Senate Acts on Airport Delays

The Senate moved last night to end the airport delays caused by furloughing air traffic controllers.

Congress Wants Exemption from ObamaCare Exchanges (Or Does It?)

There’s bipartisan agreement on Capitol Hill that they don’t want to participate in ObamaCare.

The Hazards of Red Lines

Has Bashar al-Assad crossed the red line drawn by President Obama? And does it matter?

Time To Reassess George W. Bush?

There seems to be an effort underway to reassess the legacy of our 43rd President.

No, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Is Not An Enemy Combatant. He Is A Criminal.

The Boston Marathon bomber must be tried in a court of law.

Yes, Bush Administration Used Torture

A bipartisan commission of elder statesmen confirms what we’ve known for years.

Report: U.S. Practiced Torture After 9/11

A new report confirms that the United States did engage in torture in the wake of the September 11th attacks.

Paul Wolfowitz: Smart Idiot

My latest for The National Interest, “It’s Not Too Soon to Tell,” has posted.

Odds Of A Democratic House Takeover Low

The odds for a party switch in the House of Representatives remain quite low.

Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, And The Limits Of Propriety

The reaction to President Obama’s comments about Kamala Harris raise interesting questions about propriety in the modern world.

Federal Judge Voids FDA Rule Barring Minors From “Morning After” Pill

A Federal Judge has stepped into a Culture War minefield, but that doesn’t mean he’s wrong.

The 2016 Democratic Nomination Is Hillary’s If She Wants It

For the moment, Hillary Clinton looks unbeatable if she chooses to run in 2016

North Korea’s Bluster: How Should We Respond?

So what, exactly, is going on in North Korea? And how should we respond to Kim’s bluster?

DOMA Under Fire At The Supreme Court

The Defense Of Marriage Act didn’t fare very well during today’s Supreme Court oral arguments.

The Filibuster And Judicial Nominations

The Judicial Confirmation process needs to be fixed.

The GOP’s Gay Marriage Problem

When it comes to same-sex marriage, the GOP finds itself on the horns of a dilemma.

Rand Paul’s Fatally Flawed Immigration Reform Plan

Senator Rand Paul has stepped into the immigration debate, but his plan is less than desirable.

National Security Letters Ruled Unconstitutional

A federal judge has ruled National Security Letters violate the First Amendment’s free speech guarantees.

The Unanswered Question About Drones

Rand Paul’s questions about the nation’s drone war were only the beginning.

Rand Paul Filibustering Brennan Nomination

Mr. Paul Goes To Washington.

Obama White House Thinks It Can Kill Americans In America

The Obama White House is not ruling out targeted strikes against Americans inside American territory.

The Irony is Powerful with this one

Apparently, not the Onion.

White House: Unlocking A Cell Phone Shouldn’t Be A Crime

The White House is backing an effort to overturn a bizarre ruled recently enacted by the Library of Congress

Obama Administration Urges SCOTUS To Strike Down Proposition 8

The Obama Administration has weighed in on the Supreme Court’s other high profile same-sex marriage case.

Obama Unloads Immigration Detention Centers Ahead of Sequester

Hundreds of illegal immigrants have been released from detention ahead of possible budget cuts.

When Can Government Force You to Violate Religious Beliefs?

A federal judge poses an interesting question in a case over Obama’s contraceptive mandate.

The Sequester, Moving Goalposts, and the 2012 Elections

Ezra Klein argues that the voters already decided how the sequestration fight should play out.

Trying to Understand Benghazi!

A theory on why Benghazi will not die as a political issue.

Sequestration Hype

The Obama administration is promising massive cuts in public-facing services in the face of minuscule “cuts” to the budget.

Short-sightedness Isn’t Hypocrisy

MSNBC’s Krystal Ball isn’t being hypocritical in trusting Obama to decide which Americans to kill even though she wouldn’t have trusted Bush. But she’s being short-sighted.

President Obama’s Troubling Justification For Targeted Killings

The Obama Administration has given us a peek at its legal arguments for targeted killings and they are troubling to say the least.

Samantha Power to Spend More Time with Family

Samantha Power is leaving the Obama administration to spend more time with her family. No, really.

Conservative Media Its Own Worst Enemy

Conservatives complaining about biased coverage from the liberal media should instead look in the mirror.

Another Ho-Hum Jobs Report

January’s Jobs Report wasn’t much to write home about

Appeals Court Declares Obama Recess Appointments Unconstitutional

A potentially significant ruling on Separation Of Powers.

GOP Swings And Misses At Clinton Benghazi Hearings

Despite some tough questions, Congressional Republicans didn’t land a glove on Secretary of State Clinton.

How Liberal is President Obama?

Looking at the data? Not very.

Romney Lie Technically True, Just Intentionally Misleading

The Weekly Standard is proud that Mitt Romney’s intentionally false Jeep ad was technically true.