Secretary of State Hillary Clinton looking particularly old in a vain attempt to look young. The woman really needs to get a haircut appropriate to her age. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton looking particularly old in a vain attempt to look young. The woman really needs to get a haircut appropriate to her age.

Clinton Funds Palestinians Despite Congressional Hold

The Secretary of State is ignoring a hold by the House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairwoman.

Court Rules That Accessing OTB At Work Isn’t A Federal Crime

A Federal Court rejects an effort to significantly expand the application of a law designed to target computer hacking.

ObamaCare Goes Before The Supreme Court: A Preview

Starting tomorrow morning, the Supreme Court dives into the most significant case that has been before it in many years.

The GOP Has Lost The Argument Over The HHS Birth Control Mandate

The argument over contraceptive coverage mandates has not gone well for conservatives.

John McCain Advocates Unprovoked War Against Syria

Arizona’s senior Senator want’s to bomb Syria.

Yes, Rush Limbaugh Is A Jerk

Many on the right seem unwilling to condemn clearly offensive remarks by Rush Limbaugh

No, Republicans Wouldn’t Eliminate The Filibuster

Worried the GOP might eliminate the filibuster if they gain control of the Senate? Don’t be.

Maine Senator Olympia Snowe To Retire, GOP Senate Hopes In Jeopardy

A Northeastern Republican announces retirement. And GOP hopes for control of the Senate in 2013 become more tenuous.

White House Corporate Tax Plan Leaves Much To Be Desired

The Obama Administration introduced a corporate tax reform plan that doesn’t go nearly far enough.

Another Debt Ceiling Debacle Before The Election?

We may have to deal with the debt ceiling again before the November elections.

Republican Senators Leading Effort To Halt Automatic Pentagon Cuts

Not surprisingly, Republicans are trying to reverse the automatic cuts to defense spending agreed to in August.

Wyoming Senator Trying To Revive The Dollar Coin Yet Again

Senator Mike Enzi wants to replace the Dollar Bill with a coin. As with past efforts, it’s a great idea that is unlikely to succeed.

Obama Presidency Still Polarizing, Bipartisanship Still Dead

American politics is as polarized as ever, and it shows no signs of changing regardless of who wins in November.

The Impeachment Crisis Of 2015?

Could things possibly get worse on Capitol Hill? Grover Norquist seems to relish the possibility.

The Truth About The So-Called “Buffett Rule”

On it’s own, the so-called “Buffett Rule” is unlikely to do much to reduce the deficit.

Barney Frank Marrying Jim Ready

Barney Frank is marrying a dude, further proving just how gay he is.

SOPA/PIPA Blackout Protests Lead Co-Sponsors To Jump Ship

Members of Congress are responding to the protests against SOPA and PIPA by withdrawing their support for the bills.

First Legal Challenge Filed To Obama’s Recess Appointments

The first shot in a Constitutional showdown has been fired.

Wikipedia To Go Dark Wednesday To Protest Online Piracy Bills

Wikipedia’s English language site will be offline for 24 hours tomorrow to protest two controversial online piracy bills.

Congress More Futile And Unproductive Than Ever

The first year of the 112th Congress has set a new record for futility.

Jim DeMint Demonstrates What’s Wrong With Washington

Senator Jim DeMint demonstrated clearly today what is wrong with Washington.

Why The GOP Is Likely To Lose The Political Fight Over The Cordray Appointment

The GOP is at a distinct disadvantage in the political fight over President Obama’s Recess Appointment of Richard Cordray to head the CFPB.

Are Obama’s Recess Appointments Unconstitutional? Probably Not

While the President’s recess appointments are bound to set off a political dispute with the Republicans, there does not appear to be a Constitution ban against them.