they will need to fix if they’re going to succeed in the future.

Did Eric Holder Commit Perjury? Probably Not

Eric Holder’s testimony before Congress is leading to accusations of perjury, but the argument that he did so seem pretty weak.

Bringing GDP into the 21st Century

The government is changing the way it calculates Gross Domestic Product.

Judge Orders Google To Comply With Secret FBI Demands For User Information

Once again, national security wins and privacy loses.

Supreme Court Rejects Appeal Of Ruling Against Effort To Block Planned Parenthood Funding

The Supreme Court declined to accept an appeal of a case in which Indiana’s effort to defund Planned Parenthood had been blocked by a Federal Court.

That Term Most Definitely Does not Mean what you Think it Means

Filling normal vacancies on the bench is not “packing the court.”

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Just Say No To Special Prosecutors

Republicans should reject the calls to call for a Special Prosecutor to investigate the unfolding scandals in Washington.

The Obama Administration’s Leak Investigations Threaten Press Freedom

The Obama Administration’s aggressive pursuit of leaks is threatening freedom of the press.

The “Obama Scandals” Could Backfire On Republicans

The GOP’s latest investigatory crusade could end up backfiring on them.

Scandals Having Seemingly No Impact On Public Opinion Of President Obama

So far, three weeks of bad news hasn’t really had much of an impact on the public’s view of how President Obama is handling his job.

Invoking The Fifth Amendment Is Not Evidence Of Wrongdoing

A top IRS official will reportedly invoke her 5th Amendment rights rather than testify before Congress tomorrow.

Fox Reporter Investigated Under Espionage Act

After many attempts to manufacture grand scandals out of very little, Republicans may finally have a legitimate outrage on their hands.

What “Breach Of National Security?”

Just how serious was the leak that the Associated Press reported on last May?

The Politics Of Scandal

President Obama faces some perilous times ahead now that his Administration is under fire.

IRS Scandal More About Political Bias Than “Incompetence”

What happened at the IRS looks a lot more like deliberate political bias than simple incompetence.

Obama’s Benghazi Problem Won’t Be Going Away Any Time Soon

The Obama Administration’s response to the Benghazi attack is approaching critical mass. It’s not going away any time soon.

Initial Benghazi Talking Points Changed 12 Times, Mentions Of Terror Removed

The talking points prepared in the immediate aftermath of the Benghazi attack were heavily edited at the request of the State Department.

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula Is Not A “Political Prisoner”

Debunking a conservative myth that has arisen in connection the Benghazi story.

Does Benghazi Rise To The Level Of A “Scandal?”

Republicans looking to Benghazi for political ammunition are likely going to be disappointed.

Administration Silent On Future Plans For U.S. Troops In Afghanistan

The United States is currently negotiating for a U.S. troop presence in Afghanistan after 2014, but they’re not sharing their plans with the American people.

Benghazi: Incompetence But No Cover-Up

Yesterday’s hearings shed more light while also raising yet more questions to which we’ll likely never get a satisfactory answer.

Obama Administration Walking Back Obama’s Red Line

Is the White House distancing itself from the President’s “red line” remarks about Syria?

Arming The Syrian Rebels Not Likely To Accomplish Anything

Arming the Syrian rebels may do nothing more than prolong a seemingly endless war, and pull the United States into a conflict it shouldn’t be involved in.

FDA Makes Plan B Available Over The Counter To 15 Year Olds

The FDA has modified it’s rules on the availability of a politically controversial form of birth control.

Obama Says He’ll Try To Close Guantanamo Prison Again

President Obama said today that he wants to move forward with closing the prison at Guantanamo Bay but there’s little he can do on his own.

The American People Want To Stay Out Of Syria

A new poll shows that 62% of Americans oppose American military intervention in Syria’s civil war.

Just This Once, John McCain Is (Partly) Right

John McCain is right that we shouldn’t send ground troops to Syria, but his idea for increased U.S. intervention in the country’s civil war is still too risky.

The GOP And The Conspiratorial Mindset

The wacko fringe of the GOP is increasingly finding room in the mainstream of the party.

Was Obama’s Syrian “Red Line” A Mistake?

President Obama may regret drawing a line in the sand over Syrian chemical weapons.