Rudy Giuliani Thinking About A 2012 Run? Why?

Rumors are floating that Rudy Giuliani is thinking about running for President again. All of America asks, Why?

2011: Can’t We All Just Get Along?

President Obama and Chief Justice Roberts are calling for bipartisanship in the New Year.

Conservative Congressman Calls Obama Recess Appointments An “Outrage”

The reaction to President Obama’s recent recess appointments provide us with yet another example of bipartisan hypocrisy.

Most Admired Man and Woman 2010

President Obama and Hillary Clinton top Gallup’s lists of Most Admired Americans.

Jon Stewart As Edward R. Murrow?

Is Jon Stewart the next Edward R. Murrow? No.

Lame Duck Democrats Get Healed?

If Democrats had been this effective the previous two years, would they have lost as badly in November?

Giuliani in 2012?

Might Rudy do better in 2012 than he did in 2008?

Random Bag Searches Coming To D.C. Metro System

Washington D.C.’s 34 year-old Metro system is about to become the latest stage for Security Theater.

Stockholm Terrorist Attack

Is the West’s string of luck about to end?

Why Were Republicans Silent During The Bush Years?

Republicans were largely silent during the Bush Administration as spending went out of control. Will they do that again?

Republicans Block 9/11 Health Bill

Republicans have blocked a bill that would have helped rescue workers who became sick helping others at Ground Zero.

Gary Johnson: Yea, I Inhaled. Two Years Ago, Actually.

What will Republicans think of a candidate for President who admitted to smoking marijuana as recently as two years ago?

America’s OTHER Largest Army in the World

The hunters in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and West Virginia alone would comprise the largest army in the world.

Cognitive Bias and the Pundit Class

Those of us who think we’re overreacting to terrorism should remember that we’re in a tiny minority.

Feds Tracking Your Credit Card Use Without Search Warrants

A document uncovered in a Freedom of Information Act request demonstrates the extent to which Federal law enforcement works outside the requirements of the Constitution.

Palin: Obama Administration’s Incompetence in the WikiLeaks Fiasco

Sarah Palin has taken to her Facebook page to raise “Serious Questions about the Obama Administration’s Incompetence in the WikiLeaks Fiasco.” They’re more interesting than I’d expected.

Wikileaks Media Ethics Wikileaks Media Ethics

Classified Information and Journalistic Ethics

The two English language newspapers who have been Julian Assange’s accomplices in disseminating stolen secrets defend themselves.

Americans Mad As Hell, Still Going to Take It

After days of hype, National Opt-Out Day fizzled. It’s a classic collective action problem.

Body Scanners on Trains, Boats, and Subways?

Looking to avoid airport body scanners? You might not be able to do it on any form of public transit if Janet Napolitano gets her way.

Public Accepts Body Scanners, Divided On Pat-Down Searches

Despite the recent media outrage over TSA search procedures, public attitudes on the subject remain largely supportive.

Ron Paul: Prosecute TSA Agents for Groping

Ron Paul has introduced a law (the “American Traveler Dignity Act”) that would punish TSA agents for groping and x-raying Americans.

Few Afghans Know Why The U.S. Is In Their Country

Afghans in two crucial southern provinces are almost completely unaware of the September 11 attacks on the United States and don’t know they precipitated the foreign intervention now in its 10th year, a new report showed on Friday.

From “Don’t Tread On Me” To “Don’t Touch My Junk”

Are the American people finally waking up to the absurdity of TSA security theater? One can only hope they are.

Terrorism Show Trial Ends With Near-Complete Acquittal

The first civilian trial of a Guantanamo detainee ends with the Defendant being acquitted on all but one charge, and shows us why the entire process is little more than a show trial.

Backlash at TSA Security Finally Happening?

It appears that full body scanners, operated by leering yahoos under the cover of government authority, may finally be rousing the sheep who have meekly submitted to the absurd delays and indignities that have been piled on since 9/11 and sundry botched attempts.

Planes Were Apparent Target Of Yemeni Bombs

Thanks to a combination of good intelligence and fast action, it looks like the U.S. and UK avoided a serious attack on airliners last week.

Jonah Goldberg: Why Isn’t Julian Assange Dead?

Jonah Goldberg has written a bad column. In this case, an op-ed in the Chicago Tribune headlined “Why is Assange still alive?”

Medal of Honor: The Hard Way or the Hard Way

To earn a Medal of Honor commit a multi-part act of near comic-book-style heroism and, more often than not, die. Pentagon committees then convene to determine whether your valor merits an award traditionally given for acts so brave that no one would have even thought to complain if the soldier had neglected to do them.

Virginia Man Arrested For Plot Against D.C. Metro Stations

Another undercover sting nets a would-be terrorist.

Muslims Wearing Things

Tumblr called “Pictures of Muslims Wearing Things” shows that there’s no such thing as “Muslim garb.”

Time To End Government Subsidies For Public Broadcasting?

The firing of Juan Williams from NPR has led many conservatives to call for an end to government subsidies. As is often the case, they’re right but for the wrong reasons.

The Profound Importance of Juan Williams

Apparently Juan Williams is really, really, really important.

Obama To Blame For Anti-Muslim Sentiment? No, The Bigots Are

Who’s to blame for the rise in anti-Muslim sentiment in the United States, President Obama or those who have actually been encouraging bias against Muslims?

USS Cole Attack: 10 Years Ago Today

It’s been a decade since al Qaeda attacked the USS Cole, killing 17 American sailors. The perpetrators are still at large.

The Supreme Court Takes Up The Westboro Baptist Church Protestors

The Supreme Court yesterday heard oral argument in a case where being on the right side means supporting some vile people, but that’s what the First Amendment is all about.

Change in American Political Parties

If the Republicans win back Congress in November, it will be largely unearned. But that doesn’t mean that there’s no incentive for change in American politics.