American Soldier Kills At Least 15 Afghan Civilians

A tragic incident in Afghanistan that’s likely to have tragic consequences.

February Jobs Report: Slow But Steady Employment Growth

Another good monthly jobs report

Joseph Kony, #stopkony, and Ignoring Africa

Today, the #stopkony hashtag is trending on Twitter. Here’s why.

Republicans v. Obama On Iran: Fewer Differences Than You’d Think

The differences between the parties when it comes to Iran are far less substantial than the candidate’s rhetoric would suggest.

John McCain Advocates Unprovoked War Against Syria

Arizona’s senior Senator want’s to bomb Syria.

Hugo Tweets

Chevy Volt Production Suspended

GM’s big gamble on the future, the Chevy Volt, isn’t yet paying off.

Barack Obama, Sports Fan In Chief

President Obama talks sports with Bill SImmons.

Afghan Protests Prove, It’s Time For Us To Leave

The latest round of protests in Afghanistan prove yet again that it’s time for us to leave.

Tucker Carlson: Morally Bankrupt and Intellectually Void

This is one of the most draw-droppingly stupid 29 seconds I have experienced in some time.

Afghan Riots And the Folly of the Afghan Mission

A pattern that never ends: Perceived insults lead to mayhem and murder.

French Government Phasing Out “Mademoiselle”

France is moving into the 1970s, phasing out titles which distinguish between married and unmarried women.

NATO Secretary-General: No Intervention In Syria

Yet another sign that international intervention in Syria is most likely never going to happen.

China Is Not A Model For America, Or The World

China’s government may be more “efficient,” but it’s hardly a model for the rest of the world.

Get Serious

Is the United States a serious country? Should we be?

Old European Resentments and Prejudices Resurfacing

Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti admits that the fight over the eurozone crisis is opening some old wounds.

On Using the US Constitution as a Model

Yes, the US Constitution has been the most successful such document in human history. That does not mean it is a good template for other countries.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg To Egypt: Don’t Use Our Constitution As A Guide

Ruth Bader Ginsburg had some advice on Constitution drafting for Egyptians

Come on, America, Do Some of that Intervention Shit

Andrew Exum notes that most analysts who call for military intervention fail to specify the particulars.

The Drumbeat to War With Iran: Take a Stand

We need to have opinions on a subject as serious as war with Iran.

Losing Afghanistan A Year Sooner Beats Alternative

Everything the critics say about the decision is right–and so is the decision.

Mitt Romney’s Bizarre View Of The U.S-Israeli Relationship

Mitt Romney’s view of the ideal relationship between the United States and Israel is, at the very least. quite odd, and, potentially, dangerous.

New Twitter Policy Leads To Misguided Cries Of Censorship

Censorship or sound business practice?