Charting 33 Years’ of FISA Reports to Congress

Exploring data from 33 years’ of FISA reports to Congress

ACLU Files Suit Over NSA Phone Records Data Mining

The ACLU is suing over the NSA’s data mining. Does it really have a chance?

Initial Polls Seemingly In Conflict On Public Opinion Of NSA Surveillance Programs

Revelations about the NSA’s data mining programs don’t seem to be having a significant impact on public opinion.

Who Should Decide What’s Secret?

While our leaders may not be fully trustworthy, they, not disgruntled low level employees, are best positioned to decide.

Edward Snowden, Leaker Of NSA Data Mining Stories, Steps Forward

Meet Edward Snowden, the 29 year old CIA/NSA contractor who has confessed to leaking the details of the NSA’s data mining projects.

Will NSA Data Mining Matter To Voters?

Will voters care about the revelations about NSA data mining? Signs point to no.

Prince Harry Saved Gay Soldier From Beating

Then-Lieutenant Wales intervened to prevent a gay trooper from getting beaten by a gang of thugs.

NSA PRISM Story Overhyped

Not only do we not know the whole story of the NSA data mining operation, key details of what thought we knew are wrong.

Big Metadata and Big Government

Jay Stanley and Ben Wizner, privacy experts at the ACLU, argue that metadata is more sensitive than we think.

No Mr. President, The NSA’s Programs Don’t Have Proper Oversight

Contrary to President Obama’s assertion today, the NSA’s operations don’t have proper legislative or judicial oversight.

NSA Data Mining: It Doesn’t Matter If It’s Legal

Just because NSA data mining is legal, that doesn’t mean it’s proper or that the American people should tolerate it.

Security Data-Mining And Other Forms Of Witchcraft

At what point do science and magic converge? And what are the potential costs?

NSA Data Mining Also Extends To Credit Card Transactions

Sadly, this is not surprising.

FISA, Blanket Searches, and the 4th Amendment

The government has your cell phone and credit card records. What can they do with that information?

NSA Mining Data From Top Internet Content Providers

Big Brother is doing more than just checking your phone records.

It’s About More Than Cell Phone Records, It’s About Liberty

The NSA’s data mining project is about more than just subpoenas for cell phone records.

Deval Patrick: I Got Drunk After The Boston Bomber Was Captured

The Governor of Massachusetts decided to celebrate a bit after Dzhorkhar Tsarnaev was captured.

Obama Expands Bush Data Mining Program

Apparently, it’s not just reporters whose phone logs the Obama administration is tracking.

What Did Susan Rice Know and When Did She Know It?

I have for months taken it as a given that she went on five Sunday morning talk shows and lied about what happened there. Did she?

Susan Rice, Samantha Power, And Syria

How would the addition of Susan Rice and Samantha Power to the President’s foreign policy team affect policy toward Syria’s civil war?

Why NATO Isn’t Going to Fight in Syria

Syria isn’t Libya.

Susan Rice To Replace Tom Donilon As National Security Adviser

Denied her chance at being Secretary of State, Susan Rice will be moving to a position that is arguably just as important in shaping American foreign policy.

In Challenge To Senate GOP, Obama Names Three Judges To D.C. Circuit

President Obama threw down a gauntlet today in the form of a trio of Judicial nominations.

Joint Chiefs Want to Keep Sexual Assault Prosecution Authority

If there’s one thing that our generals and admirals agree on it’s that generals and admirals should retain their power.

Iran, Hezbollah and Latin America?

The same story yet again.

Kristin Beck, formerly Chris, penned her story of going from an elite Navy SEAL to a woman in the book "Warrior Princess." Kristin Beck, formerly Chris, penned her story of going from an elite Navy SEAL to a woman in the book "Warrior Princess."

Navy SEAL Comes Out as Transgender

Chris Beck spent 20 years as a Navy SEAL. Kristen Beck has written a book about her experiences.

Bradley Manning Trial Begins With Charges He Put U.S. Soldiers At Risk

Starting today, the fate of Pfc. Bradley Manning is on trial in a courtroom at Fort Meade, Maryland.

GOP Problems With Young Voters: A Messaging Problem, And A Policy Problem

Republicans have problems with the younger generation that they will need to fix if they’re going to succeed in the future.

Syria’s Civil War Inspiring Sectarian Violence Outside Syria

Syria’s violence is slipping across it’s borders.That’s not good news at all.

Did Eric Holder Commit Perjury? Probably Not

Eric Holder’s testimony before Congress is leading to accusations of perjury, but the argument that he did so seem pretty weak.

Judge Orders Google To Comply With Secret FBI Demands For User Information

Once again, national security wins and privacy loses.

The Obama Administration’s Leak Investigations Threaten Press Freedom

The Obama Administration’s aggressive pursuit of leaks is threatening freedom of the press.

Did The Pentagon Exaggerate The Effects of Sequestration?

The sequestration cuts are two months old, and it seems pretty clear that the claims of doom we heard before they went into effect were heavily exaggerated.

The Violence in England and Sweden

What’s going on in England and Sweden?