Iraq Disintegrating As US Withdraws

For years, analysts have worried that Iraq’s tenuous hold on stability would collapse upon the withdrawal of US forces. We’re now watching it happen.

The War In Iraq Is Finally Over

After 3,193 days and more than 4,000 lives, the American war in Iraq is officially at an end.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Turkey Roast Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

A Reminder of Turkey’s Disposition

Just a reminder: Turkey is a NATO ally.

Happy Thanksgiving

Russia on Combat Alert over NATO Missile Defense

We’re hearing the howls of a wounded bear.

Syria and the Responsibility to Protect

We’re running out of excuses.

Eat, Fry, Love – William Shatner Cooks a Turkey

William Shatner loves deep-fried turkey, but over many Thanksgivings and Christmases he’s made mistakes, burned himself, and nearly burned down his house. In this dramatic retelling, Bill shows us how dangerous turkey fryers can be.

Republicans Bash Obama For Doing What Bush Wanted To Do In Iraq

President Obama is being attacking from the right for following through on a policy decision made by his Republican predecessor.

Rick Perry Faces Criticism Over Hunting Lodge With Racially Tinged Name

Why does what was painted on a rock 30-odd years ago matter today?

Rick Perry’s Odd And Alarming Critique Of U.S. Mideast Policy

Rick Perry’s speech criticizing the President’s policies in the Middle East raised more questions than it answered.

Syrian Crackdown Continues, International Options Limited

International options with respect to Syria are limited and likely to have little impact on the governments treatment of civilians.

Syria and the Do Something Syndrome

Ousting evil dictators is harder than it looks.

Is the U.S.-European Relationship Really in Decline?

My latest piece for The Atlantic, “Is the U.S.-European Relationship Really in Decline?” is posted.

AKP Retains Majority in Turkish Elections

Turkey has had elections, and the ruling AKP has retained a majority in parliament. The next major issue appears to be constitutional reform.

Congress vs. Obama on Libya

The War Powers Act’s 90 day limit is in sight. Will Congress force the president’s hand?

There’s More Than One Kind of Anthropogenic Climate Change

Is China’s drought caused by human action?

The Military Still Runs Egypt

Remember Egypt?

Pakistan Claims It Did Its Part To Catch Bin Laden

The question of how the world’s most wanted man could’ve hidden in plain sight in Pakistan continues to be asked.

NATO’s Death Greatly Exaggerated

A version of a piece I wrote Wednesday, titled “NATO’s Death Greatly Exaggerated,” has finally been published at Foreign Policy under the title “Back in the Saddle: How Libya Helped NATO Get Its Groove Back.”

Libyan War Coalition One Of The Smallest In Decades

President Obama’s grand coalition against Libya is a lot less than meets the eye.

Kerry Supports Libyan No-Fly Zone

John Kerry’s Washington Post op-ed supports U. S. leadership in establishing a no-fly zone in Libya.

U.S. Military Intervention In Libya? Just Say No

Intervening to “help” the Libyan revolt is very tempting, but it’s a temptation we ought to resist.

Obama Derangement Syndrome And The American Right

The American right has become infected with the notion that Barack Obama isn’t just wrong, but evil. That won’t be healthy in the long run.

Obama Makes Recess Appointments

The usage of the recess appointment process is just another example of the need for institutional reform in the Senate.

Caption Contest Winners

The Shiite Christmas Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Vatican Opposed Turkey EU Bid

Joe Ratzinger, the future pope, lobbied hard against Turkey’s membership in the EU.

Caption Contest Winners

The The Farce Is Strong With This One Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Covering the Coverage of the Diplomatic Leaks

The major outlets that received document drops from Wikileaks are covering the story in different and interesting ways.

Wikileaks Releases Diplomatic Cables, Revealing International Secrets

A new round of Wikileaks documents is out, and it opens the door on diplomatic correspondence previously hidden from the public.

Obama Seen As Biggest Impediment To Middle East Peace

Israelis and Palestinians don’t agree on much these days, but they do agree that Barack Obama hasn’t helped the peace process at all since coming to office.

NATO’s New Strategic Concept: Active Engagement, Modern Defense

The long awaited new strategic concept, launching what has been termed “NATO 3.0,” has been published under the banner “Active Engagement, Modern Defense.”

Turks Arrest Suspected al Qaeda Militants

Police in Turkey have arrested 12 people suspected of links to Islamist militant network al-Qaeda in Istanbul and Van province.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: 9/11 Truther

If it’s September, it must be time for Mahmoud Ahmadinjad to stand up before the United Nations General Assembly and say something completely insane.

Turkey’s Islamist Democracy

Turkey reformed its constitution over the weekend, in what Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan promised “will go down in history as a turning point in Turkish democracy.” But there’s strong disagreement over which way it’s headed.

Islamophobia in Germany

If you think anti-Muslim sentiment in the United States is running high, a look across the Pond will put things in perspective.