William Barr Is Exactly The Kind Of Attorney General Trump Always Wanted

Late last week, Attorney General William Barr demonstrated quite aptly the extent to which he has become just another Trump loyalist.

Trump Clears American Soldiers Involved In War Crimes

Against the advice of his top military advisers, President Trump has cleared three American soldiers of war crimes, sending a horrible signal to the world and to the troops in the field.

Democrats Take Control Of Virginia Legislature

Another bad night for Republicans in Virginia, and another warning sign for Republicans nationally.

October Jobs Report Beats Expectations, But Still Comes In As Anemic

October’s jobs report came back better than expected but hardly something to cheer.

Economy Grew At Anemic 1.9% In Third Quarter, Hinting At A Slowdown Ahead

The economy grew an anemic 1.9% in the third quarter according to the first estimate of the state of the economy over the summer.

tax taxes pig piggybank dollar signs chalkboard tax taxes pig piggybank dollar signs chalkboard

No, The Republican Tax Cuts Aren’t ‘Paying For Themselves’

Contrary to the promises of December 2017, the Republican tax cuts are not paying for themselves. Instead, they are helping lead us to trillion-dollar deficits.

Leader Of ISIS Believed Killed In Raid In Syria

There’s apparently big news in the fight against ISIS.

Warren Comes Under Fire In Fourth Democratic Debate

Elizabeth Warren took most of the fire during last night’s fourth Democratic debate, which will likely go a long way toward winnowing down a crowded field.

Beto O’Rourke Would Violate Constitution To Punish ‘Wrong Thinking’ On LGBT Rights

Beto O’Rourke wants to use government policy to punish religious institutions that don’t recognize same-sex marriages.

Trump Basically Let Rudy Giuliani Hijack American Foreign Policy

New testimony from a former Trump adviser details how Rudy Giuliani was able to hijek American foreign policy.

Federal Budget Deficit Ends Fiscal Year Just Shy Of $1 Trillion

Don’t worry folks, we’ll make it past that mark quite easily over the course of the new Fiscal Year.

Disappointing Jobs Growth For September

A somewhat disappointing jobs report for September.

Jake Tapper And Chris Wallace Demonstrate How To Cross-Examine A Trump Surrogate

Jake Tapper and Chris Wallace both put Administration surrogates through the ringer on their respective Sunday morning shows.

Hunter Biden’s Socially Acceptable Corruption

The real crime is what’s legal.

The Quid Pro Quo Debate

A little bit of this for a little bit of that.

Trump And The GOP Have Continually Lied About The Budget Deficit And The Economy

President Trump and the Republican Party have spent the last three years lying about the Federal budget deficit and the economy.

California Sues To Block Trump From Revoking Its Clean Air Act Waiver

California, joined by 22 other states and jurisdictions, is suing to block the Administration’s efforts to revoke the state’s waiver to impose tougher clean air regulations.

Rudy Giuliani Worked Behind The Scenes To Pressure Ukraine On Biden

Working as the President’s private attorney, Rudy Giuliani has spent months working behind the scenes to pressure Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden’s son.

In A Turn Away From Federalism, Trump Will Revoke California’s Clean Air Act Waiver

In a rebuke to traditional conservative views of Federalism, the Trump Administration intends to revoke California’s authority to set its own clean air standards,

Republicans Think They Can Win Back The House By Focusing On The Deficit And Health Care

Despite having utterly mishandled both areas when they actually held power, Republicans think they can win back the House of Representatives by focusing on the budget deficit and health care reform.

The Trump Administration’s Misguided War On Vaping

The Trump Administration is considering banning flavored electronic cigarettes. This would be a a bad idea.

Democrats Clash Over Ideology And Policy In Third Presidential Debate

The top ten candidates in the race for the Democratic nomination clashed last night in a debate that made clear the different ideological directions that this race is pulling their party.

Welcome Back To The World Of Trillion-Dollar Deficits

As predicted, the Federal Budget Deficit has crossed the threshold back into the world of trillion-dollar deficits. This is all due to the hypocrisy of Republicans and so-called conservatives.

Houston Businessman Ensared By Trump’s Irrational Immigration Policies

The case of Roland Gramajo is an excellent example of what’s wrong with the Trump Administration’s immigration policy.

August Jobs Report Falls Below Expectations At +130,000 New Jobs

The August Jobs Report came in below expectations as other economic statistics point to a slowing economy.

