Stuxnet And America’s New Cyberwarriors

The first shots have been fired in cyberspace. How will it end?

Obama’s Kill List: Does Anyone Care?

You have Martin Luther King’s statue in your office, but you are sending these unmanned drones out, and bombs are dropping on innocent people.

Romney Slams Obama On Syria, But Doesn’t Offer An Alternative

Mitt Romney is criticizing the President over his Syria policy, but his alternative ideas aren’t very good.

Romney and the Military

Romney comes down firmly on the guns side of guns and butter.

Stuxnet On Steroids

Meet Flame. A cyber threat that makes Stuxnet seem like child’s play.

Memorial Day Should Be Sacred Even When You Oppose War

Political disagreements about war are no reason to dismiss the sacrifices of those who have died for our country.

Does It Matter If A Presidential Candidate Never Served In The Military?

For the first time in 68 years, neither major party candidate for President has served in the military. Does this matter?

Hollande Backtracks on Afghanistan Pullout Pledge

In office less than a day, Francois Hollande has already been forced to admit he can’t withdraw French forces from Afghanistan by the end of the year.

Dissecting Mitt Romney’s Foreign Policy

Is there a Romney Doctrine?

House Republicans Gut Defense Sequestration Cuts

Another example of Republican foreign policy taking precedence over fiscal conservatism.

Fiscal Conservativism? Romney Would Raise Defense Spending $2.1 Trillion Over 10 Years

Mitt Romney is proposing one of the biggest peacetime increases in military spending in U.S. history.

Ron Paul: America’s Best Bet on Foreign Policy?

When Dan Drezner tweeted “I’m not going to read anything dumber than this today,” my inclination was to scoff. He actually undersold it.

Drone Creep and the Rumsfeld Question

My first piece for The New Republic, “Why the Obama Administration’s Drone War May Soon Reach a Tipping Point,” is up.

The bin Laden Raid And The 2012 Elections

Osama bin Laden’s death provides Barack Obama with an important political shield during the upcoming campaign.

Obama, Afghanistan, and ‘Extraordinary Security Precautions’

Wolf Blitzer just observed that the fact that the president has to take these “extraordinary security precautions” to enter Afghanistan proves how far we still have to go in Afghanistan.

SEALs Swift Boating Obama?

Some Navy SEALs are weighing in on the brouhaha.

Cleveland Bridge Terror Plot Averted

Five suspects have been arrested in a plot to blow up a Cleveland bridge.

How Risky Was the Osama bin Laden Raid?

We seldom blame presidents for bold actions that go wrong. We despise them for appearing weak and indecisive.

Obama Spikes Football on Bin Laden Killing

The Obama campaign’s cheap politicizing of the SEAL raid that took out bin Laden is unseemly. And unnecessary.

Romney Campaign Warns Of Soviet Threat To Czechoslovakia

Does the Romney campaign know the USSR doesn’t exist anymore? Of course they do, but the language they use still means something.

USS Harvey Milk?

Should the United States Navy name a ship after martyred gay activist Harvey Milk? This is not a rhetorical question.

Insurmountable Obstacles in Afghanistan

My latest for The National Interest,Insurmountable Obstacles in Afghanistan, has been posted.

Iran Hasn’t Decided Whether to Build Nukes-Israel Army Chief

Lt Gen Benny Gantz says Iran “is going step by step to the place where it will be able to decide whether to manufacture a nuclear bomb. It hasn’t yet decided to go the extra mile.”

Army Cancels Ted Nugent Concert

The commander of Fort Knox has canceled a Ted Nugent concert after the rocker’s recent rant about President Obama.

Women to Attend Marine Infantry School

Some Marine women are going to Infantry Officers Course. Here’s how to make it work.

American Troops Posed With Taliban Corpses

The consequences of ten years of war?

Ensign Chuck Hord, Lost at Sea

The story of Ensign Chuck Lord may be the greatest—or perhaps only—prank in Pentagon art history

Anders Breivik and Khaleid Sheikh Mohammed

The Atlantic’s Max Fisher reflects on “What America Can Learn From Norway’s Anders Breivik Trial.”

George Washington Named Britain’s Greatest Military Foe

American revolutionary leader George Washington has been voted the greatest enemy commander to face Britain, lauded for his spirit of endurance against the odds and the enormous impact of his victory.

Dershowitz: Zimmerman Arrest Affidavit ‘Irresponsible And Unethical’

Alan Dershowitz says the prosecutor who charged George Zimmerman with second degree murder of Trayvon Martin was “irresponsible and unethical” and politically motivated.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton looking particularly old in a vain attempt to look young. The woman really needs to get a haircut appropriate to her age. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton looking particularly old in a vain attempt to look young. The woman really needs to get a haircut appropriate to her age.

Clinton Funds Palestinians Despite Congressional Hold

The Secretary of State is ignoring a hold by the House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairwoman.