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Are Hamas Death Figures Fake?

Damned if I know.

Who The Hell is Dean Phillips?

It’s quite the week for politicians with generic names nobody has ever heard of.

Anti-Zionism Isn’t Anti-Semitism

Many young, progressive Jews are feeling unwelcome in young, progressive circles.

Some Thoughts on “Cancel Culture”

Thomas gets the ball rolling, and I take off from there.

Anti-Asian Hate in America

A mass shooting in Atlanta draws attention to a problem of which I was only tangentially aware.

New York Times and the Outrage Mob

The newspaper of record radically altered a column and then misrepresented it.

Should We Blame Bernie for His Trolls?

There’s a disturbing pattern of misogyny from his supporters.

Lessons For The U.S. In The British Elections?

What lessons are there for the United States in general, and Democrats in particular, in last weeks British election?

Ocasio-Cortez Settles Lawsuit Over Twitter Blocking, Apologizes

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has apologized for blocking constituents on Twitter as part of a legal settlement.

Boris Johnson Loses Key Parliament Votes, But May Still Win In The End

The so-called “rebel alliance’ in the House of Commons continues to stack up wins against British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, but Johnson could still win in the end.

Federal Agencies Sending Articles from Hate Sites to Employees

A disturbing story that’s almost certainly not what it first appears.

Trump Doubles Down: Jewish American Democrats Disloyal To Israel

President Trump doubled down on his tirade against Jewish American Democrats from yesterday with some even more offensive comments.

Trump: Jewish Americans Who Vote For Democrats Are Either Ignorant Or Disloyal

President Trump just tossed a hand grenade into the firestorm that American politics.

Alliance Between Netanyahu And Trump Making Support For Israel A Partisan Issue

Prime Minister Netanyahu’s actions toward two Democratic Congresswomen,seemingly at the bidding of President Trump, is the latest example of the growing partisan divide over policy toward Israel.

Ocasio-Cortez Sued For Blocking People On Twitter

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is being sued for blocking people on Twitter. She’s likely to lose the lawsuits.

Appeals Court Upholds Ruling That Trump Can’t Block People On Twitter

The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld a District Court ruling that President Trump cannot block Twitter users from accessing his account.

Jared Kushner’s Middle East Peace Plan Likely Dead On Arrival

Jared Kushner’s long-awaited Middle East peace plan is still awaiting release, but it already appears to be dead on arrival.

EU Elections Show Continued Voter Frustrations

The transatlantic rejection of elite consensus that began with Brexit continues.

Author Herman Wouk Dies At 103

Herman Wouk, best known for works such as The Caine Mutiny, The Winds of War, and War and Remembrance, has died at the age of 103.

Terrorist Attack Kills 49 in Christchurch Mosques

Another white supremacist attack raises disturbing questions about our information environment.

Representative Democracy ‘Not a Day at the Beach’

Nancy Pelosi is tired of Democrats voting to please their constituents.

The Republican Game Plan For 2020: Demonization And Demagoguery

Following Donald Trump’s lead, the GOP is making clear that its game plan for 2020 is paint all Democrats as ‘socialists, baby killers, and anti-Semites.’

Time to Reconsider New York Times v Sullivan?

Justice Clarence Thomas argues that a 55-year-old precedent should be overturned.

Republicans Shift Focus To Freshman Democrats

The right has spent a seemingly inordinate amount of time focusing on relatively powerless Members of Congress.

Don’t Be Shocked, But Cory Booker Is Thinking Of Running For President

Cory Booker’s interest in running for President has been an open secret for some time, now he’s being far less coy about it.

Marvel Comics Creator Stan Lee Dies At 95

Rest in Peace and Excelsior, Stan Lee!

The Link Between Anti-Semitic Violence And Far-Right Conspiracy Theories

Anti-Semitic violence has increased markedly over the past two years. So has the spread of far-right “anti-Globalist” conspiracy theories. This is not a coincidence.

As Midterms Near, Trump And The GOP Turn To Fear And Demonization Of Immigrants

As the midterm campaign draws to a close, Donald Trump is returning to the message of xenophobia and fear that dominated his Presidential campaign.

Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooter Charged With Multiple Federal And State Crimes

Charges have been filed against the man responsible for the massacre in Pittsburgh in both Federal and State court.

At Least Eight Dead In Shooting At Pittsburgh Synagogue

At least eight people are dead in a mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue.

Paul Manafort Pleads Guilty, Will Cooperate With Mueller

Another day, another plea agreement in the Mueller investigation. This one could prove to be problematic for the President.

The Great Nixonian Bagel Scandal Of 2018

With the Democratic Primary just days away, Andrew Cuomo’s Democratic challenger in New York is making headlines thanks to a rather odd culinary choice.

Polish Parliament Amends Controversial Holocaust Law

The Polish Government has amended a controversial law that sought to punish people for discussing the role that some Poles played in the Holocaust.

Member Of D.C. City Council Blames Recent Snowstorms On Jewish Bankers

A D.C. lawmaker latches on to an insane conspiracy theory.

Polish Senator Says Holocaust Law Also Applies To Holocaust Survivors

Poland’s new Holocaust legislation just keeps sounding worse and worse.

Polish President Signs Controversial Holocaust Bill Into Law

Poland’s President has signed a controversial bill that purports to criminalize any effort to tie Poland to the Holocaust.

The Myth And Dangers Of “No Daylight” Between The United States And Israel

The Trump Administration has acted in a manner to create the impression that there is “no daylight” between the United States and Israel. This is a myth, and pursuing such a goal poses real dangers for America’s national interests.

Polish Government Sending History Of Polish Collaboration With Nazis Down The Memory Hole

The Polish Government appears ready to approve a law that seeks to whitewash the truth about the role that many Poles played in the Holocaust.

GoDaddy Boots Racist Website ‘Daily Stormer’

It couldn’t happen to a nicer domain. But it’s a slippery slope.

Normalizing Hysteria

Donald Trump is not Adolf Hitler. But that’s not the standard.

Trump, Populism, and Anti-Semitic Dog Whistles

Distinguishing between anti-elite populism and coded anti-Semitism is next to impossible.

Former Israeli Prime Minister And President Shimon Peres Dies At 93

One of the last survivors of Israel’s founding generation has passed away.

Elie Wiesel, Holocaust Survivor, Author, And Human Rights Advocate, Dies At 87

A man who survived great horrors to become a tireless witness for truth and advocate for human rights has passed away.

Post-Brexit, Both Of Great Britain’s Major Parties Are In Crisis Mode

One week after the Brexit vote, both the Conservative and Labour parties find themselves in chaos.

Another Day, Another Bizarre Donald Trump Speech

Donald Trump’s speech yesterday at a meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition was as bizarre as anything else we’ve seen from him.

The New Republican Orthodoxy On Israel

More than ever before, even mild criticism of Israel seems to be verboten among Republicans.

Should We Eliminate “Hate” Crimes?

Does it really matter why Fraizer Glenn Miller murdered three people in Kansas?