Google Loses Belgian Copyright Case

Local newspapers in Belgium inexplicably don’t want to be linked by Google and are using copyright law rather than a robots.txt file to enforce their wishes.

Twitter As Breaking News Source

Sunday’s announcement of the death of Osama bin Laden was the latest example of how Twitter has become the go-to source for “Breaking News.”

More Musings on the Health Care Debate

An attempt at explaining where I am coming from on in the health care discussion.

Stealth Blackhawk Helicopter Used in Osama Raid

There has been some buzz on the national security backchannels that a heretofore secret “stealth” helicopter was used in the SEAL raid on Osama bin Laden’s Pakistan hideout.

Obama Osama Speech Photos Faked (As Usual)

The photographs of President Obama that appeared in the papers after the Osama announcement were staged.

Pakistani Man Unwittingly Live-Tweets Raid That Killed bin Laden

A Pakistani man named Sohaib Athar unwittingly became part of history in the early hours of Sunday morning when he started telling twitter about some odd events in Abbotabad, Pakistan

Osama bin Laden’s Death News Broken on Twitter

Keith Urbahn, chief of staff of former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld, broke the news.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Garbonzo Warfare Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

High Gas Prices Hurting Obama

President Obama is suffering in the polls because of high gas prices, but is there really anything he can do about them?

Google’s Android Phones Also Collecting User Location Data

Apple isn’t the only company collecting data off their smartphones.

No Matter Where You Go, There Your iPhone Is

Why, yes, my iPhone has indeed been tracking me since last summer.

Pesticide Exposure Leads to Lower IQs in Children

A survey of three studies demonstrates consistently that exposure to certain pesticides used in farming diminishes mental development.

CIA Declassifies WWI Secrets

The CIA has declassified the last six documents from the World War One era.

Evolution of Web Design, 1991-2011

Hard as it is to believe, it’s been two decades since Tim Berners-Lee published the first website. They look a wee bit different these days.

Sitting is Killing You

Donald Rumsfeld famously worked standing up. He was on to something.

Mankind Losing Speed

While the pace of modern life is in many ways faster than ever, the golden age of speed was decades ago.

Zsa Zsa Gabor Trying to Have Kid at 94

Zsa Zsa Gabor’s 67-year-old husband says he and the 94-year-old actress are seeking to have a child through a surrogate.

Japan Nuclear Crisis Reaches Chernobyl Level

The Japan nuclear meltdown has now topped the scale used to measure such things, reaching the same level as the Chernobyl disaster. It’s a stupid scale.

The Obama Administration Wants To Read Your Email (Without A Warrant)

The Obama Administration is resisting efforts to expand Fourth Amendment protections to services like Gmail. That’s unfortunate.

Internet Addiction: Is There Such a Thing?

“Internet addiction” is a made-up malady.

YouTube as TV Alternative

Video entertainment is moving in two seemingly opposite directions simultaneously.

The Fukushima Reactor Suffered a Partial Meltdown

The Japanese government has announced that the Fukushima Reactor suffered a partial meltdown.

Fukushima Proves Nuclear Power Awesome

Nuclear power remains far safer than coal. The awful events in Fukushima must not spook governments outlawing atomic energy.

Obama In South America: Nitpicking, Bad Optics, Or A Really Bad Idea?

Obama is visiting Brazil and Chile while American fighting men join the coalition against Libya.

Death of the Telephone

Experts say the phone call is a relic of the past.

When You Say ‘Photocopying Machine’ What Do You Mean?

Lawyers in US court case spent ten pages of transcript arguing what a photocopier is. “Do you have machines where I can put in a paper document, push a button or two, and out will come copies of that paper document, also on paper?”

The “Is Economics a Science” Debate, from a Darwinian Perspective

Evolution is falsifiable and biology is a science. Economics might be.

Biggest Full Moon in 18 Years Saturday

Earth’s moon will seem bigger Saturday night than it has since 1993. It’ll still be the same size as usual, however.

The Political Consequences Of Japan’s Triple Disasters

Will one of the worst natural disasters to hit Japan in centuries change the relationship between the Japanese government and the people?

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Doo Wa Diddy Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Child Car Seat Safety: Less Than You Think

Add this to the list of things for parents to worry about: Car safety seats for children over 65 pounds are not adequately tested.

Poker Bots Invade Online Gambling Sites

Automated programs are getting very good at poker and are winning large sums on online gambling sites.

Atlantis Found?

Archaeologists may have found the lost city of Atlantis. And, no, not the one in the Bahamas.

Daylight Saving Time History

Overnight, we celebrate the biannual ritual of resetting all our clocks so as to save daylight. Oddly, the amount of daylight continues to heed its own rhythms.