White House Rejects Invitation To Participate In Impeachment Hearings

After arguing for a month about an “unfair” impeachment process, the WHite House is saying ‘no thanks’ to an invitation to participate in the next round of impeachment hearings.

Brexit And Scottish Independence

If the United Kingdom does go through with Brexit, it could lead to an existential crisis for the United Kingdom itself.

The Trouble With Trump’s Pardons For War Criminals

Donald Trump’s pardons of soldiers convicted of war crimes sends the wrong message to the military, to our allies, and to the world.

Lindsey Graham Blocked Armenian Genocide Resolution At White House Request

Earlier this month, Senator Lindsey Graham blocked a bipartisan resolution condemning the Armenian Genocide, Now we know why.

Navy Secretary Dismissed In Dispute Over Case Involving SEAL Accused Of War Crimes

The Secretary of the Navy was abruptly dismissed late yesterday in a dispute over the a case involving a SEAL accused of war crimes.

Mike Pompeo Looks For An Exit

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo looks ready to jump ship in favor of a run for Senate,

Justice Department Report Undermines GOP Conspiracy Theory On Russia Investigation

An internal Justice Department investigation fails to find any evidence of political bias in the Russia investigation.

While Republicans Push Debunked Ukraine Conspiracy Theory, Putin Takes A Victory Lap

As Republicans and their conservative cohorts spread a discredited conspiracy theory about the 2016 election, Vladimir Putin smiles at yet another victory.

North Korea Not Interested In Any Talks With U.S.

The Trump Administration’s strategy in North Korea is an utter failure.

Long Day Of Impeachment Hearings Brings More Evidence Against Trump

After a long day of hearings, the case against the President is becoming clearer and Republican defenses becoming more absurd.

Trump Ignores International Law, Hands Israel Another Gift

Reversing decades of policy, the Trump Administration reversed decades of policy on settlements in disputed territory.

Trump Clears American Soldiers Involved In War Crimes

Against the advice of his top military advisers, President Trump has cleared three American soldiers of war crimes, sending a horrible signal to the world and to the troops in the field.

Former Ambassador Describes Effort By Trump Associates To Push Her Aside

Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch described how the President’s allies intimidated her out of her position, while the President intimidated her live on Twitter.

Former Ambassador To Testify On Day Two Of Impeachment Hearings

Day two of Congressional impeachment hearings will be marked by the testimony of the former American Ambassador to Ukraine.

Macron Calls NATO ‘Brain Dead’ Due To Lack Of U.S. Leadership

French President Emmanuel Macron declared that the NATO alliance is suffering brain death due to President Trump’s neglect and lack of leadership.

The Military Has A Suicide Problem

Suicide has become a bigger threat to members of the military and veterans than combat. That needs to change.

LTC Vindman Update

Revisiting a recent post.

Is Pete Buttigieg’s Sexual Orientation Hurting His Campaign?

With Pete Buttigieg rising in the polls, but underperforming among African-Americans, some are wondering if his sexual orientation is holding him back.

Lt. Col. Vindman Told To ‘Keep Quiet’ About Ukraine Phone Call

And now we have evidence of a clear effort at a coverup by high-level White House employees. The question would be, what did the President know and when did he know it?

Air Force Adopts ‘Indefinite Enlistment’ for NCOs

The newest branch of the US Armed Forces has made a long-overdue policy change that others should copy.

LTC Vindman Could be Court-Martialed for Testifying to Congress

Defying the Commander-in-Chief’s order will almost certainly ruin a good man’s career.

Trump May Not Benefit Politically From Al-Baghdadi’s Death

If President Trump expected to get a political bump from the death of the leader of ISIS, he is most likely going to be disappointed.

Leader Of ISIS Believed Killed In Raid In Syria

There’s apparently big news in the fight against ISIS.

Federal Judge Rejects Republican Argument Against Impeachment Inquiry

A Federal District Court Judge gave the House of Representatives, and the nation, a big win yesterday.

