What’s Really Behind The Netflix/Qwikster Split?

The decision to split Netflix into two companies makes no sense. Unless you look behind the scenes.

Netflix Gets Out of DVD Business, Spins of Qwikster

In a truly bizarre move, Netflix is spinning off the DVD-by-mail business that built them into an international brand and going stream-only. Those wishing to keep getting movies will have to sign on to something called Qwikster.

Demand Crisis, Structural Crisis, or Both?

Paul Krugman seems to believe that something like the bubble economy we enjoyed until it burst in 2008 could be had again if only our leaders were sufficiently bold.

Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist Resigns Over Global Warming

Ivar Giaever, the 1973 winner of the Nobel Prize in physics, has resigned from the American Physical Society over its declaration that “global warming is occurring” and that “the evidence is incontrovertible.”

Gardasil and the GOP

The Hoover Institution’s Henry I. Miller, MD takes to National Review to take on the subject of “Gardasil and the GOP.”

Supreme Court To Rule On Warrentless GPS Tracking

In its upcoming term, the Supreme Court will examine the question whether police can track people via GPS without first obtaining a warrant.

Utopia Is A Relative Concept

What we think the ideal society looks like depends a lot on what kind of society we live in.

Al Gore Places Infant Son In Rocket To Escape Dying Planet

Al Gore Places Infant Son In Rocket To Escape Dying Planet

The Perils of Typos

The “Green Jobs” Boondoggle

America is discovering that throwing money at an industry in the hope it will create jobs doesn’t work.

Perry and Galileo

Governor, that analogy does not mean what you think it means.

Productivity Killing American Economy?

Derek Thompson argues that “the real reason Americans fell so squeezed” is our obsession with productivity.

Betting With The Public’s Money: The Lessons Of The Solyndra Bankruptcy

The Solyndra case is a classic example of what’s wrong with “government investment.”

Digital Native Myth

The idea that students raised in the Information Age are therefore savvy about information is a dangerous but pervasive myth.

Academia Embraces Social Media

Contrary to myth, the college classroom is a rapidly evolving place.

Biofuel vs. Food

The Western fetish for turning cheap, efficient food into expensive, inefficient fuel is threatening the food supply–as is the European superstition against genetically modified foods.

Solar Energy Firm’s Bankruptcy Calls Obama’s “Green Jobs” Program Into Question

The failure of a solar energy firm in California is raising questions about a centerpiece of the Administration’s economic policy.

Arthur C. Clarke Predicts Future

Arthur C. Clarke predicts the future on a 1964 BBC Horizon program.

Obama Speech Scheduling Follies

How hard is it to schedule one measly jobs speech?

It Is News That Apple’s New CEO Is Gay?

Tim Cook is succeeding Steve Jobs as head of the world’s biggest technology company. Does it matter that he’s gay?

Obama’s Jobs Plan: Deja Vu All Over Again?

Details of the President’s jobs plan are starting to leak out, and they’re not looking impressive.

Madison and States v. the Central Government

Madison went to Philadelphia wanting to increase the power of the central government over the states (quite a bit, in fact).

Is “Twitter Stalking” Free Speech?

A case pending in Maryland raises the question of when boorish online behavior crosses the line from protected speech to criminal act.

How Steve Jobs Succeeded By Failing

Before achieving astounding success, Steve Jobs had to experience disappointment and failure.

Success In Libya Does Not Justify An Unnecessary, Improper Decision By President Obama

Success in Libya does not make the American mission any less unjustified than it was on the day President Obama announced it.

Chris Christie: Climate Change Is Real, Human Activity Contributes To It

The climate change deniers aren’t going to like what Chris Christie has to say.

Birth Of A Bad Blog Meme Or, Why Are Some People Laughing At “Green Aliens”?

It pays to read a scientific study before commenting on it.

Rick Perry: Evolution Just “A Theory That Is Out There”

Like Jon Huntsman, Rick Perry has something to say about evolution today and he handled it very differently.

Rick Perry’s Crony Capitalism

Rick Perry’s vision of capitalism doesn’t exactly comply with what Adam Smith had in mind.

Huntsman: I Believe in Evolution and Trust Scientists

Jon Huntsman just tweeted, “To be clear. I believe in evolution and trust scientists on global warming. Call me crazy.”

The PC Turns 30, Is It Over The Hill?

The IBM PC was introduced 30 years ago. Has its time passed?

Mac v. PC

Through 20 years of effort, we've successfully trained everyone to use passwords that are hard for humans to remember but easy for computers to guess Through 20 years of effort, we've successfully trained everyone to use passwords that are hard for humans to remember but easy for computers to guess

Password Strength FAIL

Through 20 years of effort, we’ve successfully trained everyone to use passwords that are hard for humans to remember but easy for computers to guess.

Another Round of QE3?

Will the Fed announce another round of Quantitative Easing?

Are The Good Times Really Over For Good?

Watching the news and reading the op-eds makes it clear: America is doomed.

Privatizing The Post Office Is The Only Way To Save It

We are being warned once again that the Postal Service is on the verge of financial collapse. There really is only one solution.