Firm That Cleared Snowden Under Grand Jury Investigation

The government contractor that conducted Edward Snowden’s background investigation faces criminal indictment.

Guantanamo Costs $2.7 Million Per Prisoner

Keeping 166 detainees in Gitmo costs taxpayers $454 million.

Military Green Lights Playboy and Penthouse Before Banning Them

The military has declared that Playboy and Penthouse don’t violate its standards but banned them from its exchanges, anyway.

Military Leaders Fighting Military Pay Raises Congress Forcing on Military

Congress really, really wants to give soldiers a 1.8 percent pay raise. Generals are begging them to hold it to 1 percent.

Pentagon May Cut Furlough Days

The Defense Department may have found the money to furlough its civilian workers fewer than 11 days.

Furloughs Killing Productivity at Pentagon

Sequestration is even dumber than we thought.

Japan Reassessing Its Military Policy

In response to North Korean saber rattling and the rise of China, Japan is reassessing it’s military posture

U.S. Aid Will Flow To Egypt Despite Coup, Because We Won’t Call It A Coup

Not surprisingly, the United States is not going to place aid to Egypt’s military in legal jeopardy by calling this month’s events a coup.

Groundswell: Conservatives’ Lame Answer to JournoList

Conservatives are doing what the criticized JournoList for doing—even though JournoList didn’t.

White House and House of Representatives Clash on Civilian Pay

The two ends of Pennsylvania Avenue are clashing on defense appropriations.

Transgender Soldiers Next Barrier

Last month, a retired Navy SEAL came out as transgender. Those still in uniform, however, must serve in silence.

Guantanamo Detainees Will Get Parole-Style Hearings—Eventually

A late-night announcement that Gitmo detainees will get hearings raises more questions than it answers.

Breaking: Top Officers Live in Nice Houses

As Congress eyes the Defense budget for cuts, some are drawing attention to the lavish housing of our top brass.

Hollow Navy?

The United States has far and away the most capable navy on the planet. But it’s not very capable at the moment.

Federal Court Rules That NY Times Reporter Must Testify In Leak Investigation

Once again, a Federal Court rules that the First Amendment rules does not protect a reporter from being compelled to reveal sources or the results of an investigation.

If QDR Accomplishes Much, It’ll Be a First

My first piece for RealClearDefense, “Enough with the QDR Hype,” has published.

Miramar Air Show Canceled. Just Because, That’s Why.

The Pentagon has canceled a popular air show even though it operates at a profit and takes place next fiscal year.

Pentagon to Take Draconian Personnel Moves if Sequester Continues

The Defense Department will freeze promotions, cut workers, and suspend training in the face of across-the-board funding cuts.

Monuments to Wasteful Spending in Afghanistan

The US military’s lavish new headquarters in Afghanistan has been completed just in time for our exit.

Pentagon’s Broken Payroll System

The military’s finance and accounting system has been dysfunctional for decades and is getting worse.

Frustration With Karzai Pushing Obama Toward “Zero Option” In Afghanistan

Frustrations with the mercurial leader of Afghanistan may increase the pace of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

U. S. Aid to Egypt Is Complicated

The complicated issues surrounding U.S. aid to Egypt.

California Balances Budget While Expanding Aid to Poor

Jerry Brown’s second go-round as governor has been very, very good to the Golden State.

Defense Contractors Making Double President’s Salary

We’re paying a lot of money for defense contractors. It’s not clear how much of this is wasteful.

Edward Snowden Is Not The Story, And You Don’t Have To Like Him

Focusing on Edward Snowden is largely a waste of time.

David Gregory Asks If Glenn Greenwald Should Be Prosecuted

Does David Gregory consider Glenn Greenwald to be a reporter deserving of protection, or “just a blogger” who may be a potential criminal?

U.S. To Scrap Some Military Equipment Rather Than Take It Out Of Afghanistan

About $7 billion in military equipment now in Afghanistan will be scrapped rather than returned to the U.S.

Military Judge: Obama’s Comments On Military Sex Abuse An “Undue Command Influence”

Did President Obama’s comments about taking a tough stand on military sexual assault constitute “undue influence” on specific cases? One military judge says that they did.

Rep. Peter King (R., New York) Wants Journalists Prosecuted As Spies

One Congressman thinks it would be a good idea to treat journalists as criminals.

Joint Chiefs Want to Keep Sexual Assault Prosecution Authority

If there’s one thing that our generals and admirals agree on it’s that generals and admirals should retain their power.

AP: Administration Officials Using Secret Email Addresses

Several top Administration officials have secret email addresses, the Associated Press reports.

Did The Pentagon Exaggerate The Effects of Sequestration?

The sequestration cuts are two months old, and it seems pretty clear that the claims of doom we heard before they went into effect were heavily exaggerated.

Christine Fox, ‘Top Gun,’ and the Casual Sexism of 1985

Christine Fox, the real-life inspiration for Charlie of “Top Gun,” and the casual sexism of 1985.

Does Benghazi Rise To The Level Of A “Scandal?”

Republicans looking to Benghazi for political ammunition are likely going to be disappointed.

Congress Forcing The Army To Buy Tanks It Doesn’t Want

Once again, politics is dictating military policy.

Massive Vacancies at Defense and State Departments

There are far too many appointed positions in the US government. And many of them are unfilled.

Hagel Scraps Drone Medal

Chuck Hagel has countermanded his predecessor and canceled the Distinguished Warfare Medal.