Poll Finds Little Support For Trump’s Syria Retreat

President Trump’s sudden decision to withdraw troops from Syria isn’t receiving much public support.

Russia And Turkey Divide Up Northern Syria As U.S. Retreats

As American forces retreat, Russia and Turkey are dividing up northern Syria like,well,a turkey.

ISIS A Big Winner After Trump’s Retreat

ISIS is quickly taking advantage of the abrupt American withdrawal from northern Syria.

Final State Department Review Finds No Wrongdoing Regarding Clinton Emails

In what is hopefully the final review of the mater, an internal State Department view finds no wrongdoing with regard to Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.

Elizabeth Warren And The Commander In Chief Test

So far at least, Elizabeth Warren is not doing a good job of articulating her foreign policy positions. That needs to change if she’s going to be a serious candidate.

Pence And Pompeo ‘Ceasefire’ Benefits Turks, Syria, And Russia, Screws Kurds

American negotiators are claiming a ceasefire in northern Syria. The Turks, Syrians, and Russians are the winners, the Kurds are the losers, and we look like schmucks.

Trump’s Bizarre, Unhinged Letter to Erdogan

There’s no rational explanation for this.

Trump Basically Let Rudy Giuliani Hijack American Foreign Policy

New testimony from a former Trump adviser details how Rudy Giuliani was able to hijek American foreign policy.

Turks Continue Offensive As Trump Imposes Weak-Kneed Sanctions

As the Turkish invasion of northern Syria continues, Donald Trump responds with basically nothing.

Senate Report Details Russian Interference In 2016 Election, Warns About 2020

A new Senate Intelligence Committee report adds to the evidence regarding Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Turkey, Syria, And Russia Win, U.S. Loses As Syrian Crisis Widens

Turkish forces advance, American forces retreat, the Kurds seek new allies, and Syria and Russia come out the winners.

Former Ambassador To Ukraine: Pressure From Trump And Giuliani Forced Me Out

Marie Yovanovitch, the former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, had a lot to say when she testified before Congress yesterday.

White House Officials ‘Alarmed’ By Trump Contacts With Ukraine

New reports indicated that the President’s contacts with Ukraine’s President set off alarm bells inside the White House.

Trump Doesn’t Care If ISIS Terrorists Return To Europe

President Trump is basically saying he does not care if ISIS prisoners return to Europe to commit terror attacks.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump On Syrian Kurds: They Didn’t Help Us At Normandy

Trump makes a particularly dumb comment about our alliance with Syrian Kurds.

Turkish Forces Cross Border Into Northern Syria, Hit Kurdish Areas

Just days after President Trump agreed to remove American forces from the scene, Turkish forces are entering northern Syria and Kurdish forces say they ar ready for war.

North Korea Throws Cold Water On Future Negotiations

North Korea appears to be pulling back from any future negotiations over its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs, leaving the Trump Administration’s Korea policy in shambles.

Trump’s Syria Moves Face Heavy Criticism

President Trump’s latest Syria move is coming under heavy criticism even from fellow Republicans.

Trump Promised Xi That The U.S. Would Remain Silent About Hong Kong

President Trump has reportedly pledged to Chinese President Xi Jinping that the United States would not speak out against Chinese actions in Hong Kong.

Whistleblowers vs Leakers vs Spies

Yes, officials who follow the law are “whistleblowers.”

Trump Pulls U.S. Forces From Northern Syria, Leaving Kurds Vulnerable

The United States is withdrawing its small force from Northern Syria, clearing the way for a Turkish invasion that will likely
aim to wipeout the Kurdish forces in the region.

The Biggest Winner In The Trump-Ukraine Scandal? Putin, Of Course

With the ongoing Ukraine scandal having an impact in Washington and Kyiv, the biggest winner is in Moscow.

More Bad Whistleblower News For Trump

A second potential whistleblower and an apparent criminal referral from the CIA’s top lawyer make a bad week even worse for Donald Trump.

Senate Report Alleges NRA Became A ‘Russian Asset’

A Senate report alleges that the National Rifle Association allowed itself to become a Russian asset,