Why Biden Gets No Credit for a Good Economy

Public perception is not aligned with the top level data.

FreedomWorks Shuts Down

MAGA has eaten the Tea Party.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III Ramstein Air Base, Germany, Sept. 19, 2023 Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III Ramstein Air Base, Germany, Sept. 19, 2023

The Case of the Missing SECDEF

A truly weird story.

Impeachment Rationalizations

Jonathan Turley’s defense of the impeachment inquiry is not impressive.

Disinformation and Free Speech

How far should the government be able to go?

Barr’s Too Little, Too Late Tour

In truth, not close to enough.

FAIR Act Progress

Asset forfeiture may finally get reined in.

Chinese Attack Critical Infrastructure

The US intelligence community and Silicon Valley are warning of a major threat.

Ukraine vs Taiwan

Do we have to pick one?

President Biden Officially Running for Re-Election

“The question we are facing is whether in the years ahead we have more freedom or less freedom. More rights or fewer.”

Pentagon Opposes Helping Prosecute Russian War Crimes

A wrongheaded if longstanding position.

Midweek Tabs

Lackadaisical Handling of Secrets by Top Officials

It’s becoming a sad joke.

Biden Document Probe Gets Serious

A second stash has led to a special counsel and political embarrassment.

Ash Carter, 1954-2022

A brilliant national security leader is gone too soon.

The ‘Crime of the Century’ Didn’t Happen

Three-and-a-half years and almost 6 million tax dollars have produced nothing.

The U.S. Role in Ukraine’s Success

It’s much bigger than it appears.

[I'm shocked, shocked I tell you!] [I'm shocked, shocked I tell you!]

Inflation Reduction Act Doesn’t Reduce Inflation?!

A bill that was never about the thing it’s called doesn’t do that thing.

I love taxes police money Euros I love taxes police money Euros

Coming IRS Crackdown?

The Schumer-Manchin compromise includes a massive increase in the tax collection budget.

Why is Inflation So High?

The economy, it turns out, is complicated.

President Joe Biden prepares to board Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House, Friday, June 25, 2021, en route to Camp David in Thurmont, Maryland. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz) President Joe Biden prepares to board Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House, Friday, June 25, 2021, en route to Camp David in Thurmont, Maryland. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

White House Staff Turnover!

Much ado about a perfectly normal phenomenon.

Disinformation Governance Board Killed by Disinformation Campaign

The combination of a horrendous rollout and a social media onslaught was disastrous.

General Breedlove’s Integrity

Are retired officers on defense boards presumed liars?

FBI Preempted Russian Cyberattack

The US conducted a preemptive strike against the GRU’s systems.

CDC Rescinds Title 42, Democrats Panic

Two April Fool’s Day orders are no joke. And they’re apparently causing confusion.

More Details On 7 Hours “Missing” From 1/6 White House Phone Logs

They’re not missing and that points to a systemic issue

Zelensky’s Plea for Help

Ukraine’s leader wants more help than he’s going to get.

Putin Getting Desperate?

The Russian leader is isolated and under tremendous pressure.

Biden ‘Leading from Behind’ on Ukraine

The American President is once again leading the free world.

Russia Really Invades Ukraine

Putin’s forces are in Kyiv.

But His Documents!

Former President Trump routinely broke the law with respect to protecting public records.

[Top Secret Clip Art] [Top Secret Clip Art]

Secrecy and Democracy

How do we know when our government is telling us the truth?

US Waives Iran Sanctions as Deal Nears

The Biden administration is close to repairing the damage Trump caused.

Ukraine: Advantage Putin? Advantage NATO?

Expert opinion on the standoff differs sharply.

Biden Fighting the Last War

Is the administration governing like it’s 2009?

Biden and Putin to Talk Ukraine

Russia may invade Ukraine again. The United States would prefer otherwise.

A Nuclear Iran is Inevitable

The Islamic Republic is very close to being able to fuel a single weapon.

North Korea Restarts Yongbyon Reactor

Because Afghanistan and Hurricane Ida weren’t enough for the Biden administration to deal with.

A U.S. Marine opens the door as President Joe Biden prepares to disembark Marine One, Saturday, July 3, 2021, at Antrim County Airport in Bellaire, Michigan. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz) A U.S. Marine opens the door as President Joe Biden prepares to disembark Marine One, Saturday, July 3, 2021, at Antrim County Airport in Bellaire, Michigan. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

Biden Blamed for Afghan Fiasco

The collapse is not his doing. But he’s accountable for the poor planning.

Who Lost Afghanistan?

The postmortems are well underway.

The New Red Scare

Fear of Chinese spies led to a bizarre and illegal operation within the Commerce Department.

Biden’s Entirely Normal Vacancies

He has nominated only 304 people out 1,200+ that require Senate confirmation.

Book Review: Kill Switch

Discussing the filibuster.

Keystone XL Developer Abandons Project

The project that has been on-again, off-again since 2008 seems to be off for good.

Biden Strikes Bipartisan Tone

The President used his first speech to Congress as an attempt to unite the country.

The Filibuster Isn’t The Problem

It’s undemocratic and we should get rid of it. But doing so isn’t a panacea.

President Joe Biden takes notes doing a G7 Leaders’ Virtual Meeting Friday, Feb. 19, 2021, in the White House Situation Room. President Joe Biden takes notes doing a G7 Leaders’ Virtual Meeting Friday, Feb. 19, 2021, in the White House Situation Room.

Biden Declares Armenian Genocide a Genocide

The President has overturned decades of US foreign policy and alienated a NATO ally for, well, reasons.

Joe Manchin’s Weird Filibuster Defense

It doesn’t work like the movies, Senator.