How Liberal is President Obama?

Looking at the data? Not very.

Romney Lie Technically True, Just Intentionally Misleading

The Weekly Standard is proud that Mitt Romney’s intentionally false Jeep ad was technically true.

A Credit Downgrade Warning Both Sides Should Listen To

Fitch is out this morning with a warning on the nation’s credit rating that both Republicans and Democrats need to listen to.

Obama Hit For Lack Of Diversity In Reshuffled Cabinet

President Obama is taking some heat over the fact that his Second Term cabinet selections have been very white and very male.

Zero U.S. Troops In Afghanistan After 2014 A Possibility

The idea of completely pulling out of Afghanistan after 2014 is very compelling.

War on Murder or War on Drugs: Pick One

Stony Brook finance prof Noah Smith writes, “The Single Best Anti-Gun-Death Policy? Ending the Drug War.”

Obama Administration Sending Mixed Signals On Marijuana

President Obama’s recent statements on the legalization of marijuana in Colorado and Washington are not consistent with his own Administration’s policies.

US Government Spying on Innocent Citizens, Just In Case

Remember when the Bush administration was spying on calls Americans made overseas without a warrant? Those were the good old days.

Supreme Court To Hear Appeals In Two Same-Sex Marriage Cases

The issue of same-sex marriage will be before the Supreme Court early next year.

Drone Strike on Democracy

My first piece for the New York Daily News, “A Drone Strike on Democracy,” has posted.

The Answer to the Benghazi “Scandal”?

Has Petraeus provided the basic explanation for the administration’s immediate responses to Benghazi?

Petraeus Debunks Petraeus Conspiracy Theories

People continue to spread conspiracy theories explaining the “real reason” that David Petraeus’s extra-marital affair became public.

Neither Mitt Romney Nor Paul Ryan Understand Why They Lost

Neither member of the Republican ticket seems to understand what really happened on Election Day.

Some Respond To Election Results By Advocating Secession

Some people on the right apparently want to return to this map.

The Conservative Political Media Complex

Many conservatives are living inside of a media bubble and they’ll continue to have problems until the consciously decide to break out of it.

What do I Mean by “Benghazi Conspiracy Theories”?

An attempt to lay down some basic groundwork for discussing this story.

Filibuster Reform On The Agenda In 2013?

Once again, Senate Democrats are talking about filibuster reform, but will they actually follow through?

In 2012, Democrats Had The Advantage On Foreign Policy

Without question, Barack Obama won the foreign policy debate in the 2012 campaign.

The Never Ending War On Terror

If you thought the War On Terror might be over, think again.

Obama Claims Sequestration Cuts “Won’t Happen”

President Obama seems to have given away the store when it comes to the defense sequestration cuts.

The Cult Of Barack Obama’s Presidency

Like the men who came before him, Barack Obama has vastly increased the powers of his office. Someone should have asked him about that last night.

Obama Meets With Liberal Journalists!

President Obama had some prominent liberal journalists over for coffee.

Freedom Of Speech Under Attack

Increasingly, the right of people to speak is being sacrificed in the name of “tolerance” and “security.”

About That Libya Question In Last Night’s Debate

What’s the truth about last night’s debate exchange about Libya?

What Exactly Would Obama Do With A Second Term?

The President has yet to tell us what he would do with a Second Term.

Tonight’s “Town Hall” Debate Unlikely To Be A Game Changer

For all the hype, it’s unlikely that tonight’s debate will have the same impact as the October 3rd Debate.

Jihadists Getting Most Of The Weapons Going To Syrian Rebels

The worst elements among the Syrian rebels seem to be the ones getting the arms.

White House Throwing State Department Under The Bus?

A round of finger pointing in the aftermath of the Benghazi attack.

As Congressional Hearings Open, The Benghazi Narrative Changes Again

The official narrative on the Benghazi consulate attack has changed again.

Latino Voters Could Cost The GOP The White House And The Senate

Republican problems among Latino voters could have an influence on several close races this year.

Even After Big Speech, Romney’s Foreign Policy Remains Vague

Mitt Romney’s speech at VMI today was billed as a major foreign policy address, but it was incredibly light on substance.

Release Of Jobs Report Gives Birth To The Unemployment Truthers

Within minutes after today’s Jobs Report was released, the conspiracy theorists began to come forward.

U.S. Abandoning Plan For Peace Deal With Taliban Before Withdrawal

Slowly but surely, we’re giving up on Afghanistan.

The Presidency Costs Taxpayers A Lot, But That’s Not Obama’s Fault

The Presidency costs taxpayers a lot of money, but that’s been true for many, many years now.

Is ‘Benghazigate’ Hurting Obama?

Questions about why the Obama administration pretended the attacks on our Embassy in Libya were a spontaneous reaction to a video rather than a coordinated terrorist attack are gaining steam.