Don’t Politicize The Federal Reserve.

A former Federal Reserve officials argues that the Fed should not lower interest rates to compensate for the impact of the President’s trade war, potentially leading to his defeat in the election. This is an incredibly bad idea.

Budget Deficit Growing Faster Than Expected, CBO Reports

Thanks for nothing, Republicans.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders To Continue Career Of Lying For Donald Trump

Sarah Huckabee Sanders has signed on with Fox News Channel to continue her career of lying on behalf of the President.

David Koch, Businessman, Political Activist, and Philanthropist, Dead At 79

David Koch, one-half of the Koch Brothers and the head of a wide-ranging business empire who also went on to have a huge impact on politics and cultural philanthropy, has died at the age of 79.

Let The Winnowing Begin

As many as twelve candidates for the Democratic nomination may not qualify for the next debate. They should use that as an opportunity to get out of a race they clearly aren’t going to win.

Alliance Between Netanyahu And Trump Making Support For Israel A Partisan Issue

Prime Minister Netanyahu’s actions toward two Democratic Congresswomen,seemingly at the bidding of President Trump, is the latest example of the growing partisan divide over policy toward Israel.

Hickenlooper For Senate?

There are hints that former Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper could abandon his seemingly doomed Presidential bid to run for Senate.

Budget Deficit Sets Another Record Under Trump, Heads Toward $1 Trillion

The Federal Budget Deficit rose 27% in July, putting it on course for the $1 trillion by the end of September.

Federal Court Rules In Favor Of Transgender Student In Bathroom Access Case

A Federal Court has ruled once again in favor of a transgender student in Virginia who was prevented from using the bathroom conforming to their gender identity.

The Trump Administration Has Killed Human Rights Diplomacy

Under the Trump Administration, the American commitment to human rights around the world is basically dead.

More Shakeups At The Top Of The Intelligence Community

Just over a week after Dan Coats announced he was stepping own as Director of National Intelligence, there are more shakeups at the top of the U.S. intelligence community.

July Jobs Report Within Expectations But Far From Spectacular

July’s Jobs Report was in line with expectations, but hardly indicative of a booming economy.

Biden Bounces Back, Harris Takes Fire In Second Night Of Second Debate

As was the case a month ago, Vice-President Biden and Senator Kamala Harris were the focus of last night’s debate. Things turned out very differently, though.

Dan Coats Stepping Down As Director Of National Intelligence

Dan Coats is stepping down as Director of National Intelligence, and President Trump wants to replace him with an inexperienced, obsequious toady.

Economic Growth Slows But Shows No Signs Of Entering Recession Territory

The economy slowed somewhat during the second three months of 2019, but the economic recovery still looks strong as we head into the 122nd month of positive growth.

Mark Esper Confirmed As 27th Secretary Of Defense

Mark Esper has been confirmed and sworn in as the next Secretary of Defense, ending a period of nearly 100 days during which the Pentagon was headed by a succession of Acting Secretaries.

Trump And Congress Reach Deal On Budget-Busting Debt Deal

President Trump and the Congressional leadership have reached agreement on a multi-year budget deal that that busts through all remaining controls on spending.

Federal Budget Deficit Near $750 Billion For First Three-Fourths Of Fiscal Year

The Federal Budget Deficit passed the $700 Billion mark with three months still to go in the Fiscal Year.

White House Science Policy Office Basically Shut Down (See Update)

The White House office specifically charged with advising on and developing science policy now has no staffers whatsoever.

On Foreign Policy, Biden Is The Anti-Trump

Joe Biden delivered his first major foreign policy address of the campaign. It’s not perfect, but it’s better than what we have right now.

Appeals Court Upholds Ruling That Trump Can’t Block People On Twitter

The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld a District Court ruling that President Trump cannot block Twitter users from accessing his account.

June Jobs Numbers Bust Past Expectations But Uncertainty Remains

June’s jobs report brought in stronger than expected numbers but the fact that these numbers have not been consistent all year makes one wonder what the state of the economy really is.

Bergdahl’s Sentence Could be Reduced Because of Trump Comments

Can the commander-in-chief’s tweets be unlawful command influence?

Iran Passes Limits On Uranium Enrichment Set By JCPOA

Just over a year after the United States repudiated the JCPOA, Iran has surpassed a limit on uranium enrichment set by the JCPOA

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Should the LGB Separate from the T?

A leading same-sex marriage advocate is pushing back on the trans movement.