The Anglo-Saxon Outrage Of The Day

Two words spoken by a Romney aide have led to a ridiculous firestorm on the right, while the rest of their comments are being ignored.

CIA Vaccine Plot Makes Vaccinations Harder; Who Could Have Known?

CFR’s Laurie Garrett has a piece in The Atlantic headlined “Good Job, CIA: Your Pakistan Vaccine Plot Helped Bring Polio Back From the Brink of Eradication.”

Romney Campaign Tries To Change Subject, Goes On Offensive

The Romney campaign is trying to shift the narrative.

Did Democrats Bungle The Sale Of The Individual Mandate?

Democratic rhetoric since the Supreme Court decision on ObamaCare raises the question of whether they made a political mistake.

An Appearance Of Impropriety At Justice

It’s never a good thing when an Administration is investigating itself.

The Roberts ObamaCare Decision: The Epitome Of Judicial Restraint

In his ruling on the ObamaCare cases, Chief Justices Roberts reached back to a judicial philosophy with roots in men like Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. and Felix Frankfurter.

House Of Representatives Holds Eric Holder In Contempt

Congress has found Eric Holder to be in contempt. I am not entirely sure what that accomplishes.

SCOTUS Upholds ObamaCare Mandate As Tax Even Though It’s Not a Tax

Chief Justice Roberts sided with a majority in upholding the individual mandate and, indeed, all but some trivial portions of the Affordable Care Act.

Supreme Court Upholds Affordable Care Act In Its Entirety

Thanks to a surprising decision by Chief Justice Roberts, the Affordable Care Act has survived the Constitutional challenges against it.

The 2012 Election And The Future Of The Supreme Court

Regardless of how the Court rules on the Affordable Care Act, the upcoming election has the potential to reshape the Court for decades to come.

A Different Take On Fast & Furious

A Fortune Magazine investigation puts a new spin on Operation Fast And Furious, but questions still remain.

Justice Scalia’s Odd Dissent In Arizona v. United States

Justice Scaiia’s dissent in Arizona v. United States included many odd forays into areas that had nothing to do with the case before him.

Debunking The Fast & Furious Gun Control Conspiracy

There’s no evidence that Fast & Furious, whatever it was, was a conspiracy to lobby for tighter gun control laws.

The War On (Some) Drugs Has Killed More Mexicans Than Fast & Furious

America’s Drug War has caused more problems for Mexico than Fast & Furious ever will.

Jimmy Carter: U.S. Under Obama Is A “Widespread Violator Of Human Rights”

From one Nobel Peace Prize winner to another.

The Arizona Decision Is A Mixed Bag For Obama And Arizona

The Supreme Court left the most important part of SB1070 intact, but it faces serious challenges in the future.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Oompa Loompah Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Ambition v. Ambition

Issa, Holder, and a little Madison.

Fast And Furious: Incompetence Is Always More Believable Than A Conspiracy Theory

The conspiracy theories regarding Fast And Furious are simply not believable, but that doesn’t mean the matter shouldn’t be investigated.

Trying to Sort out the “Fast and Furious” Situation

Fast and furious, or a lot of sound and fury signifying not too much?

Obama’s Assertion Of Executive Privilege And The Law

Is there any legal merit to the Administration’s invocation of Executive Privilege?

Rand Paul Rips Mitt Romney’s Statements On Presidential War Powers

Rand Paul calls Mitt Romney out over his comments about Presidential War Powers.

Obama’s Immigration Policy Shift Was Legal, But Was It Proper?

President Obama’s immigration policy shift is legal, it’s good policy, but bypassing Congress won’t solve our immigration problems.

Republican Response To Obama Immigration Moves Not Entirely Negative

Republican reaction to the President’s immigration policy announcement has been relatively muted, and it’s likely to stay that way.

Obama to Ignore Immigration Law, Pretend DREAM Act Passed

Frustrated by its inability to get laws passed through Congress, the Obama administration has decided to stop following laws already passed by Congress.

Should Congress Hold Eric Holder In Contempt?

If the Department of Justice does not fully comply with Congressional subpoenas, then there seems to be no alternative other than holding the Attorney General in contempt.

Infrastructure Projects And Economic Stimulus

Are infrastructure projects the key to turning around the economy? Not really.

Spanish Artist Facing Prison For “Insulting” The Catholic Church

There is a disturbing trend in Western nations toward enforcement of laws against “insulting” religions.

Stuxnet and America’s Cyber Credibility

The United States may have slowed down Iran’s nuclear program without firing a shot–not counting the one at our own foot.

Obama’s Kill List: Does Anyone Care?

You have Martin Luther King’s statue in your office, but you are sending these unmanned drones out, and bombs are dropping on innocent people.

Republican Foreign Policy Establishment Worried About Romney?

The New York Times finds some infighting among old Republican foreign policy hands.

Major Catholic Organizations File Suit Over Contraceptive Coverage Mandate

The Catholic Church has fired a legal shot across the bow of the Affordable Care Act.

What Happens If All The Bush Tax Cuts Expire?

Here’s why nobody in Washington will allow the Bush Tax Cuts to expire.

Hollande Backtracks on Afghanistan Pullout Pledge

In office less than a day, Francois Hollande has already been forced to admit he can’t withdraw French forces from Afghanistan by the end of the year.

New Obama Ad Attacks Romney’s Bain ‘Job Creator’ Record

A tough new Obama campaign ad highlights people who lost their jobs after a Bain Capital takeover–at a time Mitt Romney was not at Bain Capital.

Dissecting Mitt Romney’s Foreign Policy

Is there a Romney Doctrine?

Avoiding NATO Summit Disaster

My first piece for the Christian Science Monitor, co-authored with my Atlantic Council collegue Barry Pavel, has been posted.