Supreme Court Approves States Outsourcing Redistricting to Commissions

SCOTUS has upheld the use of election commissions to draw Congressional district lines.

Pope Francis Writes On The Environment, And Many People Miss The Point

Pope Francis’s new encyclical isn’t exactly being received positively by American conservatives, because they seem to be missing the point.

Supreme Court Declines To Review Ruling Striking Down North Carolina Ultrasound Law

Yesterday, the Supreme Court let stand a ruling striking down North Carolina’s mandatory ultrasound law.

New Michigan Law Allows Religious Adoption Agencies To Discriminate Against Gay Couples

A new Michigan law allows religious-affiliated adoption agencies to turn away parents for religious reasons, and it seems fairly obvious what the target is in this case.

FCC May Ban Robocalls, Including Polling

The FCC appears set to “encourage” telephone companies to install robocall blocking technology. Pollsters are panicking.

Ukraine Heads Down The Authoritarian Road With New Restrictions On Speech

Disturbing developments on the part of the Ukrainian government.

Federal Judge Bars Enforcement Of Restrictive D.C. Concealed Carry Law

A Second Amendment victory in the District of Columbia,

Maybe The Economy Won’t Return To Normal

What if this is the new normal?

Rick Perry To Enter Presidential Race On June 4th

Former Texas Governor Rick Perry is going to be looking for that elusive second act in American politics.

Revelations About The Clinton Foundation Continue To Dog The Clinton Campaign

The Clinton Foundation’s foreign donations continue to be a problem for the Clinton campaign, and the story isn’t likely to go away any time soon.

Supreme Court Upholds Campaign Finance Limitations In Judicial Elections

In a marked departure from recent cases, the Supreme Court rules that states can impose significant restriction on solicitation of campaign contributions in judicial elections.

Hillary Clinton’s Tenure At Foggy Bottom Could Be A Campaign Liability

Far from being a positive, Hillary Clinton’s time as Secretary of State provides ample material for those who would attack her over the next eighteen months.

Ted Cruz And Steve King Are Attacking The Rule Of Law In Defense Of “Traditional Marriage”

Ted Cruz and Steve King think the Court should be prevented from hearing any case involving same-sex marriage. Because they know they’re losing.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Transporters Broken, Cap’n Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Report: Hillary Clinton Evaded Government Email While Secretary Of State

Hillary Clinton’s use of email while Secretary of State pretty much violated every Federal law and regulation on the issue.

A Supreme Court Case That’s Just A Little Fishy

A fishy tale from the Supreme Court that may give us a clue about bigger cases to come.

Federal Judge Orders Temporary Halt To President’s Deferred Deportation Program

A Federal Judge has issued a temporary halt to the Obama Administration’s deferred deportation program, but appeals can be expected.

The New England Patriots And The Case Of The Deflated Balls

A new Patriots cheating scandal, or much ado about nothing?

Oklahoma And Nebraska Sue Colorado Over Marijuana Legalization

Nebraska and Oklahoma are suing Colorado over the Centennial State’s decision to legalize marijuana, but they don’t seem to have much of a case.

More Americans Support Gun Rights Than Gun Control, New Poll Finds

As the second anniversary of the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School approaches, a new poll finds that more Americans support gun rights than gun control.

Despite Last Minute Drama, House Narrowly Passes Bill To Fund Most Of The Government

Despite opposition from both Republicans and Democrats, the compromise budget resolution passed narrowly last night, but not without some last minute drama

Republicans Seek To Use Budget To Block D.C. Marijuana Legalization

The budget bill Congress set to pass Congress would effectively reverse the will of the voters of Washington, D.C., who just voted to legalize marijuana.

Violence, Law, and the State

Thinking about that the state, law, violence, and the Garner incident (and contributing to the tl;dr phenomenon).

F.D.A.’s Mandatory Menu Labeling Regulations Won’t Work, Could Hurt Consumers

The Food & Drug Administration’s new regulations requiring calorie and other information on menus in restaurants and elsewhere won’t work, could limit consumer choice, and may not be Constitutional.

GOP Options In Response To Obama’s Executive Action Are Limited, Perhaps Non-Existent

In the end, there appears to be very little, if anything, the GOP can do to stop or roll back the executive actions the President will announce Thursday evening.

President Obama’s Immigration Threat Is Politically Naive And Unrealistic

President Obama’s threat to take action on immigration if Congress doesn’t act by the end of the year ignores political reality,

Tenth Circuit Bars Effort By Kansas, Arizona To Add To Requirements For Voter Registration

States may not add to Federal requirements for voter registration, the Court rules. Which makes perfect sense.

Supreme Court Accepts Appeal In Obamacare Subsidies Case

Somewhat surprisingly, the Supreme Court has accepted the appeal of a case that could completely gut the financial structure of the Affordable Care Act.

When Is A Fish A Document?

The Supreme Court heard argument this week in a case involving a somewhat strange application of Federal law.

Should Lawmaking Be Left to Congress?

Should the Legislature take back legislating from the Executive?

“Personhood” Amendments Fail In Two States

Another setback for the radical fringe of the “pro-life” movement,

Voters In Washington, D.C. And Oregon, And Probably Alaska, Approve Marijuana Legalization

Big victories for advocates of marijuana legalization.

Nurse Quarantined Under Christie/Cuomo Policy Raises Concerns About Policy

The first person to be quarantined under the new policy announced by New York and New Jersey is raising concerns about the way she was treated, and whether the policy is even the right idea.

Sports Leagues File Suit To Stop Sports Gambling In New Jersey

All of the major sports leagues are trying to stop New Jersey’s efforts to legalize sports gambling. They should not be allowed to succeed.

F.B.I. Director Hints At Regulatory Action Against Apple, Google Over Encyrption

Law enforcement remains unhappy about the recent changes that will make it harder to break into a locked smartphone.

Common Sense On The N.F.L.’s Tax Exempt Status

The idea that the N.F.L. “doesn’t pay taxes” is largely false.

Federal Judge Strikes Down Subsidies For Federal Obamacare Exchanges

A legal setback for the Affordable Care Act, but the important arguments on this issue lie in higher courts.

Airman Reportedly Denied Reenlistment For Failing To Say ‘So Help Me God’

It would appear that someone needs to introduce the Air Force to Article VI of the Constitution.

The GOP Establishment Won The Primary Battles, But They Let The Tea Party Win The War

Tea Party backed candidates may have lost most of the GOP primary battles, but they’ve won the war for control of the Republican agenda.

GOP Congressman: DREAMers Cannot Be Trusted To Serve In The Military

Once again, Republicans demonstrate why they have problems with Latino voters.

Obamacare Subsidies Court Challenge Headed To Supreme Court

Another Obamacare case is heading to the Supreme Court, but it’s unclear if they’ll agree to hear it, or when they’d hear it if they did.

Federal Judge Strikes Down D.C. Law Barring Carrying Handguns In Public

In a logical extension of the Supreme Court’s decision in D.C. v. Heller, a Federal Judge has struck down D.C.’s law barring people from carrying handguns in public.

On Foreign Policy, Conservatives Should Leave Ronald Reagan Behind

Relying on the policies of a man who was President in a very different time is not a substitute for a rational foreign policy.

Obama To Bar Discrimination Against Gays By Federal Contractors, With No Religious Exemption

Later today, President Obama will sign an Executive Order barring Federal Contractors from discrimination based on sexual orientation. But that’s not even the most controversial part for some conservatives.