Supreme Court Upholds Red Flag Law

A reasonable ruling clarifying a poorly-written prior opinion.

Misleading Headlines of the Day

A non-ruling by the Supreme Court is being touted as something else.

An Observation or Two on SCOTUS

Well, more than two…

SCOTUS and Presidential Immunity

A republic if you can keep it, indeed.

Federalist Society’s Leonard Leo Under Investigation

The DC district attorney’s office is looking into allegations of masssive tax fraud.

Supreme Court Sides with Company Over Teamster Vandals

Dueling headlines give radically different impressions of the same case.

Trans-friendly Supreme Court

The nation’s highest court has gone all woke.

Trump, Hamilton, and the Electoral College

Don’t blame the primary author of The Federalist for our current mess.

Biden Student Loan Forgiveness in Danger

The Supreme Court’s conservative majority is signaling an unfavorable ruling.

Punishment for Acquitted Conduct

The Supreme Court may revisit a controversial criminal justice ruling.

Crisis of Confidence

Why have Americans lost trust in their institutions?

Rehnquist and the ‘Independent State Legislature’ Theory

The late Chief Justice was right; his successors are wrong.

FBI’s Sham Kavanaugh Investigation

Some 4500 tip line reports were simply turned over to the White House and not investigated further.

White House Rudderless, Aimless, and Hopeless?

Some Democrats are less than pleased.

Kavanaugh Stalker Charged with Attempted Murder

A man who claims he was going to kill the Supreme Court Justice is in jail.

Protesting at Officials’ Homes

Is harassing judges, mayors, Senators, and the like in their private lives just free speech?

The Least Dangerous Branch?

The apparently eminent demise of abortion rights has reignited an old debate.

Republican-led States Testing Abortion Limits

Oklahoma’s near-total ban is part of a larger trend.

Cruz Challenges Campaign Finance Law

Is a contribution after an election different from one during an election?

January 6th Yeah But-ism

Yes the riots were a disgrace but the Democrats . . . .

SCOTUS Could Overturn Roe

Oral arguments on the biggest abortion case in decades will be heard today.

President Joe Biden signs two executive orders on healthcare Thursday, Jan. 28, 2021, in the Oval Office of the White House. President Joe Biden signs two executive orders on healthcare Thursday, Jan. 28, 2021, in the Oval Office of the White House.

Biden Illegally Extends Eviction Moratorium

The President is in open defiance of the Supreme Court.

SCOTUS Strikes Down Disclosure Law

Another 6-3 decision along ideological lines.

Kavanaugh’s Bizarre Rationale

Things that make you go Hmmm.

Supreme Court Ends ‘Amateur’ Collegiate Sports

Most NCAA restrictions violate anti-trust law.

Manchin Opposes Tanden for OMB

The Senate’s last conservative Democrat is taking President Biden’s call for unity seriously.

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SCOTUS Lifts California Worship Ban

How should we balance public health and fundamental rights?

IMHO boggle honest truth IMHO boggle honest truth

The Election Proved I Was Right All Along

The Pundit’s Fallacy meets opportunism.

Was I Wrong on Harriet Miers?

Rethinking what qualities we should be looking for in Supreme Court Justices.

Susan Collins’ Meaningless ‘No’ on Barrett

A desperate re-election gambit that has no impact on the outcome.

Amy Coney Barrett Nomination Coming Today

Multiple reports have the Notre Dame graduate replacing Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Is the American Government Legitimate?

A long-winded and esoteric discussion about an elusive idea.

The Consequences of Design

The convergence of design flaws in the constitution and a flawed leader have brought us to brink of an electoral crisis.

Supreme Court Upholds ‘Faithless Elector’ Laws

States can punish Electors who substitute their judgment for those of the voters.

Supreme Court Strikes Down Louisiana Abortion Law

A reprise of an almost identical case with a different group of Justices–and the Chief Justice switching sides.

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Supreme Court Rules LGBT Discrimination Illegal

The 6-3 opinion written by Justice Gorsuch and joined by Chief Justice Roberts defies conventional wisdom.

Cancel Cancel Culture

The state of American debate is not strong.

Biden v. Kavanaugh

And a broader discussion of the ongoing Tara Reade story.

Joe Biden Denies Tara Reade Allegations

The presumptive Democratic nominee says, “They aren’t true. This never happened.”

The Most Important Rule Of Surviving A Political Campaign Is: Don’t Quit!

The final delegate count may well be skewed.

Susan Collins Announces Reelection Bid

After months of silence, Maine Senator Susan Collins has announced that she is running for a fifth term in office.

Fifth Circuit Blocks Mississippi Ban On Abortions After 15 Weeks

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has blocked a Mississippi law that banned nearly all abortions after the 15th week of pregnancy.

Kamala Harris in front of American Flag Kamala Harris in front of American Flag

Kamala Harris’s Failure Had Nothing To Do With Her Race

Kamala Harris didn’t fail because of her race, she failed because she was a bad candidate.

You Bet Republicans Would Break The “Garland Rule” To Fill A SCOTUS Seat

Anyone who doubts that Republicans would fill a Supreme Court vacancy in 2020 is being incredibly naive.

Federal Court Blocks Alabama Abortion Law

A Federal District court Judge in Alabama has blocked implementation of that state’s latest attempt to challenge Roe v. Wade

Bob Woodward Heckled for Doing His Job

The norms of social discourse are rapidly changing in the #MeToo era.

Top Democrats Throw Cold Water On Idea Of Impeaching Kavanaugh

While some Democrats are calling for the impeachment of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats on Capitol Hill aren’t nearly as eager to go down that road.

Democratic Contenders Call for Kavanaugh Impeachment

Julian Castro, Kamala Harris, and Elizabeth Warren are pandering to the base.

One Year Later, There’s New Evidence Against Brett Kavanaugh

A new look at the allegations against Justice Brett Kavanaugh uncovers some new evidence.

Conservatism without Originalism

A defense of a modest philosophy of judicial interpretation.