Cultural Identity, Mass Migration, and the Far Right

The fine line between xenophobia and patriotism.

Toby Keith, 1961-2024

The country music singer was 62.

Biden: “Is Democracy Still America’s Sacred Cause?”

Making 2024 about 2021 and 1777.

Trump and Christian Nationalism

A satisfying but unlikely explanation.

America’s Forgotten Empire

Our Pacific territories are giving more than they’re getting.

Democratic Majority Emerging After All?

Today’s youth cohort might actually vote.

President Joe Biden delivers remarks at a Black History Month reception, Monday, February 27, 2023, in the East Room of the White House. President Joe Biden delivers remarks at a Black History Month reception, Monday, February 27, 2023, in the East Room of the White House.

Biden the Adult in the Room

There’s been a load of compromising.

Henry Kissinger at 100

A rare man and a rare milestone.

Daniel Ellsberg Wants More Leaks

The Pentagon Papers guy laments that there are too few like him.

The Democrats’ Patriotism Problem?!

Whither American civil religion?

Pence Subpoenaed by Trump Special Counsel

An aggressive but expected move.

US Intelligence Fomenting Overseas Protests?

A 34-year CIA officer’s thoughts.

Queen Elizabeth II, 1926-2022

The UK’s longest-reigning monarch has passed, aged 96.

Biden: MAGA Republicans Threaten Republic

The President delivered a rousing stump speech from Independence Hall.

David Kay, 1940-2022

A man made famous for discovering Iraq’s WMD program was virtually nonexistent is gone at 82.

First Capitol Rioter to Go to Trial Gets 7 Years

A loudmouth III%er cried like a baby during his sentencing.

Biden’s January 6 Anniversary Speech

A necessary but likely irrelevant gesture.

Capitol Riot: One Year Later

A roundup of reflection on a somber anniversary.

Some Tabs

Some tabs plus some tabs equals some tabs.

Max Cleland, 1942-2021

The Vietnam War hero and one-term Georgia Senator has died at 79.

Milley’s Soft Coup

While well-intentioned, the Chairman’s actions were illegal and dangerous.

Kinzinger to Serve on 1/6 Committee

Another GOP member is added to the investigation.

Talk to Trump Voters!

We’re hurting the feelings of those trying to destroy the country.

Comment Policy Reminder

A periodic reminder.

Rush Limbaugh, 1951-2021

The talk radio megastar has died, aged 70.

Dignity And Efficiency On Inauguration Day

Yesterday showed that Biden understands the “dignified” part of politics.

Patriotism Re-ennobled

President Biden masterfully used the pageantry of the day to shatter the self-asserted Trumpian monopoly on patriotism.

A Poster Child for White Privilege

You can’t make this stuff up.

The Choose Your Own Adventure Presidency

Trump’s lack of fealty to truth and reality gives supporters an out (if they choose it).

Trump’s Bizarre, Anti-Veteran Rant

The Toddler-in-Chief strikes again.

More on the Lack of a Rally Effect for Trump

Some global comparisons.

Republicans Attack An American War Veteran, Have They No Decency?

Republicans used to honor the men and women who serve our country. In the Trump Era, they attack them in defense of the President.

Trump Clears American Soldiers Involved In War Crimes

Against the advice of his top military advisers, President Trump has cleared three American soldiers of war crimes, sending a horrible signal to the world and to the troops in the field.

N.S.C. Aide Gives Damning Testimony About Trump-Zelensky Phone Call

Yesterday’s testimony by Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman including information particularly damaging to the President and his defenses to the charges against him in the Ukraine matter.

Senate Report Alleges NRA Became A ‘Russian Asset’

A Senate report alleges that the National Rifle Association allowed itself to become a Russian asset,

More Shakeups At The Top Of The Intelligence Community

Just over a week after Dan Coats announced he was stepping own as Director of National Intelligence, there are more shakeups at the top of the U.S. intelligence community.

What is American Patriotism?

There’s an inherent tension in our national ethos.

Most Americans Find President’s Tweets Un-American And Racist

Two new polls show that the President’s recent racist tweetstorms have not gone over well with Americans as a whole, but that’s unlikely to cause the President to walk them back.

Is It Possible To Be Patriotic In The Era Of Trump?

Is it possible, or even appropriate, to express pride in a country that is being led by a President who stands against everything this country stands for?

Trump Supports Amendment To Ban Flag Burning. He’s Wrong.

Donald Trump has endorsed a proposal by a Republican Senator to ban flag burning.

Elizabeth Warren Continues To Gain On Bernie Sanders

A trio of new polls shows Elizabeth Warren slipping past Bernie Sanders into second place in the race for the 2020 Democratic nomination

Trump Reportedly Will Pardon American Servicemen Convicted Of War Crimes

President Trump is reportedly planning to pardon several American servicemen convicted of war crimes, an action that would be an insult to everyone who has ever worn an American uniform.

McConville Hearings Highlight Military as Family Business

All three children of the next head of the Army are following in his footsteps.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaking with supporters at a town hall meeting at Hillside Middle School in Manchester, New Hampshire. January 22, 2016. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaking with supporters at a town hall meeting at Hillside Middle School in Manchester, New Hampshire. January 22, 2016.

Hillary Clinton Writes History’s Most Self-Serving Op-Ed

Having lost to him, she’s an ineffective voice on the matter of Donald Trump.

Seth Moulton Enters An Already Crowded Democratic Field

Congressman Seth Moulton of Massachusetts is the latest Democrat to enter an already crowded field.

[Top Secret Clip Art] [Top Secret Clip Art]

White House Waived ‘Dozens’ of Clearance Denials

Findings of “foreign influence, conflicts of interest, concerning personal conduct, financial problems, drug use, and criminal conduct” were dismissed.

Crowdsourcing: Patriotism vs Nationalism vs Loyalty vs ?

Looking to OTB readers for insights into an argument with which I’m struggling.

Congress Moves Forward With Legislative Challenge To Trump’s ‘National Emergency’

The House of Representatives has begin the process of challenging the President’s recent declaration of a ‘national emergency’ at the southern